The Zionists are whining thread


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Thats bullshit. You take the most extreme elements of Palestinians and claim they represent all of them.


Netanyahu: Mideast peace talks ??~essentially buried??T if Hamas-Fatah deal stands | Fox News

Hamas would accept peace with Israel, West Bank leader says | The Times of Israel

Its Netanyahu who is stonewalling peace.
If you are a complete clown and ignore the last 10 years sure.
Also you cannot claim I am picking a small subset of people when they have voted radicals in as a legitimate party.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I view those actions from Sunni's as the expression of fanatics lashing out in a repressed state, maybe they're fundamentally more savage culture and people as wombat suggests but either line of thought kind of leads one to the conclusion that the land is inherently hostile to European jews to begin with.
What goes against the idea that they are lashing out in a repressed state is that Islam seems at its worst when it reigns.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
What goes against the idea that they are lashing out in a repressed state is that Islam seems at its worst when it reigns.
fundamentally i'm against all religous governments including Israel, iran, saudi, tis. Secular states that have Islamic culture and aren't fundamentally broken otherwise like turkey or the central Asian states don't appear to show this.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You're a full blown moron. Does the pope keep his supposed weapon cache in civilian homes, schools, and UN facilities? Christ you come up with the worst analogies.
yes? they keep the Swiss guards stuff in the Vatican WHY IS THE POPE KEEPING WEAPONS IN A CHURCH, is he holding those nuns hostage omg hysterics?!?


Musty Nester
Fana, that really is full blown retarded when you have to resort to the swiss guard armory.

I've got 20 steak knives in my kitchen. OH SHIT WEAPONS CACHE.

FUCK. I have a crawlspace under the house. GUERILLA TUNNELS.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Fana, that really is full blown retarded when you have to resort to the swiss guard armory.

I've got 20 steak knives in my kitchen. OH SHIT WEAPONS CACHE.

FUCK. I have a crawlspace under the house. GUERILLA TUNNELS.
that's what i'm saying, it's such an obtuse charge, "omg they have a weapons cache", i'm showing how absurd that single charge is.

if you want to talk about a weapons cache, this is a huge weapons cache

Report: US Stockpiling Weapons in Israel


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The only peace deal acceptable by the Palestinian's is complete copulation to their demands.
Soooo not true, in fact they were very close to a two state solution in the mid 90's and the only reason it didn't happen was the Israel PM who was driving it was assassinated by another Jew. Both sides accuse each other of not wanting to give up anything in the negotiations, but in all honesty they have some pretty major issues between them.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yes the Oslo accords. After the assassination there were suicide bombings by Hamas and retaliation by Israel which put a nail in the coffin. I don't think it would have ever seen peace from those. That's why it has not happened since. To much continual blood shed since then.


Musty Nester
So I guess the rockets and guns are appearing through...?

Devotion and deprivation?

Think this one through, fana. Bear in mind what specific action initiated this most recent spasm.

They are finding smuggling tunnels, and they are finding more than steak knives. The UN found weapons in their own facility.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Bear in mind what specific action initiated this most recent spasm.
had something to do with kidnapped and killed children? then Israel targeted Hamas specifically?

2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 12 June 2014, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped in Gush Etzion, in the West Bank, as they were hitchhiking to their homes.[2] The three teens were Naftali Fraenkel (16, from Nof Ayalon), Gilad Shaer (16, from Talmon), and Eyal Yifrah (19, from Elad).[3][4]

IDF's Nahal Brigade conducting a search in the Hebron area
The Israel Defense Forces initiated Operation Brother's Keeper in search of the three teenagers.[5] As part of the operation, in the following 11 days Israel arrested around 350 Palestinians,[6][7][8] including nearly all of Hamas' West Bank leaders.[9] Five Palestinians were killed during the military operation.[10][11][12][13]

On 15 June, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the teens had been kidnapped by Hamas,[2][14] which Hamas denied.[2] Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas maintained that as of 22 June there was no evidence that Hamas was behind the kidnapping.[15] Hamas denied any involvement in the kidnapping.
is that pretty sick what happened, yeah,this is pretty sick too, both of them hate eachother, but it seemed to be used as a pretext to target hamas with no evidence as well.

hamas didn't decide to irrationally fire rockets at israel one day

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
had something to do with kidnapped and killed children? then Israel targeted Hamas specifically?

hamas didn't decide to irrationally fire rockets at israel one day
Are you actually referring to Hamas as "rational"? What planet do you live on? You're really riding the stupid train today Fanabro.

The rockets have never stopped. There have been almost daily rocket attacks on Israel since the "cease fire" of 2012. You just didn't hear about it on the news, since a constant trickle of rocket fire has just become the de-factor standard of daily life for an Israeli, hence isn't "news" anymore.List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Almost daily attacks eh? You link sites 43 attacks in the span of an entire year. Sure, almost daily, for 1.5 months...


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The point is the rockets have never stopped..
the occupation has never stopped either, and there are alot incidents were israeli's kill palestinians, that same year in 2013
Israeli forces killed 27 West Bank Palestinians, 9 Gazans in 2013 - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

as for "rational strategy"
Understanding The Basics Of the Conflict In Gaza : NPR
MARTIN: Well, why is Hamas, again, firing these rockets? That would seem to be a very - a losing strategy since they are clearly outgunned as it were - just to use a very simple phrase. They are clearly outgunned. They do not have, kind of, the level of weaponry and the level of organization of the Israeli government. So what is the strategy behind firing these rockets at this point?

BEAUCHAMP: Hamas's political legitimacy depends on the idea of "resistance to Israel." That is of showing that they can stand up and create a sense of agency in response to Israeli military actions. So the rocket fire is their way of saying that we are still resisting the Israeli occupation and the Israeli - of the West Bank - and the Israeli blockade of Gaza. So this is a domestic political ploy. It's also a targeted strategy often to extract concessions from particular people. For instance, some very knowledgeable analysts believe that what Hamas is trying to do here is to get Egypt to let more goods into Gaza through the Rafah crossing on the West and to give them more money. The idea is they leverage Egyptian public sentiment, angered Israel, into Egyptian concessions. And indeed, Egypt signaled today that they're interested in accommodating Hamas terms to broker a cease-fire.


Trakanon Raider
yes? they keep the Swiss guards stuff in the Vatican WHY IS THE POPE KEEPING WEAPONS IN A CHURCH, is he holding those nuns hostage omg hysterics?!?
So in one quote you're outraged that Israel may be targeting schools, then it's proven that Hamas is hiding rockets in/around schools, and now your "position" is it's no big deal. Got it.

You're a dumb.