Buzzfeed Editor
You should be making an attempt to kiss them within 1-3 dates, at worst. Fucking should occur within 5-10. Not that it will necessarilyalwaysresult in success, but the attempts should always be made within those time-frames. Like McCheese said, even if she rejects you, you at least know where you stand and can move on without wasting more time.Secondly, "making a move" doesn't have to be anything major, but it should be something that shows that you're interested in a romantic way. In my case, Ialwaysgo for a kiss at the end of a first date, whether or not I'm 100% confident she's wanting/expecting it. Even if a girl doesn't want you to kiss her, she's going to respect your confidence for trying it. Worse case scenario you get flat-out rejected (which seems really rare in my experience). At least then you know that she's not interested and you can move on rather than posting on a message board about how you can tell if you're in the friend zone or not.
This is the #1 attractor of females. Confidence will get you really, really far. It's the reason why "good looking" men are so successful. It isn't necessarily their looks themselves, it's the fact that their looks make them confident. Thing is, you can be confident even without looking like Brad Pitt.*EDIT* I just saw the post above mine. I can save you a lot of time and money and tell you flat out that the secret to avoiding the friend zone is confidence, and that's pretty much what all that pick up artist stuff boils down to. If you want to be romantically involved with a girl you need to be confident enough to go for it and not worry about looking stupid or fearing rejection.