Because Israel isn't trying to kill Hamas - it's killing civilians to "punish" them so you see a lot of dead civilians, and you're going to see the (handful) of dead IDF soldiers becauseof courseIsrael is going to want to have their own martyrs to wave around as PR for their holy cause.
(also Hamas doesn't have a fucking uniform you mongoloid)
Itzena, are you really this uneducated? Not just about basic facts of the conflict, but basic facts about the religions involved? Khalid already beat me to the most obvious full retard statement you made, but your entire comment is so dumb it borders on comedy.
First off, the whole "martyr and 72 virgins" through violence thing is an Islamic belief, not a Judaic one. Religious Jews believe in "bringing heaven to earth", not killing and/or blowing yourself up as a way to get to heaven.
Secondly, this is not a "holy war" for Israel, thought it is for Hamas. The IDF isn't killing Hamas/Palestinians because they're Muslim, but when Hamas attacks Israel, it is because they're Jewish. Israel is ironically more secular than the US even is. This war, from the Israeli standpoint, is about its security. Now if you want to talk specifically about Jerusalem, then yes religious factors become more salient on the Israeli side.
Thirdly, can you please link these pics of Israel "waving" around pics of its dead soldiers? Actually, can you please provide me pics of any dead Israeli, filmed by another Israeli? Actually scratch that one too; can you find me a pic of a dead Jew from anywhere, filmed by another Jew? You're going to find it very hard to do so. Do you know why? Because even in reform Judaism it is considered extremely disrespectful to look upon, let alone film, a dead body. That's why, in a Jewish funeral, there is no embalming and no option for an open casket. Displaying the dead, let alone parading them around on TV, is a horrendous concept to a Jew.
Lastly, your entire point is a stupid contradiction. You state that the IDF intentionally targets civilians to "punish" them, yet waves around their own casualties for PR sympathy. Even if that was true, isn't that a total oxymoron of intent? If you know displaying dead bodies on TV garners either side sympathy, why would you intentionally create a situation that creates sympathy for the other side, especially when your religion prevents you from doing the same?
Then, as Khalid points out, you have Hamas' twin parading around London tunnels, yet you still don't see the big picture here. Since Hamas took power, women must wear the Hijab lest they want to be beaten. Women are not permitted to ride a bike, because it is considered immoral. Women are not allowed to swim in the same pool as men, and cannot have their hair cut by men either. Palestinian boys that play soccer and dare to emulate a "renaldo" style haircut are beaten and shaved by Hamas thugs, and gays are outright murdered. The list goes on, and it gets more and more restrictive as Hamas' re-education of the populace to radical Islam becomes more ingrained in society. If you really want to talk about a loss of Freedom, this is it.