The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The jealousy and bitterness spiel is the usual from people who hear RP thinking for the first time. Take a look at the reddit, as it's full of the same commentary. Yes, when you're first exposed to it, you will feel those feelings, and again like I said, any humanwouldfeel bitter once the idealistic notions of romance, not just sex, are wrought bare, for all to see. Once that religious idealism is expunged from how you mentally conceive of and process relationships,only thencan you speak of truth, can you talk of how things really are.

Look at your 2nd paragraph, Cad, for example - you did the very thing I warned against in a previous post: you're using the word 'love' to describe a relationship as if 'love' is something intrinsic to reality itself. 'If she loves you [...]' gets us nowhere as it describes nothing. Did the wife of a couple years 'love' the spreadsheet guy? Do the wives of all the men who get frivorced love their husbands? Sure. Probably.But they're not attracted to them anymore.

We can sit here all day in fluffstuff fantasies of idealism, of love and unicorns. Sure, I would love to find a non-carousel HB9 who 'loved me for who I am', is super-logical, and didn't shit-test to infinity. Every single woman who is at that level of physical attractiveness will behave in theoppositemanner, will be susceptible to flights of emotion, will shit-test, will want attention from other men at some point. That's thenature of the thing, of women. If yours isn't, then she's either not attractive enough or is, in fact, a special unicorn.

I'm using specific, descriptive language to describe in some scientific capacity the psycho-social components of relationships. All you guys have done is say, 'No! If she loves u ur the best!!!'

You didn't actually address any of my points. It also sounds like you've never been with a woman who loved you.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I addressed both: 'love' and jealousy. And I mentioned previously I have, longest was two years.
No, actually you didn't. You said "love doesn't exist" and I'm not sure what you said about jealousy, you advised me to go read reddit. I said YOU sound jealous that a woman has had sex with men previously, and you revile them for it. You don't seem to save yourself at all though. The double standard is interesting. You seem to think a woman is "used up" if she has been on the "cock carousel", but you think it's a-ok for you to "keep multiple plates spinning". Hypocrisy at its basic core.

The length of the relationship means nothing (2 years is nothing, btw) its how you felt about each other during the relationship that matters. Yes, people actually do have romantic feelings and feelings of love - these are not inventions to cover our basic mating instincts. For what its worth: each person is an individual, painting with this very broad redpill brush won't work.

Also I wonder if it will sink in to you at all, probably not, but: when you value women for their looks only (you keep saying this ridiculous "HB9" term), you should expect them to treat you like an ATM machine. If you then complain about being treated like an ATM machine, who is the idiot?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I will tell a story. There was this half korean chick I met from tinder a while back. Met twice, banged, then 3 days later she tells me she's exclusive with another dude. I posted that story either here or the married thread, I forget. Anyway she contacts me recently, says it didn't work out with that guy, and wants to hang out again. I tell her maybe and let her wonder for a few days, then hit her up again and we hang out. She's throwing compliments at me left and right, eventually we bang, and the compliments keep coming. She leaves, then doesn't respond to a single text for the past 3 days.

I'm legitimately confused. I'm all for being used for sex, but I'd like to know that's the arrangement, na'mean? Think she has a bf? I suck in the sack? (But she came). She's a terrorist? Secretly a post op dude? She took the redpill and is alphaing the fuck out of me? It's all my imagination and none of it happened?
If she thought you were a horrible lay, she wouldn't have gone for bang #2. I think it's a combination of another dude, shit testing you, and seeing if you'll compete for her affection (although, that mostly encompasses her particular shit test).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Once that religious idealism is expunged from how you mentally conceive of and process relationships,only thencan you speak of truth, can you talk of how things really are.
This stuff is a lot like the conspiracy theory types. There is no love, wake up sheeple!


Vyemm Raider
Also I wonder if it will sink in to you at all, probably not, but: when you value women for their looks only (you keep saying this ridiculous "HB9" term), you should expect them to treat you like an ATM machine. If you then complain about being treated like an ATM machine, who is the idiot?
Men who don't value their wives solely for their looks get divorced just like everyone else. These hoes ain't loyal.


The Master

Bronze Squire
The whole red pill stuff has some decent stuff when it comes to understand human sexual behaviors. Most of it was covered in The Red Queen and Sperm Wars, but since people don't read books, it only became mainstream when it hits blogs on the web. The problem is their entire movement is polluted by neckbeards who have been sexless throughout their entire 20s and are just now discovering what makes women tick. The focus on sex being the end goal and their resentment for the "bad things" women did in the previous decade really gives away how much baggage they have.

Ofc to have sex with someone you have a bound with is a lot more satisfying than fucking some skank you forgot the name the next day. Considering how Dumar brought that up, I figured it was strictly a matter of performance in the sack so to speak. The guy is impervious to concepts such as "caring for someone" or god forbid "love of your life", so there's no point to bring up what that may add to the sexual experience when discussing it with him.
And those books were summaries of the previous ~50 years of work on clinical sexology. Not even up to date summaries at the time, so there is an additional 20-30 years of work that has happened since then that TRP doesn't acknowledge at at all.

Also Dabamf, stop posting such interesting shit. I'm losing sleep reading this research and it isn't even a field I want to go into anymore.


Molten Core Raider
Homely | Define Homely at

homely Translate Button
adjective, homelier, homeliest.
lacking in physical attractiveness; not beautiful; unattractive:
a homely child.
not having elegance, refinement, or cultivation.
Well shit. That word I keep using... I think it doesn't mean what I think it means.

Or something.

She's not ugly. I meant to describe that she likes to have the house clean and in good shape, wants everything tidied up, and stuff. I blame the language barrier.

What about sexually? That's always supposed to be the stereotypical tradeoff. Not that you want some freaky whore, but at least someone who's down to pound with you.
Let's say I'm not disappointed.

Did you really mean homely, which is a nice way of saying ugly? Or did you mean she has good domestic skills?
see above... yeah I should have looked up what it means.

This. My gf does the same and i just dont get it. Everything is left open.
Besides that, my guess would be that with homely he means that his wife is done with partying all weekend long and enjoys staying home with him / the kid.
Exactly that. There must be a word for this, right?

(She does like to go out but it's not "party till the sun comes up, two days per weekend" but rather "have a nice evening out and be home before midnight, the kid will wake us up at 5:30 anyway" style.)


Molten Core Raider
Guarantee she rode the cock carousel in her 20's and lied to you about her past. Unicorns, even homely Unicorns, don't exist.
Maybe. I've asked her about it casually a few times to be honest. Everything points to her telling the truth. She really is that kind of romantic girl who just sat there waiting for someone to pick up the wallflower...

There are some signs too, like her saying that she's not really experienced because she didn't have sex for a long time. Asked how long (this was a short time after we first met, maybe a few days later) and she came up with "over 13 years".

I'm on very good terms with her friends and family and everyone so far is telling the same story. Though nobody might know what she did at 3AM after a night out.

It's not really important either. I had my fair number of rides on the pussywagon, wouldn't expect her to stay a virgin forever.

Still, point being, she's not fucked in the head, cares about family and house, is no gold digger (not that I have any, heh).


Blackwing Lair Raider
In-case anyone missed the thread, anymore redpill talk should go to the redpill thread, else bad things will happen.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Exactly that. There must be a word for this, right?

(She does like to go out but it's not "party till the sun comes up, two days per weekend" but rather "have a nice evening out and be home before midnight, the kid will wake us up at 5:30 anyway" style.)

1.a person who prefers pleasures and activities that center around the home; stay-at-home.


Vyemm Raider
In-case anyone missed the thread, anymore redpill talk should go to the redpill thread, else bad things will happen.
And confine feminism to the angry lesbian thread. And confine politics to the politics thread. And confine porn to the PGT.

God forbid anyone's Jimmy's get rustled unintentionally.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And confine feminism to the angry lesbian thread. And confine politics to the politics thread. And confine porn to the PGT.

God forbid anyone's Jimmy's get rustled unintentionally.
Sounds like a good plan, you'd probably want to suggest it in the amod thread though.


<Gold Donor>
Is it ban-worthy if I ask what the fuck an HB9 is, and why I would want one? I realize I'm a little behind on this thread, but that Redpill shit was grinding me down and making me not want to read. Finally caught up, and now I'm confused if I should be looking for this mythical HB9, whatever that is.

The Ancient_sl

I think it's something as stupid as Hot Bitch 9. As in a 9/10. Because saying go only for 10s is now just plain unreasonable or something.

Who knows with these people.