The Official Guitar Thread


Molten Core Raider




Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The style of the rose seems to not quite fit with the rest of it, but besides my little nit pick, f'n beautiful.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No clue if it was discussed in here before, but 500+ posts is long enough for me to not look.

Anyone have any suggestions as far as tools, videos, etc on how to fix frets with grooves in them? My 12th fret has a groove at the 6th string(high e). I've tried to gently file it a bit, without removing the strings etc and it reduced it a bit, but the "e" is still catching on bends. I've never had to really repair this before.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The only repair I've ever heard of is replacing the fret(s).

Although, if you know someone who's wicked talented with a welder, they might be able to replace the missing metal. But they'd also need to remove and reset the fret to avoid starting the fretboard on fire anyway. So that's probably an even worse idea than it sounds at first.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Unless there's some miracle product like some epoxy that can fill the groove in the fret and restore normal use then I'm not sure. Without that then replacing the frets, is really it. If the guitar has a bolt on neck then perhaps buy a whole replacement neck, which might be cheaper in the end. If you haveafret with a groove in it, there's likely others that are past their time, you'll probably be up for replacing them all. Otherwise having a few newer frets mixed in with old will look odd.

*Anyone have an idea of the costs involved???

Pretty sure welding is out of the question, any welding or even soldering will impart a lot of heat into the metal and being so small it will fall apart, or bend beyond repair.

Filing it a little will have helped to remove some of the burr on the edges of the groove and perhaps help just a little in rounding the edges of the groove to make it not 'feel' so serious. But as a fix, it's not going to work because too much and you'll reduce the height of 12th fret down until the string will rattle against the 13th fret.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Google "fretwire" and click "shopping" to see how trivial the cost of materials is. The labor on the other hand, should probably be somewhere near the $100-200 ballpark, and someone charging more may possibly do a better job too. So yeah, if it's a cheap guitar, a new neck could be less expensive and less hassle.

I was hoping the welding thing was obviously a bad enough idea that it would be taken as a joke. Maybe I should've gone with duct tape instead?

If you happen to know anyone who's wicked talented with duct tape...


A Mod Real Quick
It's called re-crowning and dressing the frets. You only get new frets when the frets get to a point where this process can't be done anymore or you find your frets too low. Any decent luthier can do it, but you might want to ask around locally to find out who is the best. I would not try this myself personally, but there are some guides like:

How To Fret Dress And Re-Crown Your Guitar | Guitar Columns @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Some of the advice here like replacing all the frets or replacing the entire neck (????????????????????????????????????) is kind of crazy and unwarranted.


A Mod Real Quick
Just to mention this as well, my 1976 Gibson LP Custom still has the original frets. They've been re-crowned so many times that they're down to the binding though and finally need to be re-fretted. Problem with refretting a neck wth binding is it's going to cost me around $400


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I picked up Rocksmith 2014. So far it seems vastly improved over the first iteration. Some key highlights:

* Chord recognition actually works. You can't just make something close to the shape near the right spot on the fretboard and be given credit.

* Note highway doesn't just display the # for the "dot" frets. So if you are supposed to fret 2 it will display 2 prior to the note. This makes looking down the highway much easier and not having to quickly determine which fret you are actually going towards.

* The menu/UI is no longer super clunky and it has a more clearly defined path. There is a ton of "Rocksmith recommends" which recommends songs based upon what you're weak at to strengthen weaknesses. If it notices you are weak at slides in a song it will then recommend repeating a section with slides or doing their slides guitarcade.

* The songs seem more varied and better -- but that is highly subjective.

* You don't need to tune for everything. You tune at the start of the session and then don't do it again.

* Riff repeater can be dropped into basically at all points

I only played for about an hour and a half last night so I can give more impressions of anyone wants after a few more days. They also have this "60 day challenge" deal where you can sign up on the ubi website and log in an hour of play a day to try and keep you honest. I may sign up.


<Gold Donor>
I bought Rocksmith 2014 too about a week ago. There are a ton of songs on it that i have to learn for my work band and I figured this would be more useful than grabbing a hundred different sheet musics.
I'm kind of torn on the game. I've learned a lot of songs a lot quicker than I would have otherwise and some of the games are fun but I feel like I really need to hope that my computer isn't attempting to do anything else while the game is running or else there will be a latency spike and it will throw a good chunk of a song off. The UPlay stuff needs to completely fuck off as well. I'm glad that Ubisoft didn't learn anything from GFWL and now forcibly makes you log into their shitty service in order to play their game, it's nice to have third party software running off of a third party software for a game that takes milliseconds into account.

I'm having the complete opposite experience with chords thank you Tenks. I have to beat the shit out of them to get anything to register. Mine feels like it wants a quickish arpeggio and not a chord.


Still a Music Elitist
I finally got around to buying an RC-3. This has been way more fun and versatile than I ever imagined. Once I learn how to use it more economically, it could be a staple of the pedalboard.


<Gold Donor>
finally found a Gretsch corvette for a reasonable price and bought it but now I get to freak out for the week while the thing is in transit. I'm glad that the guy insured it but I'm not thrilled about the possibility of trying to find a replacement if the post office fucks up a 45 year old guitar. It's got that phenominaly bad, but rare, Burns tremelo on it so at least if it gets busted in shipping and I get screwed on insurance I can unload that thing for about what I paid for the guitar.


Still a Music Elitist
The tremolo looks very awkward. It looks like a butter knife jutting out of the bridge. Solid retro look, but it does look like it would be shitty to use. Hope the guitar arrives in the condition it was shipped.


How about loading times? Loading times on the original on PS3 sucked so bad.
They're not great, but they're not bad. An improvement over the original.

Also, Bandfuse is out soon (or maybe out now?) and it looks like it adheres closer to standard tab notation, so it might be worth checking out.