Wow impressive! Is that clr/mnk/ber?Some CHONKY boi crits I landed tonight. Sooooo close to 100k on this one.
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I actually forgot to pop Cleaving Rage when I landed this little zinger..
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Wow impressive! Is that clr/mnk/ber?Some CHONKY boi crits I landed tonight. Sooooo close to 100k on this one.
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I actually forgot to pop Cleaving Rage when I landed this little zinger..
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caps at 750, people are hitting it now, we'll be entering into the white damage phase soon.I really don’t like how they’ve doubled down on spell power and heal power so that every class needs it. I guess white damage is scary to them so it has to all be like you said, low level spell spam with lots of spell and heal power upgrades
Yup. Swapped off of PAL this last weekend. CLR is tankier AND offers more sustain than PAL currently.Wow impressive! Is that clr/mnk/ber?
i'm usually on either my ranger Sylas or my new alt is Malak if you still need an invite, or you can do a /who old men all and ask anyone in guildApologize, one of two things, wife needed me or testing some different UI configs - I'll be on later this evening, or I can give you a /tell in game - what's your current char name ?
I’m looking to do the same thing. No reason to stick with pal over cleric especially without slay undead being needed for as farming anymore.Yup. Swapped off of PAL this last weekend. CLR is tankier AND offers more sustain than PAL currently.
Downed the Sleeper last night and it was a total shit show. I am going to post some things that I'm sure are obvious to most, but I didn't know them, so I'll post in case it helps anyone else.
Rog/Sham/SK, SK epic and Mystroker's dagger
The fight went pretty smooth until the last section, where I can tell I am weak on DPS. I used Deadeye / Rabid Bear / Duelist on the last 15%, but it only got Kerafym down to around 8% when the aids dragons spawned to assist him. I thought I was fucked, but I popped harm touch / leech touch, got him down to 4%, then just chain tapped and somehow got him down and looted before the aids friends killed me. I learned before the fight that you can double Malo with shaman - the AA and the spell, which was useful landing poison Dots the first round. Somehow he resisted almost everything 2nd round. I fucked up by slapping the dots down too early - around 30%. My thinking was they would last long enough to help burn him down on the final 25%, but it just wasn't the case. They ate through him, but then he was at like 17% and my melee dps just didn't do the job. It worked out, but really fucking marginally.
9700 HP
2400 AC
1940 attack / 2240 Bear mode
368 dmg
300 Heal
I am pretty casual despite playing a lot during Christmas, so I thought the fight was perfect for someone like me and a real challenge. Whoever posted the dots strat - I still don't know what to think. The resists were so random where I think I went like 0/4 on Bane after landing ancient scourge and at that point its like, fuck it, the melee procs will have to work. Like I said, I am still learning more everyday and appreciate others pointing out ideas.
Yea they stack. Anyone can use the Elder Spiritist vambraces from inventory for another magic DoT, but its a long cast unless you get at least enchanted.hrm AA and spell Malo stack? wonder about Scent of Terris, AA and spell as well? then insidious decay....hrm
this is for my new SK/NEC/SHM, thought about druid for epic but so far between shm and necro only the curse line is a magic dot the rest are poison or disease
From seeing it mentioned on their discord before, dot crits get your full spell damage applied for that crit tick.ok does anyone have any idea how DoT crits work? I'm starting to get some AAs and focus effect gear so far i've got:
Critical Affliction 6/6 = 30% chance each tick can crit
Destructive Fury 6/6 = 60% increase in spell crit dmg
Spell Casting Fury 3/3 = 7% chance to spell crit
Improved Damage 3 = 20% increase in spell dmg
Burning Affliction 3 = 20% increase in dot dmg
it seems that it is some sort of bug, but lets say a dot tick does 100 damage normally, it does 140 dmg now with those focus effects, and if it crits it should do 140x1.6 = 224 damage for that tick. but it's actually doing 1100 dmg.
Actually numbers, clinging darkness 161 per tick, crit tick does 1007
diseae cloud 154 normal tick, crit tick 985
Curse of Spirits (hard to judge, it scales up every tick but normal tick 164 next tick crits for 1132
yeah I saw that too, I just did not know DoTs get an inherent 3.2 critical multiplier, and when you factor in everything it ends up being like 6.4 multiplier, its insaneFrom seeing it mentioned on their discord before, dot crits get your full spell damage applied for that crit tick.
Have you capped anatomy? At least in terms of AAing that should help speed up things when you are assassinating the sarneks.I'm still not sold on war/clr/rog - currently at level 50 with 160ish AA and trying to solo AA in chardok is painful.
I feel like the warrior doesn't really bring anything to the table at level 50, perhaps this changes at higher levels? I like the damage from the rogue, heals and buffs from the clr but the war portion feels stale..
The flip side, not sure what I should swap it out for - maybe bst for the pet and bloodlust or an aoe class.