Hi Chaos. We've never interacted so I don't know you or your history here other than you're almost a meme here with this "It's only on the internet" thing. If you or anyone else wants to toss up a link as to what/how/why this made you "famous" I'd be interested in getting educatedI'm not around much anymore, mostly just to look at bitches and trannies in the fsr, but fuck you and fuck this bro. Whatever stances I may have ever held or whatever, which can be argued, never in a million years have I been on the same side of the arguement as this crazy bitch who wants to drug and fuck up kids.
If I had to wager a guess (so don't flog me if I'm wrong here) based on context clues, it seems like your stance was that SJW shit was just an overblown fear akin to being spooked by boogeymen in the closet in which the internet magnifies its relevance in the world, and you got shit on by the vocal majority here?
Since you called me a "Crazy bitch who wants to drug and fuck up kids", I'll just say that you're either dousing that assessment in hyperbole, or you're allowing the trolls to dictate what I'm saying vs. what I'm actually saying.
As usual, there are my views/tastes (see below) and there are the rest of trannies views/tastes. I *personally* don't delve into the sexuality aspect of trannydom too much so I'm NOT a good spokesperson for my sisters and what their favorite flavors are on that front. So when you talk about "trans consumer" I have no clue what that demographic enjoys. I think most trannies would be "biologically" defined as homosexual tho... i.e. MtF are into dudes and FtM are into chicks. I'm more interested in the biological, neurological and (somewhat) social aspects of transgenderism versus the OTHER aspects of it that get attention like sexual orientations of trannies, what porn "does it" for trannies, sex work, hooking, HIV stats, etc. All of that can be someone else's interest.I was more wondering if you even watched porn at all, what role it filled if you did, and what 'flavor' of porn you happened to find appealing. There's tons of trans porn out there, but my impression is that it isn't really marketed towards trans consumers. I thought you had a GF, so I also wondered if you just fell into more of a 'straight' sexual paradigm where you might watch the same porn most men do, even though you've adopted something of a more feminine...identity?
Which is just a really long way of saying I have no fucking clue what porn you'd choose to watch if you had to.
If you look back at the start of this thread to now, my sexuality HAS shifted. This I will concede, and have regret over.
Jessika wasn't a GF as much as fuck buddy. We had different aims in life clearly. Yes I'd say my sexual paradigm aligns with men more than women. I explored my sexuality with this transition (regretfully) and came full circle with it back to just being sexually attracted to women. Can't change that hard-wired shit, regardless how much more it would make sense socially to date dudes and whatnot. Lesbians get triggered when trannies call themselves lesbians though... they're like... THAT'S OUR WORD FUCK YOU YOU CAN'T USE IT. Heh. So just call me straight I guess? /shrug
But! To actually FOCUS on your question since you were asking ME personally: Yeah I watch porn (rarely), the role it fills is just getting off if I'm horny (duh?), what flavor I find appealing is quite vanilla: Just beautiful women. Sorry Charlie, nothing too kinky.
It really is... Hey, do you have that pic of the asian-girl kneeling down with the strap-on dildo that had like the buzzsaw on the tip? I KNOW you know the one! She was dressed like a Gwar hooker. That was a classic one~Shitting dick-nipples is so 2004, anyways.
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