6 am, has to respond.
And Hodj seems upset.
I gotta get my shitposting in early or ill forget to do it with the new distraction in my life
6 am, has to respond.
And Hodj seems upset.
It is unethical and immoral IF the parent is forcing this on their kid... I'd agree that that is some fucked up repugnant shit (Jules Winfield quote there!). This is similar to what happened to the famous de-transitioner Walt Heyer when his grandmother forced crossdressing shit upon him when he was just a child. He transitioned, but he was never a true tranny, and had a miserable life due to that.
If the child is a true tranny that, in utero, has an issue and grows up with persistent, consistent, and heavy Gender Dysphoria, how is it unethical and immoral for a parent to want to take their child to a psychologist or a doctor IF the gender incongruent behavior becomes a concern or a problem?
Fine LoL, if we can't go through the long-winded Yes/No format, then you'll have to deal with lots of words. I acknowledge that ALL of the research that I have presented is factual, and that includes the fact that 80% of kids with gender incongruent behavior resolve this by adolescence, yes. I have already acknowledged pages ago that a normal child taking puberty blockers would be harmful to them. You have said that puberty blockers are harmful to ANY CHILD and the research proves that to be incorrect. You can feel whatever you want about the matter Chaos, but you're not being factually consistent if you say puberty blockers are harmful to all kids. I have acknowledged that therapy through this process to prolong any medical intervention would be preferable as long as the child isn't suffering any type of depression or such. If you have a child/adolescent/teen that is dysphoric to the point that they are suicidal over this BEFORE any medical intervention, then you obviously need some medical intervention to save that child.
Everyone here has nitpicked this topic to the minutest point possible and that is this:
I have said before via individual care and attention by a team of psychologists and doctors! Let the doctors with P.H.Ds in this sort of thing handle it along with the parents of the children that are having the gender issues. It's not my business how people raise their kids. If a team of psychologists and doctors are dealing with a child that is showing no signs of inner gender incongruence stemming from THEM but from the sick parents who are FORCING this on their kid, I think they are smart enough to smell the bullshit and NOT go forward with a social transition.
It is harmful to all kids in that there are irreversible side effects that can have a severe impact on the adult that child will become. Don't pull your "feels" schtick with me while simultaneously glossing over the impact puberty blockers actually have on people who take them. The drugs have physical impact, possibly psychological, and there's absolutely no way to tell if a person would actually benefit from taking them or would be harmed from it, and the subject (the child) has no say at all. It is grotesque.
Add to that, your standards for "gender incongruence" were not exclusive in any sense of the word.
I get what you're saying about the doctors. But it's fantasy. "A team of psychologists?" This is America, people can't afford that shit, and they don't get it. I assume you went through some form of this, did you get a team of highly trained specialists monitoring you around the clock, performing several objective tests? I know with my daughter's mental health struggles, we definitely didn't get anything like that. If a parent is able to get that level of care for their kid, that's great. Barring an actual, objective test to show how treating with puberty blockers would help the child, this is just medical experimentation. On vulnerable children with mental health issues.
It's not my business how people raise their kids in a broader sense. Until the point where it's potentially harming the child, then it becomes my business, and society's business. I try to be compassionate in all things, to be empathetic to people and their struggles. My main interactions around here way back in the day were political, and that's why I stepped away from all that, because the interactions and attitudes are just so ugly, so lacking in any kind of empathy, it's all about sides and teams. There's similar stuff going on here. You can hold the positions simultaneously that we need to support and be compassionate for trans kids and that this treatment is the wrong answer for many different reasons.
LoL, the only thing I really cared about for this thread getting shawed is the inability to make edits to posts... and with my posting style, those quick on-the-fly-edits a mere few minutes after hitting that [POST REPLY] button came in handyI fucked up the quote, but I regret nothing.
I wouldn't call cocaine a distraction. More like a performance enhancer.I gotta get my shitposting in early or ill forget to do it with the new distraction in my life
Any change or treatment with a child could have profound consequences. For instance, above when iannis asked about my kid, I answered immediately yes. But really, I struggle with the concept of treating her for mental health issues. Kids have no agency, they rely on us to advocate for them because they are unable to advocate for themselves. The thought experiment relies on working with perfect information, but in reality information is never perfect. If a parent decides to "transition" a child, they've done something to them that changes who they are, who they will be perceived as. They've unilaterally decided the course of their life in a way much different from the typical decisions parents need to make, or even the more atypical health decisions (like treating mental health issues) that parents sometimes have to make. The same would be true of, in the thought experiment, a parent choosing to alter their child to make them "not trans".
Changing a child's gender, or changing something in their brain to make them "not trans", does that fundamentally make them a different person? If not, how many more changes until we have fundamentally changed who this person is and without their consent? How do we define the "self"? Gender identity is certainly a part of it, but how much of it? If we could answer that with authority I feel like we would be world famous philosophers.
It is unethical and immoral IF the parent is forcing this on their kid...
Everyone here has nitpicked this topic to the minutest point possible and that is this:
I have said before via individual care and attention by a team of psychologists and doctors! Let the doctors with P.H.Ds in this sort of thing handle it along with the parents of the children that are having the gender issues. It's not my business how people raise their kids. If a team of psychologists and doctors are dealing with a child that is showing no signs of inner gender incongruence stemming from THEM but from the sick parents who are FORCING this on their kid, I think they are smart enough to smell the bullshit and NOT go forward with a social transition.
Sorry Aladain, pulled this gem from the GG/SJW thread; hope you don't mind.So who on earth would vandalize rape shelters?
Trans activism’s latest trick: vandalizing women’s shelters
For trans activists, it makes sense to disembowel a skunk and string it up by its neck — noose-like — to hang it on the door where rape victims will find itspectator.us
chaos I'd agree to your stance a bit more IF they (the doctors and gender clinics or whomever) were trying to put 6 year olds on blockers, hormones or provide surgical intervention to them at that early of an age.
Oh, BTW!!!!!!! Point and laugh at me guys... I'm not going to the Straight Pride Parade![]()
chaos I'd agree to your stance a bit more IF they (the doctors and gender clinics or whomever) were trying to put 6 year olds on blockers, hormones or provide surgical intervention to them at that early of an age. I'd be shocked and be making some calls myself. Again, the earliest I've heard of teens being put on hormones are 16. I have NO data that I've looked into about the earliest that they've put kids on puberty blockers. 12 maybe?
I'm not trying to demonize you for anything. I'm trying to get you to see it from a different perspective.chaos I'd agree to your stance a bit more IF they (the doctors and gender clinics or whomever) were trying to put 6 year olds on blockers, hormones or provide surgical intervention to them at that early of an age. I'd be shocked and be making some calls myself. Again, the earliest I've heard of teens being put on hormones are 16. I have NO data that I've looked into about the earliest that they've put kids on puberty blockers. 12 maybe? I honestly don't know, but I hope you see that my stance isn't what the retards here are saying it is that "I want to pump kids full of puberty blockers" I mean, holy shit, that's just the most baseless accusations ever. I've merely tried to explain what these drugs are and what they do, and my ACTUAL stance is looking at the data, looking at the facts, looking at the research and realizing that they HAVE merit for certain highly dysphoric adolescents. THAT'S IT. I'm not advocating shit to anybody... I'm merely NOT an SJW trying to dictate to OTHER parents and doctors what they can and can't do to their own children and patients.
Now if you want to demonize me for being a fence sitter and not going to rallies holding up signs saying "Stop the use of puberty blockers" then that's a fair call. But to say I'm pushing for these drugs is utter horseshit perpetuated by these gonzo bitches like Phazael who don't even comprehend the nuance of my posts and just make up whatever false narratives they can about me.
Well flip this around into THIS possible scenario and you tell me if THIS is unethical and immoral:Why is this the criteria for determining whether it is ethical or not?
You misunderstood I guess. What I meant is that, for the past 130+ pages, people (myself and the hatertots) have whittled down what is fact and fantasy by nitpicking this topic to death and the 80/20 issue is THE basest question concerning this topic.That's not nitpicking. It's the fundamental objection. Also hurrah for NTS!
I'm genuinely interested though
Hodj's thread is a lot more entertaining then this one. In fact this one isn't entertaining at all, its repetitive and frustrating.
Oh yes, that's right... that's another thing SJW's do btw... make up slander and lies about their opponents. Thanks for reminding me An_Autistic_Hodj_01We all knew you were full of shit, faking and trolling from the start on that, as well as your trump support and your fake YEC beliefs.
You didnt need to confirm it any more than you already have, we all already know you are completely full of shit
View attachment 221171
...yet you're now in 3rd place here you lunatic. You are 22nd in Hodj's thread (look it up). Get wrecked (again, and again, and again, and again).
Oh yes, that's right... that's another thing SJW's do btw... make up slander and lies about their opponents. Thanks for reminding me An_Autistic_Hodj_01![]()
That isn't what SJW is. I know the new thing is that basically anything we disagree with we get to label SJW to discredit it. An SJW is a person who engages in identity politics even in the face of opposing facts, a person who values identity over pragmatism, typically characterized by the assertion that identity colors the value of a person's opinion/analysis or their ability to provide input at all. You are characterizing it as "dictate to other parents how to raise their kids" and that's a false equivalence. Children aren't property, a parent can't just do whatever they want with a kid, society protects children even from the whims of their parents when potential harm is involved. That isn't an SJW value, that's a human value.
Vanessa , I find your attitude revolting.
Thankfully society at large find YOUR attitude more revolting.Today I realised that since this community has accepted a tranny, it is inevitable the entire western world will.
Fuck western culture. The whole thing is a mental disease and suicide rates of the people involved clearly reflect that.