The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer
I forgot all about that fuckin movie
triggered GIF


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

This legit? It looks pretty legit.

Doesn't seem like a recording glitch and it's moving faster than the jets are.

Could be a filming drone? Wouldn't be moving faster than the jets though. And wouldn't be that big. Hard to say exactly how big it is without any real points of reference but it looks about half the size of one of the jets.

I’ve watched a number of his videos lately, and of the ones I have watched, he starts out presenting the information as if it is factual and towards the end says what has been refuted.
I haven’t finished the DARPA video yet, so I’m not sure if he’ll do the same thing or not.

My least-favorite Why Files videos are the ones where he tells a bunch of tall tales that end up pretty much all being fake by the end of the video. I like it when the information is a mix of true, false, and undeterminable.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

What I said about this in the other thread:

Super depressing episode from our favorite Youtuber. I gotta wonder how many other times throughout history there have been similar scenarios of power brokers wanting people under their thumb only to have it all collapse on them. The modern era has way more tools at the disposal of the ruling class than any previous authoritarian society ever had, though. Someday we'll be an ancient civ to somebody else and I wonder how much of this will even be on the historical record, if any of it.


<Gold Donor>
Did you look at the work? No?
new person GIF
Of course not, I have been suckered into watching too many of your videos in the past and I know just from the title what the end result is going to be: nothing. If there were any hard scientific facts about this shit it would be much bigger news than some dude's YT channel.

But ok, let's waste some of my employers time. I ran it through the AI summary thing and read that. Amongst a bunch of other stuff, he says he has correlated "experiences" with hard data like radiation spikes and such, and can predict future events. That's fucking great. So how about we just plop some massive camera setups, dozens of witnesses with their own cameras, some drones, and any other detection equipment you can find at the next spot he predicts something will happen? That *might* result in something useful. Not, oh look, whenever someone saw something we can associate a reading with it! How about you actually document the experience itself, not all the surrounding "data" that you want to use to somehow prove that these people aren't batshit fucking crazy and/or just seeing something that has a reasonable explanation?

There, did I miss anything? You probably didn't watch it either, because honestly how could you watch all the videos and twits and shit you post in a day, so you're welcome for summarizing it for you.
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Egg Nazi
I ran it through the AI summary thing and read that.
Wait what

Theres an AI that produces text summaries of bullshit videos?

If this is true it will be the best thing to happen to the internet since porn. Not even exaggerating a little.
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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