Don't know about the NC outer banks. But I built ocean front condos in Myrtle Beach SC from '99 until the economy crashed in 2008. Lived in the area at that time too. Ocean front you were not allowed to have anything 'permanent' at the water line up to I believe 17'. So for instance, all pools that were enclosed had 'removable' walls. The electrical services were all on the 1st raised floor. That was my own personal nightmare but that's another story. Anyhow for insurance, everything ocean front and 2 blocks from the ocean had special insurance rates and the only flood insurance you could purchase was from FEMA. I'm guessing in the last decade or so it's got worse.
Personal Side Story about Myrtle Beach:
My parents own a stilt house in Ocean Lakes resort they bought back in 2020. If you lived in Myrtle, Im sure you've seen the place. Its such a fucking side show of a "camp ground." The south eastern corner on the Beach where all the houses are is fairly nice. Then, on the other side of that party shack or whatever its called on the corner, starts this huge collection of RV's parked on top of each other in the NE. SW corner seems like its filled with trailers for days which Ill come back too. My parents friends from here in Virginia had a place down there and got them to buy another place down there. Pretty sure the RV's is a dick swinging contest for the people that like that shit cause they are fucking grossly expensive.
I remember when they first started looking, I was with them at the time like Im some fucking know-it-all about real estate, which Im obviously not. They wanted to see this place that was listed on Ocean Lakes list of places for sale for 165k. We get there and its... a fucking 1960's? 1970's? trailer that someone had built actual structures around. For ... 165k... this was 2019. So not even in the boom, yet. This place was surrounded by even more trailers, that also had rooms and porches built onto them.
I managed to get them to spend a bit more on the stilt house in the SE corner that at the time was 380k. Lease (lot rent) for Ocean Lakes is something stupid like 10-11k a year now but wasnt much more cheaper when they bought. Never mind the taxes etc. They went with that house because .. In my opinion, it came with Golf Carts and a Luggage Elevator. Not because I did my due diligence in finding out that it would stay rented most of the year (Since
hates AirBNB apparently). I did find them a nicer Stilt House that was outside of Ocean Lakes, near a bar called Neal and Pam's that has a mean fucking Red Eye. But.. they wanted to be in Ocean Lakes with their friends. Whatever.
When I was a kid, we went to Myrtle Beach a few times and looking back at those pictures ... Myrtle Beach was really fucking nice. Now.. I just dont even care to go. Place looks like a hollowed out ghost town all over. Such a weird vibe as you dont know if you're going to get robbed, or get invited to a bar for drinks. South Miami felt the same way when I was there in 2022. Its like, rich, but feels .. broke? .. But so do the Keys. Unsure if financial hardships caused by Insurance companies saying fuck you with Hurricane damages, or if its relevant to an economic downturn.
(I really liked the Neal and Pam's bar. A few of the waitresses are just
