Ehh... I will admit I am western and eastern story telling sometimes annoys me - although I have seen my fair share of anime's etc. I get how things are done - a lot of the story is observed... on the "basic" ending Zelda asks "But do you really know me?" it fades credits roll ... you get the castle scene with the king and 4 heroes spirits finally being free - Link and Zelda together walk off to face the tasks at hand... done... the rest is up to you.
The "good" ending its the same - they had a YUGE chance here to break the silly "link does not talk" rule - that they even poked fun at in some scenes - and clearly show that Link DOES talk - read Zelda diary- they could have put in one phrase at the end scene there that would have been awesome to have link simply say "I do remember"
The extended scene showing them off adventuring or whatever again - Zelda took back the slate - and back into her old self (that lead to the complete failure in the first place) - the mention of she cannot hear the sword is stupid, it only spoke to her at the very end to save link, then sat in the forest healing - its a unneeded hold over from skyward sword, its not like she sat there having conversations with the sword over the 100 years while she was suppressing ganon. Then they just wonder off, Zelda still obsessed with ancient tech.
So I do not know, maybe because of the odd order I got the memories in - and filled in the rest on my own I created a "better" or "more to my liking" story - and what it was, was not up to my expectations.
But well Zelda always has had a fairly fly by night whatevers