Earlier Monday, Kerry said that Syrian President Bashar Assad could resolve the crisis surrounding the alleged use of chemical weapons by his forces only by surrendering control of "every single bit" of his arsenal to the international community by the end of the week.
Kerry added, dismissively, that he thought Assad "isn't about to do it."
"Syria welcomes the Russian proposal out of concern for the lives of the Syrian people, the security of our country and because it believes in the wisdom of the Russian leadership that seeks to avert American aggression against our people," Moallem said.
Leaders love options, strong arming, tough speech and posturing might enable a political solution where none existed before, this line of thinking is only viable if the threat of force is a credible threat. The main intention might be posturing to get some negotiating leverage somewhere, with the plan B being war if that fails.Ha!
Well, I expected a fizzle and boredom but this is actually getting a bit entertaining. I really can't believe that they want this war but there is seriously every indication that they do.
I must admit, the Russians and Syrians have played this beautifully. But I would think in the end, it's all a bluff on their part to make the US look bad. And really, Kerry done fucked up by giving them such a wonderful opening:http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/...98809D20130909
The foreign minister says he's for it.
Of course the U.S. has again moved the goal posts and says the goal is regime change and not the chemical weapons. Chemical weapons aresoooolast week.
Any way you cut it, this situation has been so poorly handled by the White House it's fucking mind boggling. The Russians and Syrians is playing the Obama administration for fools, and quite honestly, it appears to be just that. They've essentially laid a trap in just about every direction Obama can take a step in, now.Kerry was asked by a reporter in London whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop a military strike.
Kerry answered: "Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting, but he isn't about to do it and it can't be done."
Yeah, this is pretty much John Kerry right now.Any way you cut it, this situation has been so poorly handled by the White House it's fucking mind boggling. The Russians and Syrians is playing the Obama administration for fools, and quite honestly, it appears to be just that. They've essentially laid a trap in just about every direction Obama can take a step in, now.
You seem pretty confident. Want to make it interesting?Don't worry, they'll just move the goal posts a little bit further for every concession Syria gives. We're going to war, it's just a matter of how long it takes and on what retarded shit they come up with as justification.
No. It was more of a sarcastic comment as opposed to definitive.You seem pretty confident. Want to make it interesting?