My argument is Darwin's.
And I cringe every time I see one of you mention clown world.
I didn't think y'all could get more cringy than with the kekistan shit but here we are
We are fighting over a tranny girl.
Perhaps we've both lost?
You can bitch about Trannies all you want but disrespect Honkler again and we're going to have words faggot.
Welcome to the club. Pretty fucking insanity-inducing, ain't it?It guess it had to happen. I have finally been resoundingly hodjed.
Gerbil has never been an autist though, nor an outright asshole. I can discuss shit with people like him and respect our differences.AngryGerbil is speaking with a great deal of maturity and is being very open to all perspectives. I salute your discourse in this thread, and I think
Vanessa should reward you with tits.
You're conflating homosexuality with transgenderism... something many of you repeatedly do while I've repeatedly already told you guys that that is a fallacious belief.why? Trans and Gays are abominations in the eyes of most religions, it's just that "some" Christians are more tolerant and allow "heathens" into their flock. Where are the Tranny goat fuckers? sure they fuck young boys in the ass, but to them, thats not gay it's some goat fuckery religious principle.
Where are the Tranny Jews? or gay Jews?
Ben Shapiro is such a Jew, he'll tell gay Rubin to his face that he won't attend his gay wedding cuz they're "heathens", while having a polite discussion.
Dont hate the straights, broThis really is the cringiest shit.
I'm amazed sargon hasnt gone full bore with this shit like he did the kekistani crap.
Y'all realize he destroyed UKIP right?
These are the cringiest memes and only hurt the right wing position
Bring back the 2016 election grade humor plzthz
This really is the cringiest shit.
I'm amazed sargon hasnt gone full bore with this shit like he did the kekistani crap.
Y'all realize he destroyed UKIP right?
These are the cringiest memes and only hurt the right wing position
Bring back the 2016 election grade humor plzthz
Dont hate the straights, bro
Sargon is FoH running for office.
He didn't destroy UKIP, he gave it a boner.
What thread am I even in? Fucking mobile.
Welcome to the club. Pretty fucking insanity-inducing, ain't it?
Oh! Origin: No, I returned it. Thanks for the reminder, actually.
Lol literally he joined and they lost 87% of their seats in one election
An entire regions candidates left ukip over sargon joining too lol
Trannies did that themselves when they hitched their wagon to the LGB train.... then proceeded to boot first gays then lesbians out of the Oppression Olympics. You may not have personally engaged in this behavior, but you would be lying if you said it did not happen. You also link it together yourself, with your belief you are female and dating other women, being one of a billion choppers who are "lesbians" out there (while nearly all FtM prefer female partners). The two are forever linked because despite a lot of us laughing at the whole slippery slope argument, the Chopper Brigade managed to prove it right in under a decade after Gay Marriage was recognized. And its not just you guys, the pedos are coming out of the woodwork too. Basically, its mental illness or perversion being marketed as sexual orientation riding on the coat tails of all the hard work that non-flaming gays did to get the right to marry. Thing is, the fags might lay down and take in in the butt on this one, but the carpet munchers are really pissed at this infiltration and there is no more vindictive bitter group than dick starved angry cat ladies.You're conflating homosexuality with transgenderism... something many of you repeatedly do while I've repeatedly already told you guys that that is a fallacious belief.
Hillary also won the popular vote.
We call this: The Populism Fallacy
Uh no I didnt say something was popular or unpopular and therefore right or not right.
Christ you have gone full retard lol
I said sargon joined ukip and within a month the party started splitting apart at the seams and got wiped out to nearly a man, absolutely routed to the point the party essentially no longer exists, in the subsequent election.