The Zionists are whining thread


EQOA Refugee
Can Amod take away Fanaskin's ability to edit posts? For fucks sake he edits EVERY SINGLE POST!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Can Amod take away Fanaskin's ability to edit posts? For fucks sake he edits EVERY SINGLE POST!
Request denied. If you get upset by Fanaskin editing posts, consider his posts and early draft until an hour or so passes.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
That photo of the Israelis cheering the airstrikes? Those are some of the residents of Sderot, located just ONE mile away from the Gazan border. More than any other town in Israel, Sderot has suffered almost daily rocket attacks for over 12 years, with a children's day care center being bombed just days before this photo being taken. Google it. They've been petitioning the government for years to do something against the incessant attacks, so is there any surprise that after waiting two years for some form of counterstrike, and just days after having a day care center blown up, they'd be cheering the destruction of the launch sites being bombed? I know I would fucking be. You just want to see an image of Israelis cheering the bombing of burnt pallie kids, when in fact they're residents of a small town that's been facing daily terror attacks and civilian deaths for years, and now they finally see the source of those bombs being airstriked. You'd be fucking cheering too.


Who cares about Jews and Pallies blowing themselves up. What you yanks should care about is how the Israelis took over your foreign policy.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
No I wouldn't.
So if your business had been flattened, your neighbor's kid maimed by a rocket, and the day care you send your kid to had just been blown up a few days prior, you wouldn't be happy at finally seeing counterstrikes against those launch sites? You're a better man than most then.

If you were a survivor of the recent Israeli bombings in Gaza, and Palestinians were launching rocket attacks into Israel, would you be cheering?
Considering I cast my vote in favor of a terrorist government whose mandate openly calls for the death of Israeli civilians, no I wouldn't. I signed up for the current state of affairs when I cast my ballot-- my government is doing exactly what they promised and what I elected them for. Considering the Israeli airstrikes are in direct reprisal/response for my government firing rockets at civilian areas, no I wouldn't. Considering my government isn't even making a pretext of targeting the Israeli military, and instead focusing all efforts on schools and a nuclear power plant within radiation fallout distance of where I live, no I wouldn't.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I dont think there is a single South American country that can be considered a "shithole" and I'd gladly live in any of them over any muslim country
His "data" uses european countries which make south american countries look like shit. But fine then, how about the central american ones! Or the non muslim african ones? Or any other terribad place where there are no muslims? His conclusion is shit because he cherry picked the data that fits his narrative.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

"From Israel with love"

These numbers are probably bullshit:

But who knows what the truth is. You can't enact the kind of bombing on an urban population without immense collateral damage.

Wombat, I feel like you're still choosing to only empathize with Israelis. You seem to see every attack by Palestinians as an uninstigated attempt to eradicate the Jewish people and every attack by Israel as just reprisal focused on perpetrators of crime.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
hahahah wtf. The little Israeli girl painting on a warhead is depressing. The kid smiling and posing with his mom while holding a missile is some cartoon level evil shit.


Musty Nester
They are all reprisal attacks if you really want to use that term. But Israeli reprisals are more focused, and shooting missiles at the nuclear plant which you know you can't hit is nothing but an instigation. Even worse if you thought maybe you could hit it. Even worse yet if you actually managed to.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
isn't this the nuclear reactor israel used to deny the existence of because of the many nuclear bombs they made in secret from it?


Musty Nester
I think you're missing the point here that Hamas has admitted to trying to actually USE a nuclear weapon. That's what blowing up a nuclear power plant is. It's not a nuclear ICBM warhead, it's not going to create a mushroom cloud and go BOOM -- but it is a nuclear weapon.

You're getting hung up on Israel manufacturing them for potential use... which is not new or news to anyone... rather than the fact that there is a faction actively and -actually- trying to USE one.

Edit: Obama would already be calling for an invasion and airstrikes if this were Syria. As is, he's just gonna not interfere.


Well obviously if they pushed it too much further the international community might feel obligated to intervene. It's late and I can't remember if the UN definition of genocide has been revised since it was adopted in 48, but there's a section that talks about inflicting on a group conditions designed to bring about it's destruction in whole or in part. Maybe it comes down to individual perception, but their actions make it seem pretty clear to me that their long term goal is for there to be no more Palestinians, or for their population to be so dramatically reduced as to be more easily managed.

Genocide doesn't just mean loading people in ovens or chopping them up with machetes, the United States used a mix of violent and non violent (relatively speaking) means to commit genocide on the Native American people.
The Jews are committing the slowest genocide against the Palestinians ever. You'd think Hitler would have been a better instructor on how to get the job done quick. Or are you just liberally using genocide because you're an idiot?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Population of Palestinian Territories: 4.7 Million.
Number of deaths from conflict with Israel since 1987: 8000

Chicago Population: 2.7 Million.
Number of deaths from violence in Chicago since1987: 17488

Chicago's death rate by violence is over 3 timesworse, per capita, than Israel's "genocide" against Palestinians. Can you explain how this is a genocide? I mean, there is a precept in genocide about birth prevention, but considering the Palestinian population grows faster than even Israeli one--and Israel is the chief source of maternity and natal care, as well as advanced medical care for Palestinians...I'm not exactly sure you can makethatcase. Israel has dome some fuckery with food supplies and embargo, for sure, but there is, as far as I'm aware, almost no starvation deaths (And, ironically, Palastinians are being starved to death more by Syria than Israel.)

Don't get me wrong, I think Israel has plenty of blood on it's hands--but calling it a "genocide"? Come on, Sparkle. Get it together. This would be the weakest genocide in history.
Can you give your source to those chicago/palestine comparison figures? Not that I don't believe you, but I want to site them in another debate I'm watching, and I am sure they will want a source.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The Jews are committing the slowest genocide against the Palestinians ever. You'd think Hitler would have been a better instructor on how to get the job done quick. Or are you just liberally using genocide because you're an idiot?
By slow you mean never, right? Because by using population statistics not only will "genocide" never be achieved, but in fact the exact opposite is occurring-- massive Palestinian population growth. Gaza is 12th in population growth and 3rd in obesity in the WORLD, not exactly characteristics of genocide. If the Israelis are currently trying to commit genocide, they'd be better off giving the Palestinian women an education and birth control pills, because ironically that would be more effective of achieving anything that could be described as genocide than their current strategy of using armed conflict. Please tell me how the fuck you can connect the dots that paint a picture of anything resembling genocide in light of actual statistical fact that point otherwise. You're insulting the victims of Rwanda, Nazi Germany, and Armenia-- why don't you look at the population statistics for those true genocides for a true definition of what the word means.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
By slow you mean never, right? Because by using population statistics not only will "genocide" never be achieved, but in fact the exact opposite is occurring-- massive Palestinian population growth. Gaza is 12th in population growth and 3rd in obesity in the WORLD, not exactly characteristics of genocide. If the Israelis are currently trying to commit genocide, they'd be better off giving the Palestinian women an education and birth control pills, because ironically that would be more effective of achieving anything that could be described as genocide than their current strategy of using armed conflict. Please tell me how the fuck you can connect the dots that paint a picture of anything resembling genocide in light of actual statistical fact that point otherwise. You're insulting the victims of Rwanda, Nazi Germany, and Armenia-- why don't you look at the population statistics for those true genocides for a true definition of what the word means.
If you're directing that message to Badabidi he's making the same argument you are. Go have some coffee cuz and come back to explain away how many Palestinians civilians will die in the next couple days because of Israeli attacks!