There are direct references to the madness from carcosa in Dora Langes scrapbook in the show:h.p. Lovecraft_sl said:Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.
-Cassilda's Song in The King in Yellow, Act I, Scene II
I'm not sure which aspect you're directly referencing, but I have a link above which was seminal to Lovecraft's work.
This short storyby Bierce was the basis and introduced the city of Carcosa.
Chambers took some of the names/themes from the above story and createdthis anthologycalledThe King in Yellow. The title is a reference to a fictional play, which drove the reader mad upon reading. This play/anthology is referenced directly in the show, in the victim's notebook most explicitly.
Lovecraft similarly referenced Chambers'The King in Yellowforthe Cthulhu Mythos.
A lot of the images in the cinematography correlate with either the Bierce introduction or the Chambers anthology. In the short story, the narrator notices an owl:
One of the chapters ofThe King in Yellowis called The Yellow Sign, this might be a hint:
The first verse from a song inKing in Yellowis:
This is a shot from the show:
I don't know how they're going to tie this up in a satisfying way with just 3 more episodes. Rust is the shit. I'm expecting some deep twists for this shit and 3 episodes doesn't seem like enough to pull it off.Goddamnit, there are only 3 episodes of Woody and Matt left. I like the concept of new storylines with new characters every season, except I need more Rust. I NEED IT.
It was a brand on the middle of his back not a tatMaybe i missed it but did anyone see a Tattoo on Reggie Ladoux of the "elder sign" spiral? I thought Dora Lange's boyfriend in prison claimed he had one on his back?
i really hope it isnt because you could see it coming a mile away. It would be a very disappointing ending for me.Have faith in HBO.
Anyway, I'm thinking the governor theory might end up being the right one. Dude in the cell days the yellow king is known by big people.
This is actually one show that I think I like to watch week by week. There's so much in each one that I need time to digest it and think over it. Marathoning it would skip or gloss over so much.Captivating show. Really dreading my decision to watch the show weekly instead of downloading them all at once and being able to watch them in a short sequence. Can't remember the last show where I was left wanting to see the next one so much. And only 3 more episodes... wtf.
Go back to the CW pls.this turned out to be a great showafter the first two episodes being slow.
Remember the one interviewer asking Rust if he ever blacked out and couldn't remember what had happened? Maybe Rust has a split personality or has convinced himself that he does as a means of escaping that fucked up form of reincarnation he laid out in the interview.we pretty much know that Rust was not the killer because we see him investigating stuff on his own. Lawnmower man may still be involved. the slut daughter being fucked up looks like it may tie in somehow.