The Zionists are whining thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
Does sort of prove that Israelis are no better than Palestinians. Maybe now the resident Israel apologists will shut the fuck up instead of blathering on about how Israel wants peace or how all Palestinians want all Jews dead.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Right, we've already established that Israelis are no better than Palestinians, so what's your point?

I'd celebrate too if a major disaster/terrorist event happened in the country that was colluding with Israel to commit genocide on my people.


Unelected Mod
Anyone who says the Israeli's are committing genocide on the Palestinians has only established how much of an idiot he is.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Anyone who is callous enough to sit on the literal sidelines and cheer over war deserves to have its horrors brought upon them.
The schadenfreude you enjoy over their possible suffering has the same root as their cheering to me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would consider it poetic justice if a rocket had landed on that hill, but I wouldn't celebrate it.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
More like the smile you get when you see an idiot get what they deserve for doing something idiotic.


Musty Nester
It's also a way to release the tensions caused by the war. On the one hand, no it ain't exactly right with Jesus. On the other hand, all it is is their five minutes of hate.

Wars don't stem or persist out of an overabundance of brotherly love.


Buzzfeed Editor
Right, we've already established that Israelis are no better than Palestinians, so what's your point?

I'd celebrate too if a major disaster/terrorist event happened in the country that was colluding with Israel to commit genocide on my people.
Population of Palestinian Territories: 4.7 Million.
Number of deaths from conflict with Israel since 1987: 8000

Chicago Population: 2.7 Million.
Number of deaths from violence in Chicago since1987: 17488

Chicago's death rate by violence is over 3 timesworse, per capita, than Israel's "genocide" against Palestinians. Can you explain how this is a genocide? I mean, there is a precept in genocide about birth prevention, but considering the Palestinian population grows faster than even Israeli one--and Israel is the chief source of maternity and natal care, as well as advanced medical care for Palestinians...I'm not exactly sure you can makethatcase. Israel has dome some fuckery with food supplies and embargo, for sure, but there is, as far as I'm aware, almost no starvation deaths (And, ironically, Palastinians are being starved to death more by Syria than Israel.)

Don't get me wrong, I think Israel has plenty of blood on it's hands--but calling it a "genocide"? Come on, Sparkle. Get it together. This would be the weakest genocide in history.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well obviously if they pushed it too much further the international community might feel obligated to intervene. It's late and I can't remember if the UN definition of genocide has been revised since it was adopted in 48, but there's a section that talks about inflicting on a group conditions designed to bring about it's destruction in whole or in part. Maybe it comes down to individual perception, but their actions make it seem pretty clear to me that their long term goal is for there to be no more Palestinians, or for their population to be so dramatically reduced as to be more easily managed.

Genocide doesn't just mean loading people in ovens or chopping them up with machetes, the United States used a mix of violent and non violent (relatively speaking) means to commit genocide on the Native American people.


Unelected Mod
Maybe it comes down to individual perception, but their actions make it seem pretty clear to me that their long term goal is for there to be no more Palestinians, or for their population to be so dramatically reduced as to be more easily managed.
So their population is increasing faster than Israel, but your "individual perception" is that it is genocide?


Musty Nester
I really don't think they're firing up the ovens over in Israel.

They're just creating an apartheid state. Because so far it's the only thing they've found that quarter-ass works. At least it's rockets now instead of suicide bombers on the streetcorners. You can argue the morality of it, but it's hard to argue theshort termpractical effectiveness of it.

On the scale of 15-30 years... I don't see how it accomplishes anything except to make the overall situation worse. But short term... well...


Musty Nester
In the scale of 15-30 years I think it might drive them insane enough TO fire up the ovens. But honestly, I don't think they're even close to that yet.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
no I didn't say that at all, I don't think it was the israeli's who did it but they celebrate just the same because of what it means for them. the fbi interviewed them, they said they were celebrating because it will benefit israel, and it was reported on network tv.

the best evidence that we have for this is, in fact, the story of these five moving men. Now, three of these guys were seen on the morning of September 11, just after the first plane hit the North Tower, quote-unquote, "celebrating" on the New Jersey waterfront. Now, that's - I put the quotes around that, because it comes from a FBI BOLO, or "be on lookout," an alert that was put out regarding these men that day. The celebration apparently consisted of high-fiving, according to one FBI official, of holding up cigarette lighters, as if they're at a rock concert. So, remember, the plane has just hit the tower, exploded in the tower, and these three men are behaving rather oddly.

Later in the day, they were picked up. Two other men apparently joined them in a van. They were -- the case was immediately handed over to FBI counterintelligence. The men were held for 71 days. They were repeatedly interrogated. They repeatedly failed lie detector tests. And then, after those 71 days was up, they were sent home, apparently under pressure or because of pressure brought by the Israeli government and by certain players in the US government. And the story sort of disappeared from there. I mean, 20/20 covered this

you quote the officer who arrested them, named DeCarlo. You say, according to DeCarlo's report, this officer was told without question by the driver of the moving van, Sivan Kurzberg, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem."
These guys, when they were interrogated by FBI, told them that - essentially said that they immediately knew it was a terrorist attack. Andthey actually told the FBI that the reason they were celebrating was because the attacks would be beneficial to Israel, that it was, quote, "a good thing for Israel" - that's according to the FBI spokesman who spoke on the record about this - and that it would bring sympathy for Israel's political agenda in the Middle East.
it's not exactly an unheard of viewpoint for israeli's

Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel Israel News | Haaretz

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians."