Run off with your tail between your legs. Owned. Later, dude.Alright crazies... I'm starving and want a poke bowl! Byyyeeeeeeeeeee
Fuck. Do not need. I'm 5000, gThis is a thread for stroking. You’re having a stroke. Strike 3.
Last word <hodj.jgp> <V:zomg it’s jpg>Fuck. Do not need. I'm 5000, g
Well it can't be because you think that maybe we agree and can now be best friends.
No, I can tell you (with 100% truthfulness) that my goal here is to waste a few minutes a day and shit post stuff.You are. ...and a nobody to boot.
Literally nothing like what you just said, and that was my last post.
It's like your goal here is to just post as many mistruths here as possible... that's... funny.
yeah tl;dr i still think "the SJW question" is overstated, by many. But that I had drastically misread the influence it would have and directions it would take. It's not the same as the PC shit before in the 90s and 2000s, and it's not just people larping on the internet instead of real activism (although that is rampant). If you're asking if I support it? That's way too big of a question because the label encompasses too much shit, but generally no at least not for things I would apply the label to.View attachment 332663
lol, no, seriously its because I'm interested in how propaganda and social influence affects people. Before you think I'm accusing you of some defect for believing you've been affected by it; I understand I've also been affected by it too. None of us can really escape it, signal loss in human networks and information processing guarantees it will happen. (Humans rely on imperfect heuristics a lot, and by definition they won't always give the right answer).
So when I ask people why they believe what they believe, I learn just as much about why I believe what I believe--by seeing what's different.
I just come here to look at titties, talk about tv shows, and laugh at Vanessa.
I'm watching DS9 for the first time ever, it's badass.So this thread just gave you 2 out of 3?
I'm watching DS9 for the first time ever, it's badass. don't thrive on chaos.also I really, truly do not care. I've been enduring protests and riots a few miles from my house for more than a year now, plus the obvious covid shit and just life, I have no time for any of this, I just come here to look at titties, talk about tv shows, and laugh at Vanessa.
That's another thing the internet has helped me to realize. There are sooooooo many people who are just not smart, but they all think they are the smart ones and that they are surrounded by their lessers. Somewhere on the internets there's a guy living in a trailer park or a shitbag apartment with at least 1 kid with a woman he isn't in a relationship with working a shitty job that barely pays the bills and exposes him to risk constantly, only concept of politics is repeating things they've heard others say, only concept of community is other people online in similar situations. Imagine being that guy, and still thinking you're the smartest one in the room, always.
View attachment 332651
Try again; the 3rd time for showing off my Linebacker shoulders according to the right-wing SJW Phazael who I own every post I make.
Yeah, truthfully Vanessa’s stupidity is fascinating. She is so dumb, and uses Bible verses to debate science, then thinks she “owns” people and signs off with a ~. It’s so fucking bizarre that I can’t even insult her. She’s just so stupid.
I can't even eat food without you thinking illogical shit... it's stunning LoL! This is 374 pages of me destroying you all and you think me getting hungry is a sign of defeat? Lmao~Run off with your tail between your legs. Owned. Later, dude.
Lithose's post was a wall of text to you? My God... the projection is so amazing.Scripture = what you’re taught by your religion, god did it, no secular explanation-> what theists tell us. We don’t believe in the scripture, ergo we get nowhere. Try to explain without the scripture. I understand it’s easier to tell us we’re dumb than reason it out. Try?
I don’t think you know what I believe at all, but you think you do. Atheism is not a single denomination. Just as I do not know what you believe, specificlly, unless you lay it out, theism is not a single denomination - like you did with the lego analogy, which was actually really good. It made me re-realize our difference more clearly. That’s all you really had to do. And then top it off with what would make sense to non-christian: ‘my belief is <insert belief> Becaaaause.....<reason>’, not ‘it’s like this can’t you understand you dumb atheist’. Ergo we’re probably both epic fail here, I’ll give you that. It’s easy to fall in this category. But it happens when you argue from scripture - or don’t explain why you believe - from my perspective.
In short to us, you, christianity, is superimposing an explanation for the origin question. To us, nobody has a definity answer, no concesus - that’s the view I hold. An unknown. Because it’s unknown. I understand perfectly your lego view, and that it could make sense, that it was created for us - if I believed in magic, maybe. I don’t see any evidence for this at all in reality. Reality is all I can examine. That leads me to not guess magic for the unknown. Every mystery ever solved has proven to be...not-magic (queue piano music). Magic being a creator, a non-answer to me. I might as well substitute anything for it, but I default to non-magic causes so far, the null hypthesis, occams razor. The furthest back I personally understand is LK’s something from nothing. It does expain our existence. I get this has regres problems again. So it’s an unknown.
The chain breaks when you simply default to a hypothesis, god. Why is that, is my question. Other than ‘it can’t possibly be anything else, and I know every posibility, so only what I can think of is an option, I know god, ergo it must be god if it’s not something else I know’. That’s tiresome to a non-christian. It seems to us you’re jumping steps, gaps, god of the gaps, not leaving anything to other explanations. Or even leaving it open. That’s a paradigm of religion, claming to have explanations for everything, or so it seems to me, especialy here. That’s just not the case with everything else in this world, why would it be the case here? What compels a christian to disregard the explanation of ‘we don’t know, yet’ or ‘we don’t know, may never do so’ or <insert any of the other religious explanations differing from your own> and jump to ‘the christian god did it’? My experience is that the behaviour, thought, is learned, rather than reasoned. That may not be the case for your or Lumi, I’ve no idea. But so far you’re not giving us anything but scripture or, to us, flawed logic, god of the gaps.
I wish you’d travel more, to say, northern europe, you’d realize the political analogy is not very fitting to our understanding of politics, at all. My wife is american, so I do get some of it, but really? In any case it’s not trying to understand. It’s name calling, labeling and a bit insulting I suppose. You do you. I wish you didn’t.
In essence: I don’t want you to try and convert me to this religion or shame me for not understanding it the way you do. I’d love to hear reason, argued, well thought out arguments for why you believe individual parts. Origins, is central to your belief, sure, good lego analogy. I can’t answer it. I can guess, like you, but I’d never say the guess is the only explanation and blaim others for not believing it.
Consider this: if you would say ‘I don’t know, and don’t claim to know the origins of existence, and I do not label it devine’. What would it be then, in this world, that makes you believe in a deity? Could this setting bring us closer to discussing religious views as it is now? That would work for me, in that it could be confined to reality. Which is all I believe we can say anything about. I’ve seen plenty of debates with this as basis, which intrest me. The former too, and not so much.
Merry x-mas, you believers-you![]()
I like how YOU post behind me in almost every thread you pop into with me in it but you think the fisherman is the one taking the bait and not the lowly fish. This is why you are so easy to take the bait every single time.
I'm laughing at you guys too, trust me... especially your leftist ass haha.and laugh at Vanessa.
Vanessa’s stupidity
She is so dumb
tryhard.exeShe’s just so stupid.
Oohhh I almost forgot about that.Don't forget the use of "hatertots"