You could also get one of these and save yourself an additional $15 which you'll probably need when poison control has you drink ipecac after you go into spasms from drinking caffeinated asphalt.Just get one of these bad boys and save yourself 400 bucks.
If it's good enough for some old goombahs it's good enough for me.
Real ities just use sambuca in espresso IWhere do I froth my milk?
Sorry, I didn't realize I was posting on Neofag.Where do I froth my milk?
I posted the same thing in the coffee thread. Pretty much every Italian I know (I live overseas) owns one and swears by it. I was researching spending big money on an espresso machine and ended up happy with this $25 "moka pot" pictured above. Watch some YouTube videos about how to use it correctly and call it a day. Save yourself a ton of money.Just get one of these bad boys and save yourself 400 bucks.
If it's good enough for some old goombahs it's good enough for me.
You're better off using an aeropress over using a Moka PotI posted the same thing in the coffee thread. Pretty much every Italian I know (I live overseas) owns one and swears by it. I was researching spending big money on an espresso machine and ended up happy with this $25 "moka pot" pictured above. Watch some YouTube videos about how to use it correctly and call it a day. Save yourself a ton of money. Bialetti 6-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker: Stovetop Espresso Pots: Kitchen Dining
For reference, the 3 "cup" version is good for a nice strong coffee. Add the correct milk / foam ratio for a cappuccino or latte.
1 cup version is way too small. 6 cup is good if you are making coffee for 2 people and too lazy to make two batches with the 3 cup pot. You can't buy a 6 cup pot and make half batches either. You need to fill the grinds to the top of the central core for the steam / pressure to work correctly.
even i hate you for linking that foo foo shit.You guys will seriously be upset once you taste real coffee and realize what you've been missing.
Here's a guide from a true artist. I challenge you all to make it and tell me your chlorinated frothless fecal water compares.
The Perfect Latte 1 by Macchiatomaniac2
The Perfect Latte 2 by Macchiatomaniac2
Well if you weren't infatuated with my wife then why was your profile pic a framed pic of my wife and I.... oh....Frankly I was offended that you'd think I could be that desperate.