He isn't some altruistic hero. He is a child that grew up in the internet age and has taken Anonymous seriously as heroes.Apparently the new story is that this guy is "leaking" that the US has been hacking foreign computers. NEWS AT 11 FOLKS.
I have a couple friends who work for Booze Allen Hamilton, I am giving them time before messaging them asking what the deal is but the guy sounds like a punk.Worse than that, he is just uninformed. He is a low level contractor who thought he had some shit and is quickly discovering that his "infoz" is not what he thought it was. Google, Facebook, et al are already petitioning the government to release more information about the program, which they say proves that the reports are full of shit. It is probably real lonely in Hong Kong, dude should have quit in protest and continued to fuck his smokin hot ballerina girlfriend.
no it isn't and yes it does, even when just private companies do it, never mind the state. p.s. you don't live in isolation what happens to the corpus happens to you.1) it's inevitable, and 2) it doesn't and won't impact my life in any way ever?
Yes, it is, and no, it doesn't. I know you're a libertarian and are therefore living in a constant state of fear and paranoia over every hypothetical abuse of power your imagination can cook up, but I'm not.no it isn't and yes it does
Good for you. Those of us who actually give a shit about our privacy, will continue to be angry about the governments unfettered spying programs.Yes, it is, and no, it doesn't. I know you're a libertarian and are therefore living in a constant state of fear and paranoia over every hypothetical abuse of power your imagination can cook up, but I'm not.
Justice Dept. Loses a Round in Battle to Keep Surveillance Wrongdoing Secretthe FISA court in 2011 had indeed produced an 86-page opinion concluding a government surveillance program was not constitutionally kosher.
Your privacy is meaningless just like your life so stop whining.Good for you. Those of us who actually give a shit about our privacy, will continue to be angry about the governments unfettered spying programs.
I'm sure house American Inventors all over the south felt the same about slavery. "It's unstoppable, so I may as well suck this white man's cock to live in the cushy big house!" Fuck you, you un-American piece of shit.
Your privacy is meaningless just like your life so stop whining.Good for you. Those of us who actually give a shit about our privacy, will continue to be angry about the governments unfettered spying programs.
I'm sure house American Inventors all over the south felt the same about slavery. "It's unstoppable, so I may as well suck this white man's cock to live in the cushy big house!" Fuck you, you un-American piece of shit.
This goes a step beyond that. I also see the internet as a public space. I'm willing to make that compromise.As I have been saying, the real person who needs to fry for this is whoever approved giving this jackass his clearance. Hope he likes being a ballerina, because when they ship him to Gitmo he is going to be the one working the pole for a change.
Anyhow, as a liberal I am disappointed at how privacy has vanished but it was inevitable, so I can either be angry about something that cannot be undone or I can apply my energy to something where it will have an impact. Welcome to the digital age, rest of the world. As others have pointed out, any real veteran of the internet knows that you do not share anything you do not want public, because there is no real privacy.
Exactly.This is no more inevitable than it is acceptable.