I have to. The only internet is wireless and capped.Yeah, well have fun with all your nature and shit!!
in CT, 3800 sq ft not including half finished basement. 3 1/2 acres... ~1 mil. Trade property taxes?One good thing about living in the country. 1600sq upstairs, 1600sqft finished downstairs. 5 bed, 2 bath, 3 1/2 acres to pee upon. Creek through the back yard. $128k.
I just moved from the sticks. Before that I lived in Texas in the sticks and I had 4.5 acres and a 1800 square foot house that cost me $165k. The last plae I just moved from I was only there temporarily in MS and I had 3.5 acres on the country club, 3000 square feet and it was right at 200k.That alone makes me feel slightly better about good ol' city-livin'.
Though Comcast have been fuckfaces the last couple weeks on my internet.
How much are you figuring to build that house minus the land costs? Just talking about materials and labor. My brother is planning to build a house here on the ranch and do all the work himself and I'm hoping that we can get it done for under 100K but we're not talking about anything that fancy, just a basic 3 bedroom 2 bath 2000 square foot type house.I bought house plans. I'm going to modify it a little bit. The dud area above the entrance will become a real room...thou small. Kind of a loft in that bedroom. GF's kid is wanting to transfer to a college near the land that I'm looking at so, kind of a win there. It's about a year away though. I can't wait till I move in.