Famm_sl said:
"I don't know, what do you feel like eating" is death to say to a woman. Any of you who have been in long term relationships and said this can probably remember multiple times when such simple shit turned into a giant fight and you chalked it up to female unreasonableness. She might still complain in that situation or be grumpy when you choose something and stick with it, but you're better off just being decisive and wrong than indecisive. You can always spin it and blow it off as a wash. And if she's still a turbo bitch she's worthless, long term relationship or not.
I'd have to say that's one of my favorite things about my special lady friend. When that conversation happens, she actually makes decisions! What a novel concept! Sometimes I might have to throw up some options for her to choose from, but most times she'll actually decide on her own where to go (I generally don't give a fuck). It's fucking liberating to have someone tell me where I am going to buy them dinner. Which I admit is odd.
The weekend trip to the out of town wedding went swimmingly. The "L" word came out and all is well. Disgustingly so, in fact.
Hoss_sl said:
Never loan money to a friend (or lovers or family). It's way too likely that you'll wind up losing both the friend and the money. If you offer help, just give her the money. Tell her it counts as her birthday/anniversary/christmas gift for the next 5 years if it makes her feel better. If you're not willing to just give the money, then you can't afford to loan it to her.
Oh and if you ignore my advice and do a promissory note, get some help with it. Find out how much interest you're allowed to charge in your state so it's not usery, or loan sharking. If you actually expect to be paid back, I recommend charging some interest because otherwise your loan will always be that persons last priority.
Yeah, the money issue came up over the weekend as well. She had flown to the wedding a day earlier than me, while I had booked the hotel, flights and car rental on Visa points. With flights the points book them directly, however with the hotel and car the points basically just reimburse us for the cash on the next month's statement and we pay the hotel or rental service directly. So I'd sent her a transfer for the money needed a month earlier, and she could put them on her card. Of course it didn't really occur to me that the hotel and car for 4 days were damn near her credit limit on her card (expensive resort town and I needed a SUV to haul my bike around in). So she had moved some money around and thought everything was all tickety-boo, but then my bud who introduced us and who she rents a condo off of cashed a rent check early or something, it bounced, and he let her know (he wasn't pissed or anything, he knows about her money situation). So I got back from mountain biking on Saturday and that all came flying out. Only the second or third time I've seen her cry.
Long story short, I said that I could help her out if she wanted me to, she said that I already do (I'd paid for the whole weekend even though it was her friend's wedding, and I've picked up the tab for most of the camping/hiking stuff we need for the West Coast Trail next week, etc etc.) and she didn't want me to help out any more, she is embarrassed that she's in this situation at 25, etc etc. So I just tried to make her feel better and left it at that for the time being. However when we checked out of the hotel I put it on my card and told her we'd figure things out later, so at this point she's up by about a grand.
As far as a promissory note, interest and all that bullshit goes if anything that's for her sake more than mine. Or at least that was my thinking. I figured she might feel better about it if she felt like it was a loan that she would eventually repay, as opposed to me just handing her a fistful of pity charity or whatever. So the issue remains outstanding at this point. Once we get back from the West Coast Trail in a few weeks she'll have to figure out what she is going to do about a car, as hopefully by then her insurance company will have paid her out. Fucking thing still hasn't turned up anywhere, almost two months later, which is shocking. Who chops up a 2005 Cavalier?