Unelected Mod
Now that is some serious muslim apologism going on here. From Fanaskin no less!you're right it's called judiasm
Now that is some serious muslim apologism going on here. From Fanaskin no less!you're right it's called judiasm
The whole point is that we shouldnt be involved with that corrupt shithole. Let Israel pursue its own dumbass policies and face whatever the consequences are. We shouldnt be getting involved in their stupidity and giving them billions and billions of dollars.Oh yes, it was extremely dumb, but the reality is the land was GIVEN to them, and the emigrants had no where else to go because no other country wanted them. This isn't even a case of US or British imperialism/expansionism, this was a case of "live here or live nowhere". Imho they've done the best they can considering their neighbors. If the land had been given to the US/GB, the Gaza and West Bank would have been napalmed 100 times over by now. Shit, I watched "the sixties" last night and they showed during the Vietnam war that if there was a sniper in a village, they wouldn't even bother sending in infantry, they just napalmed the whole village, at the rate of 25,000 north Vietnamese civilian lives a month. Who the hell are we to condemn the Israelis when rockets rain down at 8am because Hamas knows that's when their kids go to school?
So we can lament the stupidity of this historical incident, or face the reality of the current situation, and the reality is that Israel actually contributes to the world while the Arabs do not. If Israel ceased to exist and Palestine took its place, we'd lose a democracy and technological innovation in exchange for what, more terrorism? A people that hate us? What Arab precedent has demonstrated that Palestine would suddenly become some modern democratic peaceful nation? Anyone?
Also, even the Palestinian claim to the region is weak. When Egypt owned Gaza there was no cry of the Palestinians. When Jordan owned the west bank, they certainly didn't give a shit about the Palestinians. It was only once Israel figured out how to grow oranges the size of basketballs in the desert that suddenly the Palestinians popped up crying for their long lost nation. From Hamas leadership itself:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a
Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle
against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality
today there is no difference between Jordanians,
Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and
tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of
a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand
that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian
people' to oppose Zionism.
Uh-uh. 165 nobel prizes won by jews, 6 by arabs. Women can be President in Israel (in fact, in 1969 was their first), women can't even own land in a lot of Islamic nations. How's that for a brief little comparison of "modern life" and "civil liberties". You've gone Full Retard bro.You're right, it's called Judaism
Look I appreciate that people are batting for the Palestinians because the shit that goes on there is not one sided but let's not get crazy.Jews kill infinatly more arabs than vice versa
I know they're subhumans right?Uh-uh. 165 nobel prizes won by jews, 6 by arabs. Women can be President in Israel (in fact, in 1969 was their first), women can't even own land in a lot of Islamic nations. How's that for a brief little comparison of "modern life" and "civil liberties". You've gone Full Retard bro.
I'm all for that because they'll do just fine financially installing power plants in California and listing companies on the NASDAQ at a pace only second to the US. But while Israel gets ALL its money from the US in the form of arms grants (money has to be spent on US military tech--basically a federal arms industry subsidy) aid to Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, etc is NOT just restricted to arms, is MORE than Israel gets, and is probably spent on questionable things. Can we stop giving them money too? At least Israel fucking produces shit.The whole point is that we shouldnt be involved with that corrupt shithole. Let Israel pursue its own dumbass policies and face whatever the consequences are. We shouldnt be getting involved in their stupidity and giving them billions and billions of dollars.
No, but Islam appears to be incapable of dealing with modernity at all.I know they're subhumans right?
look at the casualties every time there's a conflict it's like ~10 to 1 plus the reprisal bombings (targeting civilians both sides) always favor Israel, Israel is more capable of savaging the Palestinians than vice versa.Look I appreciate that people are batting for the Palestinians because the shit that goes on there is not one sided but let's not get crazy.
And Israel constantly spies on us and sells our tech to china. Fuck Israel and the stupid fucking moonbat chrisitians with their religious complex too that support them.I'm all for that because they'll do just fine financially installing power plants in California and listing companies on the NASDAQ at a pace only second to the US. But while Israel gets ALL its money from the US in the form of arms grants (money has to be spent on US military tech--basically a federal arms industry subsidy) aid to Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, etc is NOT just restricted to arms, is MORE than Israel gets, and is probably spent on questionable things. Can we stop giving them money too? At least Israel fucking produces shit.
If the palestinians consistently get their ass kicked everytime they do a suicide bombing or start a rocket launching campaign, maybe they should consider stopping them and trying to negotiate through something other than bomb vests.Khalid and wombat may think it's "crazy" and don't like it but when you murder people who are totally less capable then you are as basically a foreign invader (jews in israel aren't semetic they are european) they are the more savage.
there's a massive misconception that the Arabs are holding up the peace process, Israel and america are holding up the peace process, mostly so they can murder more Arabs and take their land and resources, do you consider that compatible with modern life and civil liberties?If the palestinians consistently get their ass kicked everytime they do a suicide bombing or start a rocket launching campaign, maybe they should consider stopping them and trying to negotiate through something other than bomb vests.
Also, I'm still laughing at you saying that judaism has a problem with modern life and civil liberties in the context of the middle east. Holy shit bro, do you even read what you post sometimes?
Look all I'm saying is to not abuse the word infinite or infinate.look at the casualties every time there's a conflict it's like ~10 to 1 plus the reprisal bombings (targeting civilians both sides) always favor Israel, Israel is more capable of savaging the Palestinians than vice versa.
Khalid and wombat may think it's "crazy" and don't like it but when you murder people who are totally less capable then you are as basically a foreign invader (jews in israel aren't semetic they are european) they are the more savage.
I consider that completely full of shit and a fabrication.there's a massive misconception that the Arabs are holding up the peace process, Israel and america are holding up the peace process, mostly so they can murder more Arabs and take their land, do you consider that compatible with modern life and civil liberties?
"peace process" huh? There is no such thing as peace with these people, even amongst themselves. If history isn't enough evidence of t, have the recent developments in the middle east not demonstrated that? Even when the muslim population is 100%, there STILL is no such thing as peace, it just becomes clan warfare-- my Islamic faith against yours. Only when secularism outweighs islamicism as a rule of law can there be a semblance of peace.there's a massive misconception that the Arabs are holding up the peace process, Israel and america are holding up the peace process, mostly so they can murder more Arabs and take their land and resources, do you consider that compatible with modern life and civil liberties?
when israel restricts the Palestinians sea rights to polluted areas so they starve to death from lack of fish to eat, is that compatable with civil liberties and modern life? just because people living in israel have a decent enviable life and BETWEEN THEMSELVES they act as equals doesn't mean they can't also be total monsters.
In 1800 white land owning men in america were totally civil to each other and treated each other well with equality modern living and civil liberties, but if you where a black slave or an indian you got none of that.
U.S. Vetoes of UN Security Council Resolutions Critical to Israel | Jewish Virtual LibraryI consider that completely full of shit and a fabrication.
Israels Peres says Netanyahu blocked 2011 peace deal | Middle East EyeInternational isolation increased in the mid-1970s, when virtually the entire world endorsed a modification of UN 242 to include a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. Washington was compelled to veto a Security Council resolution to this effect in January 1976, to vote regularly against subsequent UN resolutions, and to block other diplomatic initiatives from Europe, the Arab states, the PLO, and others.
The negotiations provide a cover for Israel's takeover of the territories it wishes to control and should spare the United States some further embarrassment at the United Nations.
News flash. All the land given to Israel *was* without resources. It was basically one big desert with some diamond mines. They've terraformed and irrigated it in a fashion that no other nation has been able to match. What happens when Israel gives such refined land to the Palestinians? this:Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC NewsThe factual information is there, the entire time peace has been blocked since 1967 Israel has been settling the land and taking more. Anyone with reason can see that blocking peace allows them to continue this settling strategy, if you look they take the good land and give the Arabs the shit land with no resources/economy it's been consistent for decades.