At what age did your sexual identity become a question for you?
My sexual identity was straight male as God created me.
gender identity (whatever you interpret that as... but this is the basest explanation for my mental illness of Gender Dysphoria that I can try and relate to a relatively normal guy like you [I assume]) was
off when I was 3 or 4. I gravitated toward feminine things, at the better judgment of my adults around me (both my parents, good people, not liberals, and my day-care teachers to try and steer me toward more "boy" things).
But of course, a 4 year old can't articulate in any way shape or form or have reasonable communication to express:
"This feels uncomfortable for me to be in this male body". They just want to play with cute dolls at a young age, then take their mother's daily pills for women at 7 because it
may make them grow to be a woman, or feel like an uncomfortable carpet is all over my body once puberty hit and I started getting hair all over it.
You cannot, as a normal guy, understand the mental incongruity of Gender Dysphoria; no more than I can understand what a multiple personality schizophrenic person deals with. I'm just here to tell folks it's very real, and very shitty, and very backed by research for decades. But I don't wish this upon anyone... or promote it in anyway etc etc. Outside of my Gender Dysphoria, I'm a relatively normal Christian Conservative nerd who likes Trump. No big deal right? LoL
As you see it were you born this way (nature) or was there some event in your life that triggered it (nurture)?
100% born this way. 100% aligns with Christianity because I'm not technically born "gay" (besides... pegging a man is a free-will choice. Sin). It's just a biological thing that happens in the womb and the brain is both physical and mental so biological changes in the brain manifest as mental illnesses. I dunno... perhaps mom drank from too much bhp bottles when I was gestating heh.... who knows. But... research backs this up. Trust me when I say, I can link it and have numerous times in this thread.
Hope that gets the noggin joggin...
If I was just gay it'd be 1,000,000,000,000,000 times easier to just come out and say:
Guys.... hey, I'm a complete faggot. HEY!~
Alas... God has a sense of humor, and here I am.