
Got something right about marriage
Well yes, but also, like Gavin said. If you're dumb enough to believe he was soliciting a minor for sex and there was no criminal investigation you are a special kind of stupid.

But yea Twitch was locked into contractual litigation negotiations with someone they could have just turned over to authorities. Right.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
The two parties involved are legally bound to silence and absolutely able to sue anyone not abiding to it, so anyone yapping about what happened is talking out of their ass, extremely stupid or both. Most likely both.

I heard the NDA was 4 years which is why stuff is coming out now.


<Gold Donor>
The way he worded his response makes me think that he got caught in an inappropriate but technically legal conversation with a minor, they tried to morality clause him, and he hired better lawyers. I wonder how much she got.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
His more recent response at least acknowledges they looked into something. Twitch fucked up, doesn't matter if it was something borderline or a nothingburger whoever made the call did not handle it right so they paid.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well yes, but also, like Gavin said. If you're dumb enough to believe he was soliciting a minor for sex and there was no criminal investigation you are a special kind of stupid.

But yea Twitch was locked into contractual litigation negotiations with someone they could have just turned over to authorities. Right.

Pretty much. If Twitch had knowledge of an actual evidenced crime along those lines and intentionally conspired to keep it a secret (which includes not only Doc and Twitch, but also the alleged victim who would also need to go along with keeping quiet), that puts them at far more risk than whatever contractual payout they had for Doc.

It's far more likely that an allegation was made (which would explain why there were people at Twitch making Tweets saying Doc was fucked/done everywhere), Twitch banned Doc based off the allegation, then under further investigation the allegation either didn't hold up or was recanted, so they financially settled the matter quietly. The fact that Twitch reportedly paid his entire contract (which was multiple millions) and Doc is going publicly on record saying there was no wrongdoing would seem to potentially support this.
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Got something right about marriage
The timing on this is *chefs kiss*.

Some dude on FoH asks what the fuck the deal is with Dr Disrespects ban then days later this happens?

I've always known it but there are some nebulous mother fuckers on this forum.

Was it Chinese or Saudi money that made this ground zero for the latest Twitch scandal?!?!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah his responses also make me think he was into something 'inappropriate but technically legal'.

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Twitch NDAs are 4 years, and this incident happened in 2020.

Those born in 2000 are almost too old for DiCaprio.


Got something right about marriage
Twitch NDAs are 4 years, and this incident happened in 2020.

Those born in 2000 are almost too old for DiCaprio.

What the fuck do Twitch NDAs have to do with legal arbitration and their own legally defined NDAs?
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Got something right about marriage
My immediate reaction to all this is it's a game he's playing to drive more revenue to his channels because he's a narcissistic psychopath who cares more about views and money than he does about how it effects his family.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Whats the over/under on it being the deer-kin safety council (that has since been fired) trying trying to albatross him with some trumped up 'inappropriate' behavior and him just going 'lol lawyers' and taking them all to the cleaners.
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Got something right about marriage
Rich Campbell was "dating" an actual pornstar who even called him weird and talked about his pregnancy and breast milk fetish. And when that happened he just left everything behind. He didn't even get banned or try to fight anything.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Rich Campbell was "dating" an actual pornstar who even called him weird and talked about his pregnancy and breast milk fetish. And when that happened he just left everything behind. He didn't even get banned or try to fight anything.

Mia Malkova was just using him to funnel simps to her OF. Smart
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>

This is making the rounds right now. Supposedly an ex Twitch employee leaking that Doc got banned for messaging a minor on the Twitch messaging feature to meet up at Twitchcon. Could just be someone bullshitting though.

I think this is bullshit. No way Twitch/Amazon paid off his massive contract and kept an NDA if Doc was doing something this illegal. They could have dumped him for breach of contract.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Doc probably did some borderline illegal shit. Twitch conducted an investigation to the matter, and banned him but in the process broke some of Doc's rights (gained illegal access to his phone, pc whatever it might have been). Doc found out and hit them with a lawsuit. Twitch realized that they had royally fucked up. Had it become public that they were "hacking/spying" their user(s), it would have been catastrophic optics for them. No matter what their initial intent was. So they paid Doc off and then some. This happens all the time in corporate. And Doc got away with something he really shouldn't have.
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FPS noob
NDAs do not cover criminal offenses, you cannot NDA your way out of that. If you try to make an NDA saying no one can talk about your sexting with a minor it doesn't matter who signs or what the NDA is, its a potential criminal case and in fact its a crime to try and shield a crime behind an NDA.

What an NDA can cover is civil cases aka settlements, so if Doc did something illegal but settled with a third party and paid them millions to agree not to sue then there can be an NDA to cover not disclosing the settlement in any way (the money settled the case). It still wouldn't cover the actual crime itself though, anyone can blab about that anytime they want as long if they have actual evidence, but no prosecutor would prosecute if the victim says they will not testify as they have settled out of court for money.

reading between the lines thats probably what happened and amazon bitched out, shoulda just said we banned Doc for sexting with a minor, maybe they got the evidence in an illegal way (spying) or most likely amazon legal was worried they'd catch a lot of bad PR for basically being a pedo platform so tried to keep everything out of the public eye, which is stupid since stuff like this always comes out.
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Log Wizard
A lot of big streamers at that time were dipping in/out of Twitch. If he didn't do anything illegal, but was on his way to doing something illegal it makes sense they didn't want to fully burn the bridge with him. Shroud had left the year before for Mixer and they might've been worried they needed a big $$$ getter like him back at some point.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
NDAs for people that leave Twitch and move on to other companies, not court action or the settlement. Staff that was around prior to the ban or after and heard X, saw Y and then left in summer 2020 and are now bringing it up so the journalists can start trying to find a scoop.