The Official Guitar Thread


Sounds like you're going to get into the vicious cycle a lot of us go through where more and more of your time is spent looking for that perfect tone/perfect guitar rather than playing. I was trading amps every 2 weeks back a few years ago and my playing was really stagnant.
Quite possible but I needed a louder amp anyway and the rest I have always had a specific plan.


Hah, I'm a real musician now. I got my first noise complaint from my downstairs neighbors.

30 watts with 2x10 is pretty beefy for an apartment.


A Mod Real Quick
At my apartment complex if I played acoustically on my electric I'd probably get a noise complaint

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
My brother was a bass player for years.

His amp = Mesa Boggie 300W monster. They made a range of them in the early 90's for bands that play stadiums. He played the local Pub scene, overkill yeah.

He bought it as he had a bad run of poor amps was wasting time and money trying to get something that he liked, got the funds and took the plunge. And he wanted to have the top of the range gear and good punch to his sound.

He says that when you crank it up you can fell your clothes shaking on your body.




Still a Music Elitist
I'd like to play one of those flayed fretboard guitars sometime. I've heard they aren't hard to get used to.

Nice Godin, Duppin. I've never played a bad Godin.


Yeah, I'm really sold on them as a guitar maker I think. It's a $1300 guitar new that I got for $700 in like-new condition because it didn't say Fender or Gibson.

Plays gorgeously (I'm in love with the ebony fretboard), sounds great with 3 P-90s, and has a little inbuilt boost (they call it a HDR Revoicer) that fattens up clean tones nicely.

I'm thinking about trying a neck replacement on my Strat as a first project. How hard are they to do?


Still a Music Elitist
Bolt-ons are pretty easy replacements. Make sure the connection is raw wood to raw wood. Increases stability. I'm sure there are plenty of top notch online guides/videos.


Golden Squire
The fuck is this?

That bridge looks like the biggest hassle to deal with ever.
Not at all. It's a lot like a TOM or any hardtail - individually adjustable saddles.

I actually already sold it, heh. The builder dicked me around a shitload on it - It was supposed to be a 6 month turnaround, ended up being just shy of 3 years, and in that time not only did I become disgusted with the luthier, I fell out of love with the idea of a compound scale 8 string. I got a good deal on it (these are usually about ~4k), and got back what I had into it - and was able to hook a buddy up who'll dig it a lot more than I would. Fucking beautiful guitar though.

I'd like to play one of those flayed fretboard guitars sometime. I've heard they aren't hard to get used to.
Fanned, not flayed.
This one is a pretty aggressive fan (25.5-28.5), but has to be in order to keep the low F# from being a flubby pile of crap. It takes some getting used to, and comically it's actually easier to play if you aren't looking at the fretboard and just let your hands do their thing.


My Zendrive broke last night.
I tried to take it to the jam I go to, and it kept cutting out while people tried to use it. I'm suspecting it's a bad switch, but it seems fine whenever I use it at home. The battery was fresh so I don't think it's that.


<Gold Donor>
Bought a weird era Gretsch the other day and just got it in the mail. Stripped it all down to check the numbers on the inside for authenticity and to check everything out and so far it's a surprisingly nice guitar for how little it cost. It was a pain to get setup (the thing came still in tune after shipping but had really bad fret buzz on E A D). The nut looks like it is pretty much totally shot and the 0 fret is destroyed but a couple shims and some bridge tweaking and no more fret buzz and it's got a surprisingly fast action now.

The previous guy threw a Seymour Duncan hot rodded set on it and replaced the tuners with spetzel lock tuners. It also came with the surprise of having push/pull pots, which I've never played with before, that have been fun to mess around with so far. He threw in the original DiMarzio pickups and a hardshell case. I'm going to get a new bone nut installed next week and this thing seems like it could be a very good guitar, especially since the added features cost a lot more than what I paid for it.


<Gold Donor>
Nay, string through which is also a first for me and also nice so far.

I finally got the bigsby that I put on my LesPaul setup correctly about a month ago. Took a graphite nut and an aftermarket roller bridge but the damn thing actually works and leaves the strings in tune now. It's actually a bad ass slide guitar now which I wasn't really expecting out of it when I first stuck the bigsby on.


What would be a good second pedal type to try for blues/classic rock stuff? I already have a good overdrive that I like, and my amp has good reverb built-in.

I dig the sound of chorus effects, but I'm not sure how well they'll mesh with what I'm playing.


Still a Music Elitist
What level of distortion are you looking for? "Blues/classic rock stuff" is pretty general. Are we talking Jimi Hendrix distortion or AC/DC distortion?


Hendrix, between the two, but I don't really want more OD/distortion. I have the Zendrive that gives me the nice overdrive that I want, and I don't have a lot that I want to do that requires harder full-on distortion.

I just more want to expand my sound palette.