

There's no rape, Ragnar spares innocents and treats his slave humanely, they just explain he's not the norm in thinly veiled history conversation lectures to try and retain some credibility. It's a piss weak way of handling everything but the show is still massively entertaining, Ragnar is awesome.


Silver Baron of the Realm
So I hadn't watched this at all but my parents are going out of town for 2 weeks and I got to go over and feed/take care of the pets every day and I know he has it on DVR.
Worth watching while I stroke their pussy for a hour each night?
Its the best show on TV at the moment, the story is simple yet well done and very entertaining. The lead character is also somewhat engaging and believable which is a rarity more often than not.


Millie's Staff Member
it was an entertaining episode. lots of innocent vikings slaughter. dunno why they kill their own for no reason. you would think they would get tired of the Jarl pulling the same shit all the time.


<Prior Amod>
You've been told that pillaging is going on all season, it's just the Viking we've been watching had only sailed across the sea to England to pillage twice in what...5 or 6 episodes? That ratio is fine.

And I'm okay with them skipping out to alluded rape. Who gives a shit to see scenes of "he bends said girl over, we see motion of humping for 2 seconds and we go to a different scene"? I'm fine with it.

As far as putting up with the Jarl, he has a small army and those loyal to him are vastly rewarded, it's the same with any ruler back then, rule through fear and strength.


Millie's Staff Member
You've been told that pillaging is going on all season, it's just the Viking we've been watching had only sailed across the sea to England to pillage twice in what...5 or 6 episodes? That ratio is fine.

And I'm okay with them skipping out to alluded rape. Who gives a shit to see scenes of "he bends said girl over, we see motion of humping for 2 seconds and we go to a different scene"? I'm fine with it.

As far as putting up with the Jarl, he has a small army and those loyal to him are vastly rewarded, it's the same with any ruler back then, rule through fear and strength.
even the cheese eating surrender monkeys wouldnt have put up with the king's men going around randomly slaughtering villages. the vikings though? where raiding is their purpose? i doubt they would allow the jarl to get away with this shit on their own people. even his men are going to have relatives of the murdered. keep in mind this isnt a large population. its basically a small community where everyone knows everyone else.


Silver Baron of the Realm
It's good, but no.
If you have a recommendation on something that's currently airing then hook me up Lenas but don't say Game of Thrones (after reading the series a few times the show is a bit meh for me) or anything on the first page of TV House for that matter.


El Presidente
If you have a recommendation on something that's currently airing then hook me up Lenas but don't say Game of Thrones (after reading the series a few times the show is a bit meh for me).
I like GoT better and I'm sure most people would agree, but even aside from that there's a few I think are all better. Mad Men, Spartacus, and of course Archer are all also better and I would say Arrow is in the same ballpark at least.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I like GoT better and I'm sure most people would agree, but even aside from that there's a few I think are all better. Mad Men, Spartacus, and of course Archer are all also better and I would say Arrow is in the same ballpark at least.
Mad Men hasn't started yet, Spartacus frequently strays into eye roll territory (half the cast is also unbearable) but can be fun at times, Archer is great sometimes but isn't a dramatic series. It all comes down to personal preference though, of course. Thanks for recommending Arrow at any rate I will give it a watch.


<Prior Amod>
even the cheese eating surrender monkeys wouldnt have put up with the king's men going around randomly slaughtering villages. the vikings though? where raiding is their purpose? i doubt they would allow the jarl to get away with this shit on their own people. even his men are going to have relatives of the murdered. keep in mind this isnt a large population. its basically a small community where everyone knows everyone else.
You need to history more.


<Prior Amod>
Also Game of Thrones is so much better than anything on television it's not even's leaps and bounds better then the next best thing.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Also Game of Thrones is so much better than anything on television it's not even's leaps and bounds better then the next best thing.
True enough I suppose. For me it's just a case of being so familiar with a story that any TV/film counterpart to that story comes off somewhat dull and inadequate due to the cuts, changes and actors that are required to create that visual representation. I've actually fallen asleep a few times while watching it lol, I just know it so well.


Millie's Staff Member
did anyone else scratch their head when the Jarl said that he sold his daughter off for 20 pound of silver, when he had an entire ships hoard of gold sitting under the ground?


<Prior Amod>
He also said he is gaining land and the old man is friends with the king which will bring about powerful alliances. Both of which are more valuable then silver.


Trump's Staff
did anyone else scratch their head when the Jarl said that he sold his daughter off for 20 pound of silver, when he had an entire ships hoard of gold sitting under the ground?
Yeah I made a similar comment to my wife. "What the fuck does he need 20 pounds of silver for when he just stole a hundred pounds of gold from Ragnar?"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He doesn't want people seeing the gold and thinking, "I could go over to the West and get me some of that!" The Jarl is probably setting up to kill Ragnar, then have his raiders go West to get more gold. All he needs to do is keep the fact there is so much gold under wraps, kill the guy who found it all and then he can monopolize on it.

As for the marriage, he has a new ally in the Swedish Jarl, who can bring extra soldiers over to Denmark if the Jarl gets into deep shit with his conflict with Ragnar. He sold his daughter to gain reinforcements and potentially dish himself out of water in the future.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How can anyone hate on Spartacus. Yes, I think this shows fight scenes are more visceral and realistic, and enjoy it very much, but Spartacus embraces its FUCKINGLOL nature and never takes its foot off the gas. A great example of this is when Spartacus demolishes a Roman standard bearers jaw with his own standard, except that wasnt enough so they said fuck it and had him just literally DECIMATE the guys fucking face with another blow, turning it into a caved pool of blood and fucking brains.

That, my friends, is the mark of a great show. It doesnt hold its cock in hand, waiting to put it to purpose, it rams it in fucking arse, and accepts no gratitude. Vikings is a great show but it doesnt really fuck with Spartacus. Even if it went on for 3 more seasons I dont think anyone could truly want to be immersed in that universe (in favor of Ancient Rome) unless you were from Scandinavia or had a hard on for Odin.