True Detective


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Origin Stories of True Detective??Ts Set Pieces -- Vulture

For those tracking the appearances of the spirals, you can cross off the one you found in Hart's house. That was a mistake. "I didn't even notice that one," DiGerlando said. "We got a whole bunch of artwork from the daughter of a friend of mine down the street and used it to decorate Marty's house. None of us put it together that there was a spiral in there."
The power of the flat circle cannot be denied.


In Astrobro's After School Special version of reality, there is a direct A->B correlation between all of these things. Girl turns into a whore, she must have been raped by cultists. Sadly lots of people do really strange shit and there is no one thing you can point to that tells you why. There are a lot of little things, like years of neglect from Marty and of course the example he set for them. Like I said, I think it is perspective. People want this to be a story about Carcosa and the evil cult and they want this to be tied to that, when it seems to be a story about Marty and Rust and this part of the story was about Marty's family and the impact he was having on them.
Exactly. The show is not about the Yellow King or the cult. It is about the characters Marty and Rust.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Exactly. The show is not about the Yellow King or the cult. It is about the characters Marty and Rust.
Which makes me believe, along with the flat circle and Carcosa references, that the season will end with Marty and Rust once again catching one (or several) of the bad guys but failing to shut the whole operation down. Just like they did in '95.


Avatar of War Slayer
The full circle is Rust and Marty trying to catch these guys and preventing it to happen when it happened right under Marty's nose. Also rewatched first two episodes and with things said by the father in law, I have no doubt he is part of it.


Or the flat circle and things repeating themselves is a reference to the people that Rust and Marty are, as seen when Rust asks Marty about himself most recently.


Vyemm Raider
I believe a continuity error is far more plausible than a single scene where Marty projects some imagined gang rape doll scene he hasn't witnessed yet against an entire season where everything else we witness actually happens. Excluding Rust's hallucinations, which are very surreal and easily distinguished.

I believe a continuity error is far more plausible than a single scene where Marty projects some imagined gang rape doll scene he hasn't witnessed yet against an entire season where everything else we witness actually happens. Excluding Rust's hallucinations, which are very surreal and easily distinguished.

I believe a continuity error is far more plausible than a single scene where Marty projects some imagined gang rape doll scene he hasn't witnessed yet against an entire season where everything else we witness actually happens. Excluding Rust's hallucinations, which are very surreal and easily distinguished.

Sorry Chaos.

She may not have been abused but I'm certain the flat circle has given us all of the evidence we need that she at least had contact with someone who was. The only question is if Hart ever finds out. The fact that he had all the evidence he needed right there at home is just far too in line with the rest of the theme of the show to discount as "he made it up in his mind for no reason."

Unless he's the Yellow King. Then I guess he projected it.


Buzzfeed Editor



Sorry Chaos.

She may not have been abused but I'm certain the flat circle has given us all of the evidence we need that she at least had contact with someone who was. The only question is if Hart ever finds out. The fact that he had all the evidence he needed right there at home is just far too in line with the rest of the theme of the show to discount as "he made it up in his mind for no reason."

Unless he's the Yellow King. Then I guess he projected it.
It isn't really evidence, though. The girl drew the pictures. Now, you can view that as "This girl was obviously raped look at the pictures she drew!" which to me sounds like a pretty big leap in logic, not nearly as big as "he had all the evidence he needed right there at home". We have no indication of that. In fact, quit the opposite, there is NO evidence in his house. Even if the dolls were actually arranged like that... that isn't evidence of Dora Lange's murder. Hell, we know what the girsl were doing, they were talking about enacting some kind of car crash in that very scene. And people keep saying that his daughter went to a Tuttle school, I don't remember that. I look at that scene as showing how detached Marty was from his home life, he is being distracted by the case and this chick he is banging and the lies he has to tell. If memory serves it was that night that his wife confronted him and he almost admitted the affair, ended up banging her instead, but she had an air like she knew some other stuff was going on. Everyone seems to want things to be one way, but they're the other.
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Avatar of War Slayer
brad you're a special kind of stupid.
And a smart, respectable guy doesn't go out of his way to point out the shortcomings of the unintelligent.

Fuck and suck are on to the same case, but different reasons. I see it going down with Rust dying because he puts himself into a position of guilt. I don't think the other detectives are crooked, I just think they don't have all of the information Rust and Marty have.


Buzzfeed Editor
The power of the flat circle cannot be denied.
As Fedor linked earlier.

In the Unsolved Mysteries, Mathew Mcconaughey plays a guy who gave up his own life to stop a pedophile, all because Dorthy Lang alerts him to the presence of the pedophile.

In True Detective, Mathew Mcconaughey plays a guy who gives up his "life" (IE his job, marriage ect) to stop a pedophile, all because the body of Dorthy Lang gives him clues to the pedophiles existence.

Flat circle. (This had to be an accident, but lol)


Trakanon Raider
Right before the doll scene, his daughters ask "really?" when he tells them he is staying for diner. Pretty much shows he is an absentee father that they would be suprised by that. I can't believe people are still arguing this.

The theory crafting made sense up until a week ago, but now it's getting a bit silly.


Millie's Staff Member
In Astrobro's After School Special version of reality, there is a direct A->B correlation between all of these things. Girl turns into a whore, she must have been raped by cultists. Sadly lots of people do really strange shit and there is no one thing you can point to that tells you why. There are a lot of little things, like years of neglect from Marty and of course the example he set for them. Like I said, I think it is perspective. People want this to be a story about Carcosa and the evil cult and they want this to be tied to that, when it seems to be a story about Marty and Rust and this part of the story was about Marty's family and the impact he was having on them.
girl turning into a sex weirdo at 8 years old is more likely that she was molested than she just decided one day to drop her barbies and love the cock.


Buzzfeed Editor
Right before the doll scene, his daughters ask "really?" when he tells them he is staying for diner. Pretty much shows he is an absentee father that they would be suprised by that. I can't believe people are still arguing this.

The theory crafting made sense up until a week ago, but now it's getting a bit silly.
The thing is, both sides believe the other are the ones theory crafting, and just being absurd. Which is more "realistic"--that after a few drinks, someone half tanked sees some things after his traumatic day at the office that have to do with his case (Shit you'd take a double take on and see it wasn't what you thought)? Or that a father missed his daughter getting raped in school, because she herself thought it was a dream due to her being drugged (Remember, the kids were put to sleep, so they only remember events as bad dreams ect.)

Both of those things are pretty plausible, to me. I could use occam's razor to defend both. Why are the anti-ritual guys so sure it couldn't have happened to Matry's kid? Doesn't it fit with the story of being under his "nose"? Does he have some kind of godly power that would alert him to it, while dozens of other parents missed it? If the story just leaves it dangling, it's perfectly reasonable to conclude that one of her teachers was an illegitimate Tuttle bastard (SInce he had so many) and then he drugged her and then raped her--and we'll never know because evenshe doesn't really know it happened. Why is that hard to believe?

On the same token, it's just as easy to believe the symbolism is all just to show how Hart's work warps into his life in a cycle (IE the giant swirl of never ending shit that life is), and nothing happened to his kid--but he sees these things because his work has an effect on his perception of otherwise normal, fucked up, human behavior. (As Chaos said, sometimes girls like to have trains run on them--doesn't mean their teachers were mask wearing pedophiles.) Maybe his daughter was just kind of fucked up, and liked sex, and Marty's job made him see that in kind of fucked up ways, because he saw, every day, all the fucked up things sex leads to; so everything fucked up thing his daughter did (The sex drawings ect) got a little darker due to his tint on the world. (And since we don't have internal thoughts on a show; the guy used kind of obtuse symbolism to convey it.)

I don't know, maybe I'm not the sharpest tool here--but I would not be, at all, confident about coming down one way or the other on this. And that's why earlier I said this symbolism was kind of weak. For a show professing solid, but colorful narratives in a "whoddunit"--using ambiguous symbolism that's never explained cohesively feels like shit thrown in to inspire discussion without ever intending to lead anywhere, but rather it's just there to create buzz.
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Buzzfeed Editor
girl turning into a sex weirdo at 8 years old is more likely that she was molested than she just decided one day to drop her barbies and love the cock.
Bro, kids draw sexually explicit shit all the time. I got caught playing doctor with my neighbor, naked, when I was 6. And I was only rarely raped and brutalized by Carcosa cultists. Maybe she was molested, who knows? It wasn't the point of the scenes.
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