The Stock Trading and Shitposting thread.


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Blackwing Lair Raider
Closed out the ACB weed position for a 10% gain. I know they were long and intended for massive gains, but I think this was a little mini bounce between support and resistance lines so I decided to take my little 4k gain and then put a price alert for when it goes back down to the support level. At that point I will rebuy the same position at the same price for the same reason.

Reason: Buy long enough out to let some completely irrational political announcement that weed will be considered legal at the federal level to cause the typical double in price move in a week.


Edit: I am trying to be a bit more disciplined on open calls/puts which is why I couldn't resist the little gain here. Too many times I've been up 10% like this only to watch it go right back to 0% 5 days later and I keep thinking to myself "I should have taken the 10% and then if it goes back I would have the same reasons to re-enter!"

My fear of course is missing on the next 60% jump, but history has shown me I've only missed that twice and had the former happen dozens of times, plus I've learned to read momentum and technical lines better. Nothing here showed a breakout and all signs point to me being able to rejoin in a week or two
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