Vanessa , what porn do you watch?
Things that didn't happen. And I'm sure the mother was thrilled to explain to the kid why a man had boods and was dressed like a woman when you walked away you deranged freakView attachment 207191
If this isn't a Jordan Peterson talking point, it sure smells like it! Which is a great thing btw, I love that man. Yeah this goes hand in hand to the concept of original sin. I think we are indeed burdened by our genes and predilections and the Lord will judge us for these things, yup. Why? Because it's still individual choice to sin. If I died right now due to an aneurysm and stood before God, the two truths I couldn't deny whilst the books were open and He was peering into my soul to look at my life:
1) I didn't choose to have GD
2) I did choose to deal with GD
I bring this up like this in this manner because I know the common narrative is that transgenderism is a sin. Heard it my whole life. Have read my Bible too and found the couple of things related to it (Deut. 22:5, Cor 6:9). Here's where intent starts to become a factor. Murder is a sin. Killing another man over jealousy because he slept with your wife is a horrible sin. Killing a burglar to protect your family who entered your home is still sin, but as a perfect judge, will God condemn you for that? Think about it.
Likewise, if I transitioned to cure my GD, versus another tranny who transitioned just to be able to fuck men easier, or because they wanted to be a "special snowflake" or they thought they could find happiness being idolized on Tumblr... will I be condemned? God knows the heart. God knows intent. Think about that. Regardless what the world thinks of me, the world is not my judge. The Father is.
I both fear God's judgment and don't fear it. I trust it. If you're a believer, I think you can relate to that sentiment. I fear His wrath in explaining my poor life choices (posting your tits on the internet? check), but I know that, unlike the hearts of man and imperfect worldly judges, He is the most perfect judge and divines intent / malice / purpose / reason etc all with perfection.
So back to your point about generational sin, y'know Moses couldn't have know what "genes" were back then but the case made is still relevant. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree is the take away here. We may have predisposed things about us that will lead us to sin (inherited alcoholism perhaps, mental illness, lust, anger) but it's still the individual's choice to choose to do bad or good things in spite of those predisposed traits. That's why the Bible is amazing. Everything in that book is STILL relevant. Because no matter how much technology and stuff changes (the physical manifestation of trannies are directly linked to technology btw... but GD has always existed) the hearts of man never changes, and the Bible is what it is. People say life doesn't come with an instruction manual. I raise an eyebrow to that statement
You forgot to bold, italicize, and underline the word man. I've helped you out.
I will have a good day, thank you! Will you? Oh, regarding being around children. This is a true story:
I was at the supermarket this morning. A woman had two kids with her. One of the kids mentioned my sunglasses, and the woman said "Yes, mommy had a pair like that too" I turned around and smiled at the woman and the kids. The woman smiled back. I finished shopping.
In Zyyz's imaginary world:
I was at the supermarket this morning. A woman had two kids with her. One of the kids mentioned my sunglasses, and the woman said, "Yes, mommy had a pair like that too" I turned around, kicked the mom in the stomach, and restrained the kids. They were crying and I was laughing. I pulled out two syringes full of hormones on my utility belt and injected them FULL OF PUBERTY BLOCKERS. I turned around to the other customers, lowered my glasses and said, "You saw nothing". I made my escape via a smoke-bomb.
Tell him Axl
That being said, and without really knowing what the fuck you guys have been discussing for ~160 pages, I'm a little appalled by the hatred in here. Not sure what else to say beyond that.
Most of the hate he gets is because he is an attention whore with twisted views, not because he is a tranny.
Exactly. It isn't the fact that its a tranny, per se. There's no reason, on the internet, to know someone is trans. If a trans person is in the community, we shouldn't know it. They say "I'm X gender", which is the gender they identify as, and that's that. No pictures necessary, no one will question it. Its all personalities on the internet, not physical identities.
So the only reason to immediately start throwing out your sexuality within a handful of posts is because you're a piece of garbage trying to fill an empty hole inside with drama and horseshit (pun intended).
I mean if a woman (or a man) came here and immediately started posting naked pics, the same could be said of them. Ravenn was a great example.
That's really the point I have here.
Trannies who get naked that fast in front of aging neckbeards are looking for a profit. Nothing else. Be it emotional, financial, sexual, whatever.
Ulterior motives = piece of garbage.
Can anyone tell me if I've got this right:
I'd be grateful if responses could be kept to posts less than 150 words please.
- 80 kids out of 100 who display signs of GD get over it and become normal again after puberty
- Puberty blockers are effective at helping the 20 kids out of 100 who display signs of GD and actually have it post puberty
- There is no conclusive evidence about the long term effects of puberty blockers, specifically in the case of being used as treatment for GD
- There is no conclusive way to determine if a child's GD will resolve itself after puberty until they have actually gone through puberty
- If puberty blockers are used to treat GD in children, there's an 80% chance they will be administered unnecessarily.
- If a child's puberty is surpressed they'll never know if they would've gotten over their GD naturally or not.
I'm not around much anymore, mostly just to look at bitches and trannies in the fsr, but fuck you and fuck this bro. Whatever stances I may have ever held or whatever, which can be argued, never in a million years have I been on the same side of the arguement as this crazy bitch who wants to drug and fuck up kids.As Amod I really try to state out of these threads so I can be as impartial as possible, but I was at my daughter's HS concert last night and I noticed a kid who looked very young and quite short (maybe 4'6"?) Thought maybe they had some medical condition so I asked my daughter after the concert and she just gives me a look and says "That's a transsexual" I honestly don't know if it's mtf or ftm she told me and I forget, the child looked like a miniature version of Pat from SNL. We talk of these things on a message board but seeing it does bring out my "feels" really bugged me last night just thinking about it this kid and the drugs they are administering doing irreparable harm to a child with little understanding of the long term effects or even if it is treatment at all.
This issue stirs enough emotion that is hard to sit back and watch people casually discussing the mutilation and medical castration of children, what the fuck is happening to us, fuck Chaos and his IOTI
View attachment 207031
I'm not around much anymore, mostly just to look at bitches and trannies in the fsr, but fuck you and fuck this bro. Whatever stances I may have ever held or whatever, which can be argued, never in a million years have I been on the same side of the arguement as this crazy bitch who wants to drug and fuck up kids.
Word, I would touch your tip long timeMy bad Chaos believe or not I don't actually believe you are responsible for the SJW movement, was using a board meme not meaning to imply you would be for this. I apologize, now lets touch tips
It's become increasing clear that Vanessa is unwillingly to actually discuss things
Wut wut? This thread didn't get to 150 pages of just me posting tits and ignoring questions and posts. It just takes TIME SabbatOK, we can stop talking now. It's an impasse. You see how this conversation plays out, right?
Do me a favor and reread these two sentences back to yourself a few times to see how clown-worldish this is. You're painting me to be the harasser of others who are coming into the thread with my name in it and saying it is ME, not the antagonistic trolls who are destroying this thread's progress? LoL, you sure you want to stick with that story here? I've blocked a handful of people to limit the noise; if you're genuinely interested in sitting at the table with me, I'd suggest doing the same. Up to you of course.the constant need to backtrack to harass other posters (by Vanessa) that are seen to be antagonising Vanessa has just grown tiresome. No progress is being made (or even any real effort) to move the discussion forward by Vanessa.
Quote me then. Literally go back and cull my posts and put some of my quotes back to back in which it seems I'm either contradicting myself, being wishy-washy or ignoring some damning evidence that was presented. No one is stonewalling you... I don't know why you feel that way.I've always kept a moderate tone in my posts, and I'm reasonably certain I've never used an attack vector. I've tried multiple times to walk Vanessa around the problem from different angles and I keep getting stonewalled (lol) and delayed not just by constant backtracking but mostly because even Vanessa doesn't appear to know exactly how they !feel! on the subject. It's intensely personal for Vanessa, and every time they attempt to define a position it's either, coulda, shoulda, or woulda.
You say "we need some honest reflection from Vanessa" as if I've been lying or dodgy about anything in this thread as well as later in this post indicating that I've been lying about what I'm saying.This means Vanessa is constantly looking backwards in their life, to make sense of the blockers for kids. While it makes sense, that if Vanessa had a less manly body they could pass even easier as a woman, I doubt this would ever cure GD, it might even heighten it, because Vanessa is still not a woman. I'm at a loss as to why a medical solution is needed for a social problem. Does a tranny want to be a woman, or do they want the GD to go away? If you look forward at the problem (starting as a child and looking forward to the future), we can't know for sure about how things are going to end up. There's two very different paths here, and we'd need some honest reflection from Vanessa to get an opinion and thus a true position before we can move forward with the discussion.
Had to peel this quote out separately just because it was so... ugh. The fact you think transgenderism is a social problem tells me everything and more about what follows your thought pattern about transgenderism. That ROOT belief is why you don't understand it. This is precisely why -> you're at a loss <- as to why a medical solution is needed for a "social problem". Because it's not a social problem. Your understanding of this is fundamentally broken right out of the gate. It is a mental health problem, not a social one.I'm at a loss as to why a medical solution is needed for a social problem.
This is really the kernel of your post I think. This is what you wanted to say and talk about after we peel away your psychoanalysis of me heh.Puberty is probably to most defining period in a humans life, and it's of my opinion that messing around with that isn't a great idea. Puberty is CHANGE, and while it's not chaos, it's quite often an unknown. Counselling and acceptance have yielded hugely beneficial results (see Kenneth Zucker).
See above in:re about lying. You don't think I'm trying to deceive you, but you need an honest reflection from me and a true position? It sounds like YOU are the one who needs to figure out what you think, not me.I've mentioned God, and gotten exactly the responses I thought I would. Like many Christians, the belief in God is all it takes to join the tribe and get them to safety. They can pick and choose which parts are fact, and which they can bend. Furthermore, the cursory look into the mechanics of lying from good old Dr. Phil, as campy as he may be, have indicated -- at least to me, that Vanessa's posts are heavy with uses of "honestly" "I swear to God". Which would indicate an attempt to deceive. However, I do not think Vanessa is trying to deceive us, I believe that it's a self-deception to shore up their own conclusions.
Do whatever you want to do. If you think this thread is just about bolt-on tits, you have 3 options:While I could go out on a limb, and give personal experience with being late to the puberty party, I don't think it's going to help at all.
As a result, I think it's no longer worth my time to share my point of view in a thread that really is just about bolt-on tits. Let me know if the status changes and you feel like some actual discussion. The forward/backward viewpoint thing makes it currently impossible.
inb4 vannessa "but height" reply
seriously, I saved you from being a man-cunt
nm me
Still waiting for you to answer my two questions... I can assume I'll be waiting a long long time though.
Dude who can't answer two simple questions is telling others about "engaging in conversation". You're just a fucking joke.Try engaging in conversation with Vanessa, watch how long it takes before you turn to the dark side.
But you're really going to try and pass the following off as honest?Today I realised that since this community has accepted a tranny, it is inevitable the entire western world will.
Fuck western culture. The whole thing is a mental disease and suicide rates of the people involved clearly reflect that.
To repeat: you're just a fucking joke. Making people like you look stupid on the internet is what I wish I got paid for tbh.Most of the hate he gets is because he is an attention whore with twisted views, not because he is a tranny.
The only porn on my HD are soft-core pics. I wish I were kidding. My fav threads here are the Sexy Selfies & Beauty of Female Ass. I know this is TMI (you asked tho... weirdo), but I haven't been like horny horny since I transitioned. Cutting off Testosterone really kills sex drive... look at aging men. Sorry I know you were really looking for "I look at bestiality incest Japanese shitting dick-nipple porn" (which, I may have spilled a load or two on in the past on, let's be real) but I'm a bore.Vanessa , what porn do you watch?
When you're right, you're right!In gods eyes you are as much a sinner as every person on this forum who regularly looks at pornography biblically.
I'd be grateful if responses could be kept to posts less than 150 words please.
"Lost" implies there was ever a contest to begin with. More like an easy mode dogpile on a retard.He literally can't help himself bruh.
He thinks he's going to WORDS WORDS WORDS himself to a victory on a topic he's lost decisively for weeks.
I was more wondering if you even watched porn at all, what role it filled if you did, and what 'flavor' of porn you happened to find appealing. There's tons of trans porn out there, but my impression is that it isn't really marketed towards trans consumers. I thought you had a GF, so I also wondered if you just fell into more of a 'straight' sexual paradigm where you might watch the same porn most men do, even though you've adopted something of a more feminine...identity?Sorry I know you were really looking for "I look at bestiality incest Japanese shitting dick-nipple porn" (which, I may have spilled a load or two on in the past on, let's be real) but I'm a bore.
Wut wut? This thread didn't get to 150 pages of just me posting tits and ignoring questions and posts. It just takes TIME SabbatYou seemed to be done already 12 pages ago as evidenced by the above quote quite frankly but I guess you're back. But sure, let's keep discussing things ^_^
Do me a favor and reread these two sentences back to yourself a few times to see how clown-worldish this is. You're painting me to be the harasser of others who are coming into the thread with my name in it and saying it is ME, not the antagonistic trolls who are destroying this thread's progress? LoL, you sure you want to stick with that story here? I've blocked a handful of people to limit the noise; if you're genuinely interested in sitting at the table with me, I'd suggest doing the same. Up to you of course.
Quote me then. Literally go back and cull my posts and put some of my quotes back to back in which it seems I'm either contradicting myself, being wishy-washy or ignoring some damning evidence that was presented. No one is stonewalling you... I don't know why you feel that way.
It's not as "intensely personal" as it may seem to you btw if we're still talking about puberty blockers. I will lose 0 sleep if Trump issued an executive order to get rid of blockers tomorrow. I think that'd be a really really ignorant move... the evidence has shown they are useful and effective to help treat a rare type of child in the world. But I'm not out there holding up signs in the street advocating for their use. I'd be more triggered like many of you if there was evidence showing that they were being MISUSED.
You say "we need some honest reflection from Vanessa" as if I've been lying or dodgy about anything in this thread as well as later in this post indicating that I've been lying about what I'm saying.
Dude, if you think I'm lying about ANYTHING that I'm talking about, then.... sorry? I mean there's literally nothing I can do to change that I think. You're looking at my posts a little too hard though if you're using Dr. Phil as an example... LoL, ouch ! So besides your armchair psychology (can I assume you're not a licensed psychologist either? heh), you are free to quote anything I have ever said and try to expose that as a lie. You can try as much as you like for as long as you'd like... unlike some people here who may or may not have shit to hide (but we know who and why), I don't limit what you can see in my profile. Click my name, go through old posts and get crack-a-lackin.
Or, just, y'know, save yourself the trouble and trust me when I say I don't lie about stuff. Choice is entirely yours amigo. But yes, you're correct my own lived life experience gives me a much much different perspective about all of this than you guys.
Had to peel this quote out separately just because it was so... ugh. The fact you think transgenderism is a social problem tells me everything and more about what follows your thought pattern about transgenderism. That ROOT belief is why you don't understand it. This is precisely why -> you're at a loss <- as to why a medical solution is needed for a "social problem". Because it's not a social problem. Your understanding of this is fundamentally broken right out of the gate. It is a mental health problem, not a social one.
This is really the kernel of your post I think. This is what you wanted to say and talk about after we peel away your psychoanalysis of me heh.
Here's where I'm at with all of this. I agree that puberty promotes colossal change and accept the studies at face value that 80% of gender non-conforming kids will let go of these type of thoughts/behaviors via puberty. What you and others are asking me to do is to pretend that the evidence doesn't exist that the use of these medicines are helping kids. There is no grand conspiracy here or push for advocacy like some of the biggest knuckledraggers around here think it is... my position is rigid because the evidence shows that more children would be psychologically harmed by removing access to these drugs than not. And I have said a billion times that if anyone has any evidence whatsoever that kids are being harmed, then POST IT.
Does this child look / act / seem like she is being harmed ? Or just living a fucking normal life? (well... as normal as any semi-famous D-list hollywood teen~)
Here again, you cannot just sweep the fact that ALL the child cases in the paper reported positive results with 0 regret. It. Works.
See above in:re about lying. You don't think I'm trying to deceive you, but you need an honest reflection from me and a true position? It sounds like YOU are the one who needs to figure out what you think, not me.
Do whatever you want to do. If you think this thread is just about bolt-on tits, you have 3 options:
1) realize that you're wrong, stop listening to the trolls, and realize who's the one legitimately interacting with you and anyone else here.
2) start a new thread of your own if you want some actual discussion (it sounds like you do, and that's great... I do too).
3) stop posting and move on to something better here on this forum that engages you.