Are you sure the Earth isn't flat. Cause itseemslike it is.Are you sure no PACs ever actually spend money on candidates and/or campaigns? Cause, it seems like they do.
To any substantial degree? Negative sir - best I've seen was around 15% or so to date. 85% administrative or more.Are you sure no PACs ever actually spend money on candidates and/or campaigns? Cause, it seems like they do.
False consciousness.It's only the next logical step to take, they already convinced these fucking retards to vote against their best interest, might as well steal their money next. You and your buddies need a job, just start up a conservative PAC and get retards to pay your salary.
Coming from the guy who 3 days ago told me to kill my kids? Did someone brain wash Araysar?Hey c'mon guys. Lets not fling insults. We all have differing opinions. And thats ok.
Shut the fuck up you Nazi sympathizing piece of trash.Coming from the guy who 3 days ago told me to kill my kids? Did someone brain wash Araysar?
You are racist, when you watch American History X and agree with Norton's characters points, you are fucking racist, not our fault you are to fucking dumb to realize.
I just got one! I've decided to join the republican party. Marx and his religion were wrong all along. False consciousness? More like pansy liberal propaganda.Dumbar needs a new shtick.
ur so terrible, you fucking commie. go fuck yourself. thank to faggots like marx, korea is divided. fuck you.Fucking liberal pussies. Ryan/Cruz '16.