So, I have two daughters with some issues.It's hard to say really. My youngest has very mild issues, not sure if I would do anything or not, things could get worse when she's older but at this point aside from a lisp when she speaks from a speech delay and some trouble controlling her emotions (not really much different than other kids her age) she's completely normal. My middle daughter, yes, 1000% yes, if I could fix her issues I would do anything. She is a much more serious case. There are days when I wonder if she's going to be able to live a normal life in any sense of the word. All I know for a fact is, her condition makes her life worse and harder and I'd do anything to fix it.If you could fix mild, functional autism... would you?
I mean that's a hard fucking question and I'm not trying to be an asshole because I do remember about your daughter. It's actually why I ask it. But I mean would you? I'm positive you've thought about it. If she can be happy and productive but she's always gonna be a little bit off, she's always going to be subject to those fits... would you fix it?
There's a threshold there. It's a personal threshold. I'm not claiming to have the only right answer. It's a tough one.
It's not that these two things are equal, but they're similar enough where the questions can inform each other I think.
If one of them was trans and I could fix it? I don't know. The suicide rate and mental health conditions associated with being trans are nuts. It depends on the details I guess. And a lot of information we don't have, like how much of that suicidal ideation comes from being trans, associated depression, cultural/social issues, etc? We don't know that.
It's really two thought exercises though. First, if we had perfect information and knew that a child was trans, would you then support treatment to transition a child? A deeper question, if we had that perfect knowledge and knew about the child, but we had a choice of either making then NOT trans or of transitioning them, which would you choose? They are both difficult questions, but I think the second is more difficult. I don't know the answer but it's interesting to think about. It feels like changing the mental rather than the physical changes more of who they are, but either way there could be terrible consequences.
Any change or treatment with a child could have profound consequences. For instance, above when iannis asked about my kid, I answered immediately yes. But really, I struggle with the concept of treating her for mental health issues. Kids have no agency, they rely on us to advocate for them because they are unable to advocate for themselves. The thought experiment relies on working with perfect information, but in reality information is never perfect. If a parent decides to "transition" a child, they've done something to them that changes who they are, who they will be perceived as. They've unilaterally decided the course of their life in a way much different from the typical decisions parents need to make, or even the more atypical health decisions (like treating mental health issues) that parents sometimes have to make. The same would be true of, in the thought experiment, a parent choosing to alter their child to make them "not trans".What could be a terrible consequence of no loneger dealing with gender dysphoria? That's the whole point of transition. But then you still have to deal with the incongruence of not actually being whatever it is you feel you are.
Gender identity, or gender atypical behavioral tendency is just a component of who/what one is, just like sexuality. There is a hell of a lot more to people than either of those two things and allowing one or the other or any other facet of oneself to subsume one's identity is no path to happiness.
Question, just as a thought experiment, I don't think this should be done as treatment for children period.
But if they had a way to test and validate, 100%, yes this child has gender dysphoria, do you think that changes things at all? I'm sympathetic to the plight of these people, and can even understand the argument that going through puberty as the "wrong" gender would cause them harm. But if we're all in agreement that this is a mental health issue, I wonder if encouraging acceptance isn't causing harm. You wouldn't tell a schizophrenic that the voices were real. But how else do you help these people?
Million dollar question right there. The fact that Dysphoria is not considered a mental illness, despite meetings every objective qualifier to be classed as a mental illness, should really tell us all we need to know about politics affecting clinical treatment. And I mean that in the literal sense--doctors will tell you that dysphoria checks all the boxes for mental illness right down the line; they just no longer label it as mental illness due to social/political concerns. And those concerns stem from fear of likening their treatment plans to how they labelled homosexuality a mental illness. Even though homosexuality doesn't objectively meet the criteria they now have set for mental illness (Below).
- A a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual
- B is associated with present distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning) or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom
- C must not be merely an expectable and culturally sanctioned response to a particular event, for example, the death of a loved one
- D a manifestation of a behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunction in the individual
- E neither deviant behavior (e.g., political, religious, or sexual) nor conflicts that are primarily between the individual and society are mental disorders unless the deviance or conflict is a symptom of a dysfunction in the individual
Homosexuals present zero distress that does not stem from social acceptance. If two gay people are fucking, and no one wants to hurt them, they are happy. The only distress is from society conflicting with their desires. If you dropped a gay person on an island he'd only experience the typical anxiety from loneliness every human would experience. Transexual people are different. If you dropped a trans person on an island with no other people, if we believe the diagnosis for Gender Dysphoria, they would present SEVERE anxiety from their cock or tits being attached, to the point where they would want to commit to suicide to change it...Regardless of any social pressure. Without society, they exhibit severe distress. So gender dysphoria is a mental disorder--textbook case of it, in fact. And the ONLY reason its not considered such is due to political fear from making it seem like its more oppression of gay people.
We can wonder if its wise to attempt to ameliorate this distress by making reality conform to the mental outlook, rather than how we handle most other mental disorders where we make the mental outlook conform to reality. But if we can't even be honest enough to label the disorder correctly, is there any real hope we can hold objective standards for treatment? And if you read about some doctors who have grave concerns about this (Video below), the political pressure they are under is just...Yeah, there is zero hope things are being done without a massive bias (due to fear of crossing these politically powerful groups). And the worst part is, many of the institutional level officials pushing doctors into these procedures are themselves NOT doctors, they are "gender" therapists and in most cases their degrees are absolutely worthless. (Seriously; the field is a mess. Extremely low reproducibility, dependent on trash, highly biased, ideological journals ect. Its BAD. Its more of a philosophical field than a field of science. But that's who has the power, because if doctors complain, they can run to these politically powerful groups to get them shamed from their hospitals).
And I'm not saying transitioning is wrong for everyone. Unlike schizophrenia, we do have the ability to approximate reality crudely here. Maybe that is the best treatment. But the treatment is so...crude, with so many side effects (Sterility, bone loss, increased cancer risk, increase heart attack risk, blood clots--ect ect.), and there is so little evidence, and our diagnostic techniques are so inaccurate that its insane we have done this to children.
I hear ya. It sounds like you never pushed him to be anything but what he wanted to be... congrats you're a good normal Dad LoL. I noticed you never said he thought he was a girl, wanted to be a girl, or felt like a girl. That's definitely a part of the transgender experience of course.So my second youngest son had three older sisters. When he was young, like 5, he wanted long hair. He wanted pretty nails. He played with a doll and had a favourite stroller to put his doll in. He loved mermaids. He displayed every one of the "symptoms" you described above. When he started going to school and had male friends this lessened to some degree. However, he still makes friends more easily with girls, and he still does things like help his sisters braid their hair before bed. He is very in touch with this side of himself. When he was young he totally identified as a girl because that was his world. He was at home with his mom and three sisters most of the time.
Well good, I'm happy to hear that. Had he been into dudes, I'd say, "well, he's still your son and you should love him and support him no matter what his sexual orientation is". Had he persisted with gender issues entering adolescent age (say, 10-12) he'd certainly at that age have MUCH more cognitive understanding and ability to communicate to you if he felt anything regarding anything that WE are talking about, y'know? But he didn't and that's great... your son is comfortable with being a dude and is a part of the 99.95% of the population that is cis-gendered; congrats! LoL But had he persisted with gender issues entering adolescence, what then?Now, he's 15 and is quite into chicks. He is clearly male, not because that's what I want him to be, but that's what has surfaced from his situation.
Well, I think it's one thing to define behaviors like I laid out and agree that that's gender incongruity that is being displayed, and then it's another thing to have that behavior be insistent, consistent, and long term. Any rational person can agree that kids are flighty and whimsical as fuck... and there is nuance between a child saying once or twice in a passing situation like "I think I'm a girl like them" when they are looking at a movie of female superheroes versus a child that, for years, has had persistent and constant behavioral patterns exhibiting gender incongruence.My worry with defining "gender incongruent behavior" at a young age is that there are so many contextual things that define gender for children.
Children don't direct this this sort of thing; and shouldn't. Parents/doctors are the people who dictate what is the best care for a child. Who told you children direct this? I would make me VERY uncomfortable to have children dictating what should be done with this sort of thing too.It makes me very uncomfortable to allow children to direct this sort of thing.
Which has been my argument from the word go here, and the science and research backs that up. My VERY FIRST POST EVER about puberty blockers was simply describing why they are being administered as I was unsure if the peanut gallery had any clue about their function / use. The retards merely spun this into "Vanessa wants to mutilate children" after 100 pages of strawmanning the ever living shit out of my posts.Are there kids with "gender incongruent behavior" that would benefit from the hormone blockers we're talking about? Without a doubt there are.
I concur 100%. Again, my GREATEST wish is that in the future a simple blood test would be sufficient to determine this. That's reaching for the stars, though.Figuring out which ones they are is the sticky part.
I hear ya. It sounds like you never pushed him to be anything but what he wanted to be... congrats you're a good normal Dad LoL. I noticed you never said he thought he was a girl, wanted to be a girl, or felt like a girl. That's definitely a part of the transgender experience of course.
But nothing he's done (correct me if I'm wrong) ever tipped you off that what he was doing was self destructive, or made him unhappy, or depressed, or obsessive about wanting to be a girl, right? Therefore, you never felt inclined to say, "My son needs help with his behavior; he's girly, I think he needs to see a professional", right? Again, everything seems fine, regardless of his gender incongruent things that you said that he has done in the past.
Well good, I'm happy to hear that. Had he been into dudes, I'd say, "well, he's still your son and you should love him and support him no matter what his sexual orientation is". Had he persisted with gender issues entering adolescent age (say, 10-12) he'd certainly at that age have MUCH more cognitive understanding and ability to communicate to you if he felt anything regarding anything that WE are talking about, y'know? But he didn't and that's great... your son is comfortable with being a dude and is a part of the 99.95% of the population that is cis-gendered; congrats! LoL But had he persisted with gender issues entering adolescence, what then?
Option A: Take him to the doc to get some help to talk to a professional about his issues?
Option B: Slap him silly and tell him to man up and be a MAN and that Bruce Jenner guy is just a fag.
I think one of those options is being a caring parent that just wants their kid to be happy, and the other of those options is being kinda oppressive and forcing their kid to be something they're not.
Keep in mind, though, that some of us are ashamed to admit it to family, and honestly sometimes it's difficult to even admit it to ourselves. It's common to suppress these things, because a lot of us just want to be normal and most of us are self-aware enough to realize, hey... a dude being a girl isn't normal LoL, so we bury it and don't want to discuss it. Just depends. Every life and every case is unique when dealing with Gender Dysphoria.
Well, I think it's one thing to define behaviors like I laid out and agree that that's gender incongruity that is being displayed, and then it's another thing to have that behavior be insistent, consistent, and long term. Any rational person can agree that kids are flighty and whimsical as fuck... and there is nuance between a child saying once or twice in a passing situation like "I think I'm a girl like them" when they are looking at a movie of female superheroes versus a child that, for years, has had persistent and constant behavioral patterns exhibiting gender incongruence.
Children don't direct this this sort of thing; and shouldn't. Parents/doctors are the people who dictate what is the best care for a child. Who told you children direct this? I would make me VERY uncomfortable to have children dictating what should be done with this sort of thing too.
Which has been my argument from the word go here, and the science and research backs that up. My VERY FIRST POST EVER about puberty blockers was simply describing why they are being administered as I was unsure if the peanut gallery had any clue about their function / use. The retards merely spun this into "Vanessa wants to mutilate children" after 100 pages of strawmanning the ever living shit out of my posts.
I concur 100%. Again, my GREATEST wish is that in the future a simple blood test would be sufficient to determine this. That's reaching for the stars, though.
Thanks Zyyzyyzyzzzyzyzyzyzzyzyyzyzyzyzyzyzyz, I appreciate the position!!!One tranny who shoved silicone balloons under his pecs and permanently mutilated his body and he is now the arbiter of truth and understand of how children should medically be treated based on their behavior at a young age.
Honk honk motherfuckers.
SJWs like Phazael are now inventing made up reasons why I transitioned... this is absolutely fucking hilarious at what they are scraping at here. Sexuality has NOTHING to do with WHY people transition, dipshit.He's not even gay. He is just playing the cuttlefish angle. For those who asked earlier, weaker cuttlefish males pretend to be women to be ignored by the stronger alpha males so that they can sneak in and fuck their other females right under their noses (sometimes literally). They do this by mimicking the behaviors and color patterns of the females. He is doing the same shit, as far as his sex life is concerned: Nail on some fake funbags and lure in a batshit lesbo for some dicking by pushing the lie that he is "really just one of the girls tee hee", probably because he is literally too batshit to bang anyone else sane. I mean can anyone in the world say Christian Tranny Lesbian with a serious face? (almost said straight there but, yeah LOL)
Cuttlefish: The Manessa of the Deep
You sound like an amazing Dad with everything I've heard; This is what it's ALL about: Supporting your kids through thick and thin. That's what LOVING parents do.I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I'd like to clarify one thing, though:
My kids can identify as pumpkins if they'd like. I hope they are straight, simply because it is an easier life. You can't deny that. If my son turns out to be gay, he's going to know that I love him without conditions. Same is true of any of my kids.
I'll love and support my kids regardless.
Ditto, I just want people to be happy tooI should add that I really want people to be happy, but I think allowing children to walk down this path before they are fully able to comprehend the consequences is dangerous. Adults have a hard enough time with that.
I agree with all of this Chaos.I agree, that's what I was trying to get through to Vanessa. If my child grows up and, as an adult, makes the informed decision to transition, and if it actually helps them with this mental issue that seemingly can't be remedied any other way and leads to extreme distress, I'd be cruel not to support them. I'd be concerned for their health and safety of course, but I'd rather them be happy and deal with some side effects than have to clean out their sad apartment after their eventual suicide.
Well that's your prerogative and I wish you God-speed my friend. This is my point with all of this Chaos (since you think I'm just spinning my wheels): YOU raise YOUR kid they way YOU see fit.But if I were to do this to my child, whether that child meets the criteria for those that will grow out of dysphoria or not, I have done a monstrous, unethical, immoral thing.
That isnt how the world works. Children arent property. Society prevents parents from harming their children in all kinds of different matters.I agree with all of this Chaos.
Well that's your prerogative and I wish you God-speed my friend. This is my point with all of this Chaos (since you think I'm just spinning my wheels): YOU raise YOUR kid they way YOU see fit.
The SJWs in this thread that are saying "puberty blockers are harming normal kids" are merely dictating to OTHERS HOW they should raise their children. THIS is the crux of my argument. THEY want to eliminate that treatment. I'm saying "Let the parents and doctors decide what is best for their kids" It's not up to you. It's not up to me. It's up to the parent's of their children and their doctors.
It is unethical and immoral IF the parent is forcing this on their kid... I'd agree that that is some fucked up repugnant shit (Jules Winfield quote there!). This is similar to what happened to the famous de-transitioner Walt Heyer when his grandmother forced crossdressing shit upon him when he was just a child. He transitioned, but he was never a true tranny, and had a miserable life due to that.That isnt how the world works. Children arent property. Society prevents parents from harming their children in all kinds of different matters.
Lost in your reasoning is the actual child, which is ironic considering. The child doesnt get a choice, the child doesnt truly understand any of this and is incapable of informed consent, and the child bears the burden of any consequences. not to mention the adult that child will eventually become, who has their choice robbed from them. It is unethical and immoral.
Fine LoL, if we can't go through the long-winded Yes/No format, then you'll have to deal with lots of words. I acknowledge that ALL of the research that I have presented is factual, and that includes the fact that 80% of kids with gender incongruent behavior resolve this by adolescence, yes. I have already acknowledged pages ago that a normal child taking puberty blockers would be harmful to them. You have said that puberty blockers are harmful to ANY CHILD and the research proves that to be incorrect. You can feel whatever you want about the matter Chaos, but you're not being factually consistent if you say puberty blockers are harmful to all kids. I have acknowledged that therapy through this process to prolong any medical intervention would be preferable as long as the child isn't suffering any type of depression or such. If you have a child/adolescent/teen that is dysphoric to the point that they are suicidal over this BEFORE any medical intervention, then you obviously need some medical intervention to save that child.My understanding of Vanessa's position is (hoping to fastrtack this convo...) that she acknowledges the reality that 80% of these kids with gender dysphoria will grow out of it, while NOT acknowledging the harm that could come to these children if they were put on puberty blockers.
Social Justice Warriors do what you do Hodj:What do SJW's do?
This is officially theTanoomba rickshaw thread v2.0
Hodj wants me to be Tanoomba so bad, and yet, he is more like Tanoomba than I am according to others... ROFL.If your sole function in a thread is to be an asshole, be contradictory, and just force your own opinion on the situation, you're Tanoomba.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug?6 am, has to respond.
And Hodj seems upset.