this info is very discerning. very.Wat she lives like 20 hours from me I never asked her out I was merely making an observation!
this info is very discerning. very.Wat she lives like 20 hours from me I never asked her out I was merely making an observation!
this info is very discerning. very.
this info is very discerning. very.
If it'll get you off this forum via an Iranian beheading, Sure. What are the key words here I need to type out to get you packing?I'd enquire aboutVanessa stance towards education of toddlers and young kids, but I think his answer would make me migrate to Iran.
Dude who has only cherry picked any study I posted to try to refute what I posted as factual instead of posting his own studies tells me I like to cherry pick.You like to cherry pick, so yes fuck you you psycho. How about the fact the majority of you crazy fucks have your delusions resolved by a natural process called puberty?
Get the fuck out of here already with your desire to do harm to children
I'll totally agree that this is bad. Similar to other mental illnesses, a lot of what we can glean as to the nature and severity of said illness is from the patient's words and behavior. GD works in the same way. The child will exhibit behaviors and the parents will take them to see a professional.A person-to-person approach when your paper says:
" It is now acknowledged, for instance, that children's GD/GV persists after puberty in only 10–30 per cent of all cases; when it does not, the children are referred to as ‘desisters’.1, 5 At present, there is no way to predict which individuals will or will not suffer from GD into adolescence or adulthood. "
Seems persistent with the other papers, that they are just taking a well intended guess at best, when they admister blockers.
Me responding to your cherry picking with words of the authors = cherry picking? You ignoring unable to even comment on any of the actual methods or analyses I raised questions about =me cherry picking.ThanksErronius for the reminder... this got lost in the shuffle:
If it'll get you off this forum via an Iranian beheading, Sure. What are the key words here I need to type out to get you packing?
Heh, jk. Even trash like you I wouldn't wish that upon. The middle east is the butthole of the world. We here in the states are the world's manly dick... slapping all the other countries around with our Floridian dong. I'm sorry you're not living it up here with the rest of us.
But actually, if you're Northern EU, you're probably better off than we are! I hear the North EU has a damn good economy, healthcare, low crime and are quite happy. If you speak 3 languages and English is your 3rd, you're possibly Eastern EU tho.
Still waiting for you to answer my two questions... I can assume I'll be waiting a long long time though.
Dude who has only cherry picked any study I posted to try to refute what I posted as factual instead of posting his own studies tells me I like to cherry pick.
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Let's be honest and real: We both cherry picked to make our point. Here's the difference. One of us will admit to that, the other will get triggered and tell the other to kill themselves LoL
By saying: "so yes fuck you you psycho" (<-- your words, not mine... so eloquent) you're saying YES, you're right Vanessa that I'm going to completely forgo the conclusion that the paper came to just because *I* don't like the conclusion... I only like what I cherry picked and what *I* cherry picked from the paper is more factual than what you cherry picked from the paper.
Mmhmm... right right. How fallacious of you! But I'm the one with delusions. I dunno, maybe you're too simple minded to see that your cherries and my cherries are both equally valid. Which is to say, puberty blockers are proven safe and extremely effective for trannies but there's still more testing that needs to be done, that determining GD in kids isn't an "exact science" yet, that 20% / 80% needs to be addressed more carefully, and having the MtFs go through puberty blockers doesn't give much "material" to use for GRS.
But that's a huge difference with us, isn't it Zyyz? You outright reject what you don't like (paper's conclusion and what I already posted), but I will say "everything in there is factual". Kinda like how you reject people based on their skin color and sexual orientation. At least you're consistent on that front. *golfclap*
In other words, yes we both cherry picked from the paper. But YOU are still cherry picking facts in your own soft head.
Also, you really sure you want to adopt #7 & #8 into your list of "reasons" that your stance is the sane one? You're good with 10 year olds exploring their sexuality? Lmao, fucking dumbass.
I'll totally agree that this is bad. Similar to other mental illnesses, a lot of what we can glean as to the nature and severity of said illness is from the patient's words and behavior. GD works in the same way. The child will exhibit behaviors and the parents will take them to see a professional.
What you have, and what I think we ALL can (should have already?) agree to and gotten past is that roughly 20% will retain GD throughout their life (what I'd call true transsexuals) and 80% will swim through their gender crisis via puberty (probably just gay males / lesbians). I'm not comfortable with this and yet the facts are STILL the facts: the last paper stated, quote:
"Consistent with the Dutch and British studies was Spack and colleagues’ report about their sample of 97 patients at a clinic in Boston, MA, in which no adolescents showed regrets regarding puberty blocking or subsequent cross-sex hormone use."
97 of 97 is a helluva track record at nailing down that 20%, wouldn't you agree? What does this tell you? I can tell you what *I* think but I'm actually interested to hear what you guys think.
Jessika and I were talking about potentially having a kid. Clearly, that wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had.Didn't Vanessa get off the meds at the end of last year or something in order to save up some spunk for having a kid in the future? The craziness has really spiked from then. Now, imagine a world where Vanessa has a kid and what that child's life would be like.
What changed, in your day to day life, between "now now" and "then now". No spaceballs referrences please. How you feel etc. What feels different. Psychologically or you know, I don't know, your thought process. If you look back, what is in essence different now?
Yep!Me responding to your cherry picking with words of the authors = cherry picking?
I wish you could type effectively. "You ignoring unable to even" <--- Lmao, what the hoof?You ignoring unable to even comment on any of the actual methods or analyses I raised questions about =me cherry picking.
Look everyone... a racist, hate-filled dude who hates gays and trannies that has a penchant for telling people to kill themselves is telling me that I'm a disgusting stupid human incapable of critical thinking. I truly love this place. It's a humor-factory, even when it's not trying to be.Go find a sturdy branch or something. You are a disgusting, stupid human incapable of any critical thinking. You are a drain and cost to society. We don't need you.
Didn't Vanessa get off the meds at the end of last year or something in order to save up some spunk for having a kid in the future?
"Puberty Blockers"So here's the pitiful reality of the situation: Even if you boys successfully banned trannies from taking puberty blockers, there would be kids out there STILL administered puberty blockers in which their specific diagnosis has NOTHING to do with their gender or them being trannies. In all 3 studies I linked, it doesn't even MENTION trannies; just the meds which tranny youth take.
Or, to put a microscope on how asinine you sound right now:
"Vanessa posting words of the authors is cherry picking, but when I respond to her cherry picking with words of the authors, it's not cherry picking"
Again, this is you right about now:
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I wish you could type effectively. "You ignoring unable to even" <--- Lmao, what the hoof?
Now you're making false comparisons. Cherry picking is cherry picking. I think you may be talking about something you did or said 50 pages ago? If you'd like to actually dig up a point you were trying to make that I may have missed, be my guest. Part of the problem with getting dogpiled is that I literally have missed certain posts not due to anything other than the nature of what the dogpile is. Granted, I've now ignored a handful of posters who cannot keep their nose out of this thread and yet they also cannot be anything other than useless noise either, so that can help eliminate the clutter but it's still not ideal.
Look everyone... a racist, hate-filled dude who hates gays and trannies that has a penchant for telling people to kill themselves is telling me that I'm a disgusting stupid human incapable of critical thinking. I truly love this place. It's a humor-factory, even when it's not trying to be.
Still waiting for you to answer my two questions... I can assume I'll be waiting a long long time though.
Well, I guess I can write of today as the day a tranny referred to me as "trash".
If this isn't a Jordan Peterson talking point, it sure smells like it! Which is a great thing btw, I love that man. Yeah this goes hand in hand to the concept of original sin. I think we are indeed burdened by our genes and predilections and the Lord will judge us for these things, yup. Why? Because it's still individual choice to sin. If I died right now due to an aneurysm and stood before God, the two truths I couldn't deny whilst the books were open and He was peering into my soul to look at my life:Vanessa biologically and biblically they talk about sins of the father affecting future generations. Women are born with their eggs and genetic reproductive material so it makes sense that they talk about sins of the father and not the mother.
I always thought this was interesting because it appears to be biologically accurate. It’s old testament and please don’t digress this to whether Jesus can save you because he can, it’s just a parallel to the genetic ramifications of our actions as men. I’m also not trying to talk about this on the context of sin but actually generational trauma, behavior, as well as things such as mental illness.
Exodus 34:6-7 “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”
You forgot to bold, italicize, and underline the word man. I've helped you out.Okay MAN. You cherry picked words from articles and I sinole point out the other points and fact in the same article. Calling out your stupid cherry picking is cherry picking, ok MAN.
Have a good day MAN. Nothing will ever change the fact that you are a mentally deranged MAN.
I hope you are never allowed around children MAN.
Tell him AxlI sinole point out the other points and fact in