Dodging a Bullet
I was wrong the MILF did find a way to get my real information. Since that time, she's try to extort money from me, called my wife at work to expose me and called us at home to give more details. It has been a bit unsettling and frustrating. She threw in a few lies and overall sounded like a complete nut. So it wasn't hard to sway the benefit of the doubt. The good news is that based on advice from a trusted SB, I was told to tell my wife some story in advance that would take the steam out of the crazy SB. Well it worked. To make a long story short, we've dealt with it, changed numbers and moved on. Wife completely believes my story and the crazy MILF SB (41 years old) has been thwarted for the moment.
Meanwhile part of my clearing up some of my tracks was to cancel all 3 SD accounts that I had and change the number on my BatPhone.
Good news is that since I already had started with the new one I met,"the one who didn't want me to pay for gas", I'll call her MsSuccessful. This situation made it easier to drop many of the others as I'm "laying low". I had about 3 to 4 others lined up as potential TiggaBabies. As careful as I am, I'm guessing one of the times I went in to CVS, she went through my armrest. We were together for 4 to 5 days straight. She was a pleasure to be around and we really clicked well. I'd never guess she's stoop to this. Especially since she was treated so well.
So, much to my dismay, I have MsOxyMoron on pause for a few as I'm laying low. If she had her own place, she would have made the final cut, but I'm down to just 2 (MsYoungStunning and MsSuccessful). Funny thing is, they live 2 hours from me, but 15 mins apart, LOL.
I've seen MsSuccessful 2 more times since our first date. It's been pretty hot. She came up here and we hung out for 4 hours, long drive nice restaurant and some kissing. Then I drove down there and hung out for 5 hours. She invited me to her office and we went to lunch and by the end of the time, we were hot-and-heavy all over her office. We did not actually do the tiggabounce, but the fun was a great hint of what's coming soon. We have 2 more dates setup for next week. She's definitely in the #1 spot.
I have a date with MsYoungStunning on Monday. It's a food / movie / hotel date. So I'll be working her over on Monday and probably drop $ in her purse and she'll be extremely happy.