Watch Babylon 5.I'm watching DS9 for the first time ever, it's badass.
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Watch Babylon 5.I'm watching DS9 for the first time ever, it's badass.
I'm just curious...when would the SJW issue achieve the kind of level where you'd say "okay, the other side had a point"?
Posting a theoretical astrophysics video of PizzaFaceKrauss in a tranny's thread is sciencing according to this (obviously) intellectual juggernaut called Sevens.Clinging to our belief that the universe just sprang from nothing...
Dude do you even science
Never said this.while proclaiming a genius-level understanding of science
I can back up any serious post I've ever made with proper receipts/links. It is YOU people who cannot seem to do so. That's what pisses certain people off here... it's the fact that I do indeed know what the f00k I'm talking about and destroy you guys by backing up my words. It's like.... hey, sorry that I'm awesome and post real shit instead of fantasyville lunacy. I know y'all were used to Jerle and Goliath here, but the real deal Holyfield showed up here. I play for keeps.she in practice has been shown to know almost nothing outside of rumor or just making shit up.
It's an ugly topic because people don't accept reality. Look, Oscar Gamble's famous quote is funny, but it's perfectly applicable here for this topic:Yeah but it was a larger discussion about trans kids, how "trans kids" often end up not being trans, the fact that there's no standardized testing for it and certainly nothing objective, the politics involved in the mental health community that was interfering with their charge to care for kids welfare first and foremost, then the "puberty blockers are harmless anyways lol" shit. Such an ugly topic.
From the top to the bottom, yes. It's your fault for putting a spick on a pedestal! (I'm half Mexican so I have my latino card, I just don't use it much because they haven't been the problem lately... it's been those damn <town bell rings> )We truly do get what we deserve, right Manessa?
Oopsie! Looks like YouTube forgot to turn off the comments section from Biden's speech today. Time to go downvote this!
But I already said that, I even gave the specific example of the trans kids + puberty blockers debate.
So this is how the cookie crumbles on this... when the data, research, and papers have all been laid out on the table, the last straw of it all is that the evidence points to the powers that be "corrupted" the science around it, is that it?Really not trying to do a "gotcha"--but if you are acknowledging now that mutiliating children because SJWs have effectively corrupted a lot of the science around it
So this is how the cookie crumbles on this... when the data, research, and papers have all been laid out on the table, the last straw of it all is that the evidence points to the powers that be "corrupted" the science around it, is that it?
I ask with sincerity because if we cannot trust the highest echelons of higher learning/doctors/medical experts on fact-driven data and research, then who can you trust in this world? You're essentially setting yourself up for a turtled existence of solipsism when even the esteemed amongst our society is (your words) effectively corrupted.
due to the lack of long term evidence of their side effects
for precocious puberty.
Treatment of Central Precocious Puberty - PMC
Long-acting analogs of GnRH (GnRHas) have been the gold-standard treatment of central precocious puberty (CPP) worldwide and have an enviable track record of safety and efficacy. Recent years have witnessed much growth in the availability of
"Long-acting analogs of GnRH (GnRHas) have been the gold-standard treatment of central precocious puberty (CPP) worldwide and have an enviable track record of safety and efficacy."
So again, the question is "who do we trust"? If we cannot trust scientists, researchers, doctors etc.
I'm glad it's you, Lithose, and not the usual canon of retards that come in here wanting a piece of me. You have my respect, therefore you won't get my usual "Lulz I pwn u" shit that I give the more prevalent dunces here because (pssst: they haven't figured it out yet) they get what they give.
And speaking of the recent past, we went through another round of this when they started diagnosing everything as ADD in kids and tossing Prozac and Zoloft at them like they were feeding the pigeons. All because busy parents and lazy teachers did not want to deal with an energetic kid, preferring to just toss money at the problem. Money doctors were more than happy to collect by signing off on it for any kid who seemed slightly hyper or depressed. Half a generation was in a proverbial chemical coma because society wanted a quick solution and the "scientists" were eager to collect a quick buck.You shouldn't trust anyone without question. I bring this up all the time, but Lobotomy won the Nobel prize in medicine--hundreds of children were effectively turned into zombies for minor behavioral problems, all because the medical community was under enormous ideological/popular pressure to continue what the public saw as a 'miracle cure'. This butchery continued well after a large amount of evidence had been accumulated showing the procedures efficacy on most issues was non-existent, and in fact significantly worsened outcomes. All because popular pressure made it difficult for contrary evidence to be published (Take a look at the papers who simply don't allow contrary evidence on trans issues because it will lead to "hate" for someone's identity--that is not a healthy scientific environment, and if we were at all logically minded, we'd all be skeptical.)
I don't agree with your categorization of it as religion, never have. Aside from that I'm not sure what you're trying to get here. I already said that was something I hadn't anticipated directly related to the SJW nonsense we're talking about.We all ration our attention. I don't think I represent the majority of Americans in any meaningful way aside from basic shit like "I would like functional government please." If I have any priorities, it's that.
Really not trying to do a "gotcha"--but if you are acknowledging now that mutiliating children because SJWs have effectively corrupted a lot of the science around it, is a step too far--then how was the other side not right in their warnings that these people are a new kind of religious zealotry?
Yeah, but the difference is--whether you agree or disagree with the /politics thread or other political forums, the people there usually devote more attention to politics. People in the politics thread know a lot more about the details of politics--again, you can argue their bias ensures they only know one side and thus are wrong or whatever, but they devote a lot more bandwidth to the issue. Most Americans do not. Which is fine, but it also makes it interesting to talk to someone who doesn't devote a lot of his attention to see what gets through anyway.