Nah. GW did what they always do and wrote new stuff into the product line the same way they always did.
If the change had been "Custodes were always psykers before" or "Custodes always had two heads before", or some such, nobody would've given a fuck, just like nobody ever gave a fuck about GW changing things exactly like this around twice a week, probably.
But because this time they made the mistake of including a ... booooooo ... woman (the horror), you get a bunch of incels and internet-bottom-feeders with zero actual interest in 40K bandwaggoning on to feed their loony tinfoil-hat theory about some worldwide conspiracy pushing "woke" as some kind of forced cultural change and calculated political-coup strategy or whatever, trying to make that a "thing" in 40K now after miserably failing to do so in Star Wars and Netflix or whatever.