It is known.There's a special place in hell for people who talk about screenshots without posting them!
In hindsight, I think he should have just invited every group that was nominated for best picture up, handed the mic to the Moonlight director and made some corny "we stand together" speech. Or Jimmy should have blamed Damon.The director of La La Land handled that perfectly. Well played.
I seriously would have written it better. Leo wins last year after so long which gives him carte blanche to fuck up the great Warren Beatty by passing off the wrong envelope via bro hug (he learned that trick from true mastermind Matt Damon who learned it while researching his role on Oceans Eleven) , leading to white tears of happiness that turn to horror as the darkness ascends the stage to rip away their award (the feels story being obviously better over the better production even if it was Hollywood self masturbation...its a double parable). Curtain falls as we see Emma Stone, confused and bewildered with a single tear being bent over the podium as the entire Moonlight production team unzip. Roll credits with a BLM PSA. Screamfeeder is now hired to write superbowl commercials and buys a second boat. You morons rate this post salty and think it matters.First rule is you don't give up the punchline. This may have been an orchestrated mistake; trolling has gone mainstream. None of it would have happened hadScreamfeeder been there to mop up the gay jizz.
Funny thing is, Matt is also one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. He would have rolled with those jokes like a pro."Two pictures won Best Movie tonight, and neither of them featured Matt Damon."
La La Land was Hollywood people making a movie about coming from the hardscrabble origins they wish they came from (even though most of them have an uncle that ran an studio and got fast tracked into producing). It was pretentious garbage with some EXCELLENT original music and production design.Am I a bad person for not watching LA LA or even hearing of Moonlight?
nope, i didnt even bother watching any of the oscar films, could care less if i ever saw them. with exception of mel gibson's film, his stuff is always interesting.Am I a bad person for not watching LA LA or even hearing of Moonlight?
Yeah. Your post is actual #fakenews. He boycotted the event. Everyone is reporting exactly that.the fake news is hilarious, iranian director was banned because of trump's travel ban! meanwhile they were celebrating blocking it. the truth was, this fucking guy could have come here except the turkish government found some shit on him and wouldnt allow him to fly. i guess trump tells erdogan what to do and he had to stop this one fucking guy.
Thanks for the $$$ astr0! xoxoexception of mel gibson's film, his stuff is always interesting.
Yeah, even then he just gave us good marketing data. Actually, I am pretty ashamed astr0 likes a movie I had any sort of hand in creating. It honestly makes me want to re-evaluate my entire life.inb4 he claims torrented.
Haven't seen either picture.Am I a bad person for not watching LA LA or even hearing of Moonlight?