
FPS noob
pretty sure asmondgold does all this just to be engaged with people and because he's autistic, not for the money. he literally doesn't stream on his main account (which has subs enabled) for years and only streams on his alt account which has donations and subs turned off. Thats not someone who is streaming for money. He can talk 12 hours a day 6 days a week about anything without a break, most of us aren't built that (weird) way. I infinitely prefer peace and quiet, I couldn't imagine babbling for 2 hours let alone 10.

He's said he has made enough money to never need another penny in his life and all his actions follow that pattern, he doesn't seem to engage much if at all with OTK and lets others deal with it all while he is just the guy in front who gets viewers to engage with the rest of the group. He doesn't seem to give a fuck about actually fucking a woman and making a baby and I wouldn't be shocked if he's infertile from all the fast food he's eaten.
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Trakanon Raider
I knew it. He stepped down from the leadership of OTK and Starforge due to resolving real life personal issues, or that's the excuse he is using. Now he has plenty of time to clean up that filthy ass room.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
His mistake was how he worded that original public opinion - he basically came across as “every single person is this” and used terms like “inferior”. Business partners who want to steer clear of that aren’t going to appreciate a prominent spokesperson tossing stuff like that out there

His apology didn’t cause this. He could have pulled a DrDisrespect and ignored it and would have still resulted in the same outcome. Smart move to preserve the business is step back, do your PR/image rehab, and step back in later. Either that or just collect paychecks on the backend until this blows over
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's been kinda interesting to see him starting streaming on his Zackrawrr account as a chill gaming stream and slowly going back to the Asmongold persona and even maxing the persona out even more.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I knew it. He stepped down from the leadership of OTK and Starforge due to resolving real life personal issues, or that's the excuse he is using. Now he has plenty of time to clean up that filthy ass room.

He 100% called his lawyers again and asked for the best course of action.

Milquetoast stepping away to focus on yourself PR firm response tells you all you need to know. If he just went actual autist and said yeah I said it. Fuck off faggots, I meant it too. That would be more like him. Or at least the boomer gamer he actually is.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think he personally cares what happens to him, but there's other people involved in his "businesses" that could suffer for it and there's no point risking dragging them down with him.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They’ve been trying to make OTK more mainstream for years now, trying to have game showcases or cross promotion. Plus the whole gamer PC prebuilt thing they got going.

They’ve also had tons of controversy (Miz, Rich, etc) and I think there was some litigation, which means they probably brought on legal/PR consultants to help mitigate risk to the core businesses.

You can be 100% sure he was advised to metaphorically jump on the grenade to shield potential damage to the brands
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I knew it. He stepped down from the leadership of OTK and Starforge due to resolving real life personal issues, or that's the excuse he is using. Now he has plenty of time to clean up that filthy ass room.

He's not wrong about his "devolution" over the last few years, I've found it harder and harder to watch him on YT because of that negative/asshole attitude, and not like a funny asshole but bitter. He's probably been blackpilling himself a bunch, and combined with whatever mental craziness goes on his head to live like that he let the negativity take over and just started hating everything.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Is there any personal issues that isn't blamed on autism now?
As someone who was literally autistic before it was cool, the way the shit is treated today makes me want to cave in skulls. Between media treating it like a superpower (the "good" doctor, that one predator movie) and misbegotten zoomer trash boasting of being nEuRoDiVeRgEnT while simultaneously hiding behind it as an excuse for being shitty human beings it's just unbearable.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Almost like these issues are deeper then some ambiguous word and a reaction to crippling global culture creep seeping into every facet of our lives.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's been kinda interesting to see him starting streaming on his Zackrawrr account as a chill gaming stream and slowly going back to the Asmongold persona and even maxing the persona out even more.

Twitch shoved it up his ass last month and forced him to run full ads on Zackrawrr.


Blackwing Lair Raider
He didn’t say anything wrong , he just didn’t explicitly refer to culture and not individual people with every comment he made, so I guess that left him open to attack or something from bad faith actors, Even though it was pretty clear what he meant. I never watched this ‘has an Abu’ guy before but he has one of the dumbest haircuts I’ve ever seen and is almost as bad as some of his takes ‘ just let them be liberated and their culture will improve on its own’ yea sure tell that to the women in Afghanistan lol.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
RIP Starforge Chanur Chanur TheBeagle TheBeagle

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
kek starforged gave him the boot, its only a matter of time that OTK announces it too

Mizkif and Esfand being co-owners of OTK will thrive just fine without Asmongold.

Miz just got done hiring a bunch of new staff and was running most of it anyway.
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