I wish I could go through life with low standards, I think I would be a much happier person.Billions was earth shattering amazing. At least amazing, come on, heaps and bound better than Gotham and True Blood.
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I wish I could go through life with low standards, I think I would be a much happier person.Billions was earth shattering amazing. At least amazing, come on, heaps and bound better than Gotham and True Blood.
I'm a pretty happy person (usually)I wish I could go through life with low standards, I think I would be a much happier person.
I'm a pretty happy person (usually)
I'm really looking forward to this coming back
Billions was pretty good.
Finished it today, hate when they end with all the build up peaked but that is Syfi almost every time. That whole thing with Juila is really fucked up.Did they say what raped her? I assume she is pregnant and that is why she can hold the dagger, but god damn is she retarded
I can't put my finger on it but something about Stella Maeve (Julia on the show) is fucking hot.
Wait... they moved all the shows to Wednesday? I thought they were all on Friday last year? The again I watch everything OnDemand / DVR so I don't suppose it really matters.
Ya the site I use doesn't show airtimes just the initial episodes. During this episode it should tell people when to set from then on.Almost. The very first episode ever was on Wednesday, December 16th, 2015. Every additional episode was on Mondays, starting with January 25th.