Hopefully that will also happen in France and the other places with leaders favoring intervention. If there aren't any other countries willing to form a coalition it will give Obama a way out with the chance to save face. If this shit only has 9% support with the expectation of Western Europe participating I can't imagine a single American out there who would want this shit to go down with the U.S. shouldering all of the cost, risk, and consequences by ourselves.
Honestly, with Britain out it's time to just give up. The chemical weapons cat is out of the bag...there will never be a functioning collective security apparatus to stop it - now now, not the next time. China and Russia are against Western intervention in anyone's internal affairs for any reason. They have their reasons for that and with their veto powers there is no way they will ever allow the U.N. Security Council to authorize UN-backed military action anywhere in the world ever again. Until the end of history. I really think we're there in terms of global politics.