LMAO the whole selling point of the book and the whole point of Japanese culture is that he's an outsider who somehow managed to land the job in a culture/society that is highly closed to outsiders. It would dilute the whole raison d'etre entirely if he was running round with a posse of Caucasian guys
LMAO why wouldn't the audience want or need a man on the inside in the yakuza, oh sure let's just add another whitey to do that - hey let's get Tom cruise to star as "the last yakuza" LMAO
Hey, how about a white detective.
You are genuinely clueless how story telling works
I've not read the book but
Can chime on, are the white hostess girl and the yakuza character in the book or based on people in the book?
I would guess the yakuza might be based on multiple characters in the book
"series’ showrunner J.T. Rogers has explained that the supporting characters aren’t actually supposed to be entirely faithful representatives of real people that Jake encountered during his work.
Although there are similarities in a number of cases, the characters and certain details are essentially used to help propel the narrative forward, with characters altered and added in to service the writers’ needs."
God damnit your argument gets worse and worse the more I read it