Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Uncle Tanya
It’s cool. I wasn’t accusing you.
I didn't think so... indeed, it's cool!

Every argument I've gotten into with leftists that *eventually* turns into an issue or question about my transsexualism (which is rare... I usually just never mention it on other platforms) just shows that lefties are just as negative about trannies as alt-right people... i.e. they starting calling me sir and he which is funny because they're lefties who virtue signal FOR trannies.

What it comes down to is that it takes a based, logical, right-wing Trumpet tranny to milk out their tranny-hate.

Both sides dislike trannies and I understand why. We're weird... it's not normal and freaky-deaky. That fact doesn't bother me. What does bother me is how the left are huge hypocrites about being allies. They're not allies... they're just fake about it. The right is just honest about it all, which is just one reason out of a bevy of reasons why I align with the right.
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Millie's Staff Member
He should've taken my role in the Alec Baldwin thread~ LoL.

Which btw, I'm still victory lapping that Chuk! (and still love you hahaha).
what? was he cleared? last i heard they havent exonerated anyone and Baldwin is being sued by everyone on the show for being a dirtbag.
its so bad that he can only find work outside of the US.
basically the same route Asia Argento took after it surfaced she is a pedophile.


Uncle Tanya
I wonder what would happen if someone with a legitimate Reddit account posted FOR me in the /transtimelines subreddit my pic of me with my MAGA hat, cross necklace, and ok sign trolling with my original pre-transition pic?

So... like this:


Except it's my original, pre-transition pic when I looked like a damn uber-alpha...

But with the end result pic of me being:


It would be such a mindfuck for the Reddit establishment. "Oh, here's a great transition which we all upvote and yet... MAGA? What would rule the day in their heads: their hugboxing for a fellow tranny or their TDS / triggering over ok signs and MAGA hats?

It's a social experiment I'd like to indulge in for the lulz~
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Uncle Tanya

What a sad, sad read. This person just hates everything about themselves, basically. Everything.

There is no depth to the misery of LGBTQWTF. It literally rubs off on me... I'm depressed now.
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Uncle Tanya
Just now:


No troll. This trophy was left on my balcony railing. This is the biggest bird shit I have EVER seen in my life. I literally thought it was a slug or one of those fat grubs when I looked out the window at first... was like, what the hell is that? Bird poop. No mammal can get where I'm at.

What a mammoth.

That was either the most relieved normal sized bird ever or there's some Eagle / Hawk around my place LoL
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Parody Account
Just now:

View attachment 405146

No troll. This trophy was left on my balcony railing. This is the biggest bird shit I have EVER seen in my life. I literally thought it was a slug or one of those fat grubs when I looked out the window at first... was like, what the hell is that? Bird poop. No mammal can get where I'm at.

What a mammoth.

That was either the most relieved normal sized bird ever or there's some Eagle / Hawk around my place LoL
Do you know where my mind went when I saw that picture in this thread without any context as to what it was?

My therapist will hear about this.
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Parody Account
At what age did your sexual identity become a question for you?

As you see it were you born this way (nature) or was there some event in your life that triggered it (nurture)?


Uncle Tanya
At what age did your sexual identity become a question for you?
My sexual identity was straight male as God created me.

My gender identity (whatever you interpret that as... but this is the basest explanation for my mental illness of Gender Dysphoria that I can try and relate to a relatively normal guy like you [I assume]) was off when I was 3 or 4. I gravitated toward feminine things, at the better judgment of my adults around me (both my parents, good people, not liberals, and my day-care teachers to try and steer me toward more "boy" things).

But of course, a 4 year old can't articulate in any way shape or form or have reasonable communication to express: "This feels uncomfortable for me to be in this male body". They just want to play with cute dolls at a young age, then take their mother's daily pills for women at 7 because it may make them grow to be a woman, or feel like an uncomfortable carpet is all over my body once puberty hit and I started getting hair all over it.

You cannot, as a normal guy, understand the mental incongruity of Gender Dysphoria; no more than I can understand what a multiple personality schizophrenic person deals with. I'm just here to tell folks it's very real, and very shitty, and very backed by research for decades. But I don't wish this upon anyone... or promote it in anyway etc etc. Outside of my Gender Dysphoria, I'm a relatively normal Christian Conservative nerd who likes Trump. No big deal right? LoL

As you see it were you born this way (nature) or was there some event in your life that triggered it (nurture)?
100% born this way. 100% aligns with Christianity because I'm not technically born "gay" (besides... pegging a man is a free-will choice. Sin). It's just a biological thing that happens in the womb and the brain is both physical and mental so biological changes in the brain manifest as mental illnesses. I dunno... perhaps mom drank from too much bhp bottles when I was gestating heh.... who knows. But... research backs this up. Trust me when I say, I can link it and have numerous times in this thread.

Hope that gets the noggin joggin... If I was just gay it'd be 1,000,000,000,000,000 times easier to just come out and say:

Guys.... hey, I'm a complete faggot. HEY!~

Alas... God has a sense of humor, and here I am.

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Uncle Tanya
I dunno... perhaps mom drank from too much bhp bottles when I was gestating heh.... who knows.
I was tired... I meant bpa bottles. Sorry!

^ I don't actually subscribe to this theory but I've seen it floated before.


Uncle Tanya
Think of it the next time you make multiquotes.
Multiquotes isn't dishonesty though, and I'm not trying to be funny when I'm multiquoting. There's a time and place for shit posts, and a time and place for being serious. I get that you may dislike me when I do multiquoting, and you're trying to equate this point here to saying, "Now you see how it feels when you try to force people to do things your way" but it's STILL not exactly analogous to my use of multiquotes. That thread has a standard by that thread alone. When you force a fake quote, it defeats the purpose of the thread itself.

Multiquotes is just a quirk of how I traditionally post. Inventing fake quotes is just a lie for humor's sake, but it loses humor when it's a lie

Where we can agree is that forcing people to do things YOUR way "just because" isn't good. Have a good reason behind it ^_^

Have great one, V.
Always :) You too ...and always love me some Negan!


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I wonder what would happen if someone with a legitimate Reddit account posted FOR me in the /transtimelines subreddit my pic of me with my MAGA hat, cross necklace, and ok sign trolling with my original pre-transition pic?

So... like this:

View attachment 404916

Except it's my original, pre-transition pic when I looked like a damn uber-alpha...

But with the end result pic of me being:

View attachment 404917

It would be such a mindfuck for the Reddit establishment. "Oh, here's a great transition which we all upvote and yet... MAGA? What would rule the day in their heads: their hugboxing for a fellow tranny or their TDS / triggering over ok signs and MAGA hats?

It's a social experiment I'd like to indulge in for the lulz~
If you're so interested, why haven't you done this already?


Uncle Tanya
If you're so interested, why haven't you done this already?
I haven't legitimately asked anyone, so I'm not "so interested"... it's just a passing thought that, if I think more about it, just seems so unlikely to happen. I couldn't do it myself because I'm banned, and I don't want to make a throwaway account because people would likely assume it's fake and it would get deleted as a troll post. So I'd need:

A) a close buddy with a Reddit account with a decent reputation
B) care enough about it (I don't, it's just an amusing thought) to want to share my pre-transition pic to the public (which, again, I don't want to that much)

The post itself would go like: "Hey, wanted to share for a friend because y'all are hateful, ban-happy people who dislike hearing about facts so she herself can't share her transition, but I can verify this is a very real, legitimate before/after of her. 43/MtF, A Decade Apart."

They'd be absolutely torn in half whether to keep it up to support one of their own, or downvote it into oblivion/delete it because I don't follow the commie radical left narrative whatsoever. Which, if they did the latter, it would just expose their hypocrisy full tilt. It'd be glorious.
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Uncle Tanya
Oh, another thought... we know how unhinged they are. It's one thing sharing stuff here with you teddy bears (LoL), it's another thing entirely putting myself out there in such a lulzy way that they ARE unhinged enough to possibly want to doxx me and want to try and ruin my life just because I'm "a racist nazi". That just seems like going full Icarus and flying too close to the sun.

Do I know I'm not a racist Nazi? Of course. Do batshit crazy commies know that? Not at all.
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Uncle Tanya

Hey what do you know... a Godless atheist who is going to Hell for eternity knows about Satanic, pagan shit.

What a surprise that just completely shocks the senses!
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Tranny Chaser
Back to your flawed religious reasoning, only cancer patients know about cancer, again, V?

Mist Mist should totally make a reddit post with both your pre-posttransition pics.


Uncle Tanya
Back to your flawed religious reasoning, only cancer patients know about cancer, again, V?

Mist Mist should totally make a reddit post with both your pre-posttransition pics.
Well it's funny how your chance of finding Christians who know that sort of bullshit is slim to none. ...and yet Captain Hellbound does.

Sorry that you find reality and the truth "flawed".
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Uncle Tanya
Tfw you're an atheist and you align ideologically with the radical left more than right-wing conservatism.

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