The New England Patriots 2014 Playoffs Thread


I think if they had called those two huge plays correctly it would be Detroit moving on. Tell us again how the Cowboys awesome is what made them win.
Yes two "blown" calls caused the Cowboys to get 17 unanswered points.... FFS the NFL is a physical game with all kinds of contact, and once you start going back and looking at tape in slow mo, you could call a penalty on every play if you really wanted too. People who are saying the refs or the NFL are biased and were actively trying to get the Cowboys to win is asinine. The game moves incredibly fast and the refs human which means there will be mistakes from time to time. (DealWithIt.gif)


Golden Squire
NFL Refs missed blatant hold on Suh - ESPN

I think if they had called those two huge plays correctly it would be Detroit moving on. Tell us again how the Cowboys awesome is what made them win.
Welp, I guess that settles it. They need to play the game over. That's the only right way to solve the issue. Call up the Packers, they're getting another week off.

Psst: In the first half on two Dallas drives that stalled the RT's helmet get's knocked off, which usually results in illegal hands to the face from the defense. Not called either time and Dallas had to punt both times. Calls were missed. It happens. I seem to recall a playoff game a while back, I think it was Cardinals versus Packers where... I think it was Rodgers nearly got his head ripped off in a sack/fumble because of a facemask but that was never called and they lost the game since it was overtime and that put the other team in field goal range.

We should move on from this.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I am just going to throw this out there for thought:

Whether you feel (as I do) that the refs are slightly in the tank for Dallas or not is not relevant. Detroit has a team with a dirty reputation and a player who should have been watching the game on his couch for trampling someone. The reputation is long earned and well deserved. When you act that way on the field and have that kind of rep, the refs are NEVER going to give you the benefit of the doubt, especially with the attitude they have about it whenever Suh does something assinine. In fact, they are going to be watching you a lot closer. And they set the tone for this game with some of the early cheap shots on Beasley and the kicker. Perhaps if Detroit was not pull wonky shit all the time they would be cut some breaks from the refs. Of course they could also have avoided all of this by not completely collapsing in the second half, especially against a secondary where they had CJ and Taint running routes all day.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Admit Dallas got help or Lions got screwed then we can happily move on.


Ssraeszha Raider
Or we could just move on without you.

You're really not important enough to hold this thread hostage and everyone's getting tired of this


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Or we could just move on without you.

You're really not important enough to hold this thread hostage and everyone's getting tired of this


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I keep coming back to this thread expecting this conversation to be over, yet here we are. Still...


<Gold Donor>
You'd think people in this thread haven't ever watched a playoff game before. The NFL playoffs are always a huge assault of non-call football. Players intentionally get more physical because they know stuff aint gonna get called as much, its like a fucking unwritten rule of the game.

That said, this penalty don't get called even in the regular season, so not sure why anyone here thinks that should of been some PI.


Golden Squire
What else would people be talking about? There is nothing controversial from the other playoff games.
It makes sense given how close the game was. Every other contest was won by more than 11pts and was basically over before halftime. The performance of the refs absolutely affected the outcome of the game

Watch, the NFL is going to overcorrect in the game in Lambeau. We might see a record number of yellow hankies flying around.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Admit Dallas got help or Lions got screwed then we can happily move on.
It's impossible for them, literally. It's another reason for why they are such a shitty fanbase. It's been a gigantic circular argument and just about any other fanbase would be able to admit that Detroit got fucked. The best you're going to get is, "Yeah, Detroit got fucked, buuuuuuuut...what about all those no-calls, huh?!"


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, like the NFL wouldn't protect itself as much as possible.
Garret talked about this in an interview. He said each team gets to send 10 questionable calls into the league for review every week, and they usually come back about 80% of the time and say the wrong call was made, then they show it to the refs and educate everyone so it doesn't happen again. This was one of the plays the lions sent in, and we've already talked about the official response. Now, maybe the 80% is just his own experience, I have no way of knowing that, but it sounds like they don't just say 'fuck you' and protect their own on these reviews.

For everyone who thinks that call is a non-issue. Replace the cowboys with the patriots, and the jerry-wagon with the kraft-mobile (official getting off it), and 99% of this thread would be up in arms. It was a horseshit excuse for refereeing. End of story.
Well, that would just be cheatercheck up to his old tricks again.

See? Can't do it. Physically incapable, Jerry has remote underpants tazers and a zaps their balls if they go against the Cowherd!
That sounds delightful. If that were true, I'd go against the cowboys a lot more often. Can we get one on my taint too?

If thats Calvin he is open...unless that lb drops into the lane.
If that LB is #54, I believe he did drop into the passing lane at least 3 times in that game. IIRC, 1 int and 2 more that shoulda been if he didn't wear ACME bricks on his hands instead of gloves.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I go back to my comparison with Patriots "fans" and shades of the tuck rule incident. Of course Pats fans are mostly bandwagon assclowns who vanish when the team has a bad game, while Cowboy fans are certainly more loyal (at least the current crop, Aikmen/Smith era was a different story). On the other hand, Pats fans away from football are not from Texas, so there is that.
Of course Pats fans are mostly bandwagon assclowns who vanish when the team has a bad game, while Cowboy fans are certainly more loyal.
based on what? your pea-sized brains perception?

Please post your "life long fan" proof for the world to see, assclown

Honestly though, what basis do you have for that conclusion? i've been to more football games in foxborough than youve probably seen in your 14 years of life.

OR is this just because you're mad that the patriots spanked the Rams shit in, in February 2002?
Seriously though, dont ever again post about any fan base or person being bandwagon unless you have documented proof of your lifetime viewing habits, event attendance and interests.

Do you have these things Phaz? Or are you just ret.?


Trakanon Raider
Whoa whoa whoa. Why did the Rams get dragged into this? Is Phazael the other board Rams fan?

Edit since you ninja posted: I challenge anyone to call me a bandwagon fan. If you're on the Rams bandwagon you're doing it way wrong.