You get to grow tropical shit. That's so cool.
Hibiscus is about as tropical of a thing as I can grow. It's like, almost deciduous. It can handle colder darker rooms for a bit.
So is that a harvest ready plant? Can you eat it now or do you need to grow it more first?
Wait what is wrong with your lawn? Uniformity is cancer, use 4 or 5 different grass seeds and mix them. Just my opinion.Front yard planter's box. These are lillies that should have huge dark purple flowers.
There are tall deciduous grass spikes around the base of the pole that should come back this year but so far nothing is showing.
There are purple and yellow osteospermum along the flat edges of the box. They died back in winter. But since osteospermum has about a million different cultivars, you never know if the one you have is annual or perennial. I'm still waiting to see if they come back but my gut tells me they are probably finished.
Please ignore the frankenlawn. That's what happens when you're a complete idiot and overseed a zoysia lawn with fescue seed. I did that last spring and am paying for it now. The lawn looks ridiculous. I'm going to overseed with zoysia seed in a few weeks and at least begin to fight back against my mistake. I suspect it'll take a few years to correct it.
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Wait what is wrong with your lawn? Uniformity is cancer, use 4 or 5 different grass seeds and mix them. Just my opinion.
Maybe its just me but i cant stand it when i see a lawn where every blade of grass is uniform. Fuck that noise, might as well go out and buy some plastic astroturf. The beauty is in the imperfection.Really???
I grew up in a place where grass seeds were not a thing at all, grass was something that grew naturally, and couple of times a year we would cut it to make hay for my godfather who had some cows.I would have to agree withSentagur on this one. The first house I lived in had an amazing yard, there were a few different kinds of grasses all with their own growth habits and textures. There was nothing better than waking up to walk outside barefoot and admiring the patches of wild chives, puffy grasses and crocuses, then I would usually pick the black raspberry bushes clean. In my opinion having land with variety determines whether you have a lawn or a yard.
Also planted a single Elephant Ear tuber in a pot. It was the size of a softball. The entire internet cannot seem to agree on how to tell which side of the bulb is up and which it down. So I did the one thing they all agreed on, I planted it sideways. The bulb was so big I am hoping for some big leaves: (another google stock photo)
HeyAngryGerbil how is that elephant ear bulb doing?
So far nothing. Same with the caladiums. I might have done it too early. Spring came too early this year.