
Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Shroud and Ninja had signed by Mixer deals and then Doc had a huge deal signed with Twitch. Then a short time after he inked the deal, Mixer blew up and Doc got banned around that time. That is why there was a lot of speculation that the ban had to do with the contract he had just signed.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Midnight Society dropping him outright seems like a big deal since he helped start it. Definitely sounds like a lot more is about to drop


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Midnight Society dropping him outright seems like a big deal since he helped start it.

If Doc was the one pushing for that to happen, thats one thing. If Midnight Society got together and decided it behind Docs back, fuck these spineless bitch companies that keep doing this shit over alligations.
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FPS noob
Midnight Society dropping him outright seems like a big deal since he helped start it. Definitely sounds like a lot more is about to drop

guess the phone message he received on stream was midnight society letting him know he fired



Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
This Doc topic is amazing, so much entertainment to be had..This is 100% a hit-job BTW.


The only way I can see this as real is a SUPER specific circumstance of:

Twitch didn't want the bad PR of MANY high profile streamers (not just Doc) using their DMing service to pick up under-age fans. So they told Doc to take a hike and bury it under NDA.

That is literally the only way this pans out, "you keep your mouth shut, and we will as well".

The comical part, to me, is that this is a super lose situation for Twitch if this was the case because then they would be guilty of crimes as well because they didn't bring it to the attention of law enforcement. So, I'd put this in the 1% chance camp.


The overwhelming part of me thinks this is just a cash out hit job, 4 years after the fact you grow a conscience and decide to release some damning info without naming names? Fuck outta here grifter...

Doc's company firing him is icing on the cake because he, more than likely, told them to dump him if shit like this ever happens so he could claim financial losses in order to start things rolling on libel.

Either way, this will be entertaining...assuming doc doesn't gag the shit outta this.
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Vyemm Raider
Doc's company firing him is icing on the cake because he, more than likely, told them to dump him if shit like this ever happens so he could claim financial losses in order to start things rolling on libel.

Either way, this will be entertaining...assuming doc doesn't gag the shit outta this.

This actually makes a lot of sense. I hear that the company was making some kinda NFT game. Them firing him gives him a stronger case to sue for libel with damages now Vs his NFT game taking off years after that ship sailed.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'm going with twitch had wanted to get rid of the guy and found not outright illegal behavior but something embarrassing/inappropriate they thought was good enough reason to fire him and not have to payout.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This actually makes a lot of sense. I hear that the company was making some kinda NFT game. Them firing him gives him a stronger case to sue for libel with damages now Vs his NFT game taking off years after that ship sailed.
Wasn't the guy a high rolling finance guy before he was a streamer? Or is that just part of the character?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Like was stated before, whatever he did probably didn't rise to the level of an actual evidenced crime, but it was still toxic waste to Twitch. Neither party probably wanted the bad publicity and settled it quietly.

At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if he pulls a Rich Campbell and just goes 100% radio silent and vanishes. Other streamers are going to be too uneasy with even the whiff of the allegation to want to do collabs and the longer he stays visible, the longer this situation stays in the spotlight (which would be zero benefit to him at this point)
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<Silver Donator>
Wasn't the guy a high rolling finance guy before he was a streamer? Or is that just part of the character?
Regardless he made a ton of money while streaming so unless he was being a complete fucking idiot with his money he should be set for the rest of his life anyway.

Story sounds very much like he did something morally wrong but not technically illegal. Something like grooming isn't technically illegal if it doesn't lead to anything further I believe(I googled it quickly but I'm not a lawyer), but it's also not something anyone wants to come to the surface, neither him or Twitch. Could be something else entirely but he sure didn't look like he was angry and looking at retaliation after the allegations surfaced or after he was fired, which if he felt he was wronged would be the case. It's not like he's a paragon of moral to start with, guy cheated on his wife as soon as he got some celebrity pussy(twice I think? forgot if it was just once or twice).


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Regardless he made a ton of money while streaming so unless he was being a complete fucking idiot with his money he should be set for the rest of his life anyway.

Story sounds very much like he did something morally wrong but not technically illegal. Something like grooming isn't technically illegal if it doesn't lead to anything further I believe(I googled it quickly but I'm not a lawyer), but it's also not something anyone wants to come to the surface, neither him or Twitch. Could be something else entirely but he sure didn't look like he was angry and looking at retaliation after the allegations surfaced or after he was fired, which if he felt he was wronged would be the case. It's not like he's a paragon of moral to start with, guy cheated on his wife as soon as he got some celebrity pussy(twice I think? forgot if it was just once or twice).

Even cheating on his wife was all one sided admission from him wasn't it? The "Other Girl" never came forward, it was all just people assuming.

Even when people "shot his house" his reaction seemed more, "How can I use this" than genuine outrage. Also, no one was ever charged, he lives / lived in a million dollar gated community, you telling me that they had NO footage of a random car / people walking around his community? That shit would be all over the news with the level of "games cause violence" hysteria that the media has for everything, especially shooter games.


I'm not gunna say none of this is real but it all seemed very theatrical.

He and Asmongold are both "Smart" marketing people. They understand how to pivot news and emotions into real dollars but the "characters" they play some to a hard stop when shit becomes real and levying charges of pedophilia at someone are some pretty real charges.

His reaction + none of the people levying the charges DIRECTLY at him, makes it sound like the people just want some lime-light and they are toeing a line that they know he can't say anything about. Now that he has "personal damages" associated with their words...It'll be entertaining at least LOL.



Adding to this, the courts take protection of a minor VERY seriously.

Anyone trying to sell the "They didn't do anything because they were trying to protect a minor" IF a minor was involved is out of their mind. I would say that in most cases the minor / the minor's family is appointed a case worker / advocate for their safety. In all court documents they are referred to as "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" and if more than one minor is involved they just add A-B-C as needed. The only time it is plainly obvious who the Doe is in a case like this is when it's a child that reports on a family-member. The public will never see the testimony of the child, they will never see the child, they will never see the child's name.

The most deplorable case I saw like this was when a Step-X generationally molested some kids up to about 11 or 12 years old before switching to the next sibling. The courts listed all siblings as Doe A - B - C even though C was over 18 at the time of the case and all of the siblings were known to the defendant.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If I recall, the “shooting” at his house was just a BB gun or airsoft, not an actual firearm


Vyemm Raider
it feels like Doc is being railroaded - you don't pay people out if they did wrong.

Midnight society is caving to a perceived woke mob (actually seems to be the opposite with DOC getting a ton of support) Is classic leftist "shoot yourself in the foot move to signal virtue"

Midnight society is over without him.

This reeks like BS from the info we have available. I doubt more comes out as well.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
There's been no new reveals, only drama and reactions by companies. No document drops or emails or anything of substance. So my care level is near zero as they are replacing pride month flags with CYA innuendo. Announcement for the announcement of not going to show you shit.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw a video on the Rich Campbell legal situation, and it looked to me like he had a solid case against his accuser who was bitter he wasn't with her and went for a porn star instead.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Still ruined his income stream and twitch prospects and he will never recover any of that. Neither will a broke whore be able to pay any damages.
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