The New England Patriots 2014 Playoffs Thread


Potato Supreme
I would agree completely.... except Garret and Romo chronically forget that they have the best running game in football. If I were a Dallas fan, I would rage every time I see an empty set early in a one score game, but it happens a lot for some reason. GB does the same shit, but not as often or bad. And it is not like Lacy is incapable of matching pace against the Dallas front, if it comes to that. My concern on the GB side is more about Rodgers mobility and plant leg suffering due to stiffness. It is likely why he has not been doing much in the way of practice time. A bad back is mainly going to limit Romo from throwing across his body or as deep, especially if he takes a few early hits. I really think the run game is mostly a wash in this game, at least while it remains close.

I don't think the cold will affect Rodgers throwing, outside of his leg issues, as he has been largely impervious to weather over his career. I am not sure on Romo, buthis past stats are less relevant since this whole season is amassiveoutlier for him.
Tony Romo: Career Stats at

Feel free to point out which stats this year have made it amassiveoutlier for him.

Correcting Romo-haters with facts since 2006.


Mr. Poopybutthole
And it's not actually that bad, mid teens and in the middle of the day, a good 30 degree warmer than the Ice Bowl. People can talk about "advantage" when it comes to playing in the cold weather but that's something fans like to trumpet. The vast majority of players don't like playing in the cold, it doesn't matter what team they play on. Northern based teams are exposed to it more often but they hate it as much as the visiting team.
Yeah. I think we actually talked about this last year. It makes no damn sense. Teams recruit/draft from colleges all over the country. There are plenty of people that played college in Florida, Texas and California who end up in cold weather locations. And there are all kinds of guys that lived in bum fuck Minnesota their entire lives and get drafted by warm weather teams. Do these people suddenly just completely forget about the possibly hundreds of games they played before? Or what about the fact that this is the free agency era, so a guy can end up playing half his career in Green Bay before ending up in Tampa.


Potato Supreme
Yeah. I think we actually talked about this last year. It makes no damn sense. Teams recruit/draft from colleges all over the country. There are plenty of people that played college in Florida, Texas and California who end up in cold weather locations. And there are all kinds of guys that lived in bum fuck Minnesota their entire lives and get drafted by warm weather teams. Do these people suddenly just completely forget about the possibly hundreds of games they played before?
If you listen to the talking-heads at ESPN this week, yes. Yes they do.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
In Lynch's defense, he has not had as good a passing game to balance him out as the Cowboys have, since one guy got tossed to Detroit for boinking Mrs. Ex-Wilson and the other was such an asshole that they traded him to the Jets mid season. If Wilson had more weapons in the passing game, I think Lynch would have done a lot better.


Vyemm Raider
In Lynch's defense, he has not had as good a passing game to balance him out as the Cowboys have, since one guy got tossed to Detroit for boinking Mrs. Ex-Wilson and the other was such an asshole that they traded him to the Jets mid season. If Wilson had more weapons in the passing game, I think Lynch would have done a lot better.
Sigh Percy... created so many problems


Golden Squire
Cowboys have a guy on their team who grew up in Canada (Tyrone Crawford) and even he says it sucks.

Honestly, I think it's going to come down to the running game and defense for both teams. Rodgers calf injury is supposedly a 4-6 week recovery and he reinjured it in the Detroit game. He was a statue when he came back into that game (but still his usual awesome self).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider



Potato Supreme
Primarily the running game he has helping him and his TD to Int ratio. I fixed the last sentence for you, too.
There is no doubt at all this is the best run game Romo has ever seen during his time at Dallas. Murray is really good, and that O-Line is just incredible. I'll freely give you those.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
For the Cowboys sake I hope they beat Green Bay. If not people are going to be treating last weeks game like it was an asterisk and they did not really deserve to move on. Its started on the radio already.


Ssraeszha Raider
Garret and Romo chronically forget that they have the best running game in football. If I were a Dallas fan, I would rage every time I see an empty set early in a one score game, but it happens a lot for some reason
Worse than that, they'll pull a 49ers and throw it for an entire series when they're first in goal from the 5 yard line. That shit drives me insane.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
For the Cowboys sake I hope they beat Green Bay. If not people are going to be treating last weeks game like it was an asterisk and they did not really deserve to move on. Its started on the radio already.
They'll be saying the Cowboys should have an asterisk even if they win the Super Bowl. Big Deal.
You have to be pretty dense to blame a team for bad calls going their way. Especially in the deluge of yellow cloth that flies around in the average professional football game these days. You want to advance in the playoffs? Don't leave it open to officiating fuckery in the first place. Lions blew a 14-0 lead before the call happened, wasn't it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I personally can't wait to explain how the 6th Lombardi there doesn't count because of a single bad call in the wild card round.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I love how the Cowboy fans are already planning their post season dick waving before this weekend. I don't doubt that this will be a close game, but history, matchups, and home field are on the Packer's side here. My gut says Pack by a field goal, but I also think Dallas has the better shot at beating Seattle in their own house, as in GB realistically has no chance, especially when the refs will let Sherman ride Nelson around like a rented pony all day. Plus you need a solid experienced TE to win under those conditions, which Dallas has.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I love how the Cowboy fans are already planning their post season dick waving before this weekend. I don't doubt that this will be a close game, but history, matchups, and home field are on the Packer's side here. My gut says Pack by a field goal, but I also think Dallas has the better shot at beating Seattle in their own house, as in GB realistically has no chance, especially when the refs will let Sherman ride Nelson around like a rented pony all day. Plus you need a solid experienced TE to win under those conditions, which Dallas has.
Who is dick waving here? I was just replying that no matter what happens people will still be crying no matter what the Cowboys do. I fully expect us to lose this weekend to the Packers.