I was always 5'7 and between 130-140lbs, but after my ex and I broke up in 2010 I gained a fuck ton of weight and at my height I was 205. When I got to London for school I started going to the University gym with a friend, and realized how beneficial having a friend to work out with really is. It makes it more about hanging out and talking shit or gossiping or joking about people's bodies than it does actual work. All we did was talk about the drunken shenanigans from the weekend before. After a couple weeks it became a habit, and I no longer cared if we went together. But if she wasn't there in the beginning, there's no way I woulda kept going. Once you get in the habit of it though, you feel miserable/depressed when you CAN'T make it to the gym. I couldn't start my day without it. 2 hours, every single day, sometimes skipping Sunday. You get such a great feeling/sensation of happiness once you get in that mode. I know it's annoying when people say that, and I never believed it either, but it really is true.
1 hour on the crosstrainer, 1 hour with weights. I lost 40lbs in the first couple months and then the remaining 30 in another 4 or 5 doing this, not monitoring or caring about my calorie intake at all (obviously not the best way, but it worked). I'm down to 128 now, and I never work out anymore and I eat horribly, it was just losing it after gaining it that was difficult. Seriously the best thing someone can do is have a friend to go to the gym with, particularly if they're in your same circle of friends. Force it to become a habit, and then you'll enjoy it and be fine without them. Crosstrainer is key if you're out of shape or overweight imo, because it doesn't require as much stamina as a treadmill or even a bike. I couldn't do a full minute on the treadmill back then, but I could go forever on a crosstrainer. So don't get discouraged by the lack of stamina/feeling like you're going to fucking die feeling, this is impossible... just find the right equipment and don't focus too heavily on the numbers, but on the hobby of going to the gym for a positive experience. Then if you're lucky your pants just won't fit one day.
Also, protein powder. Craving for sweets? Blend some chocolate powder as soon as it hits, force it down, tasty or shitty, it'll still get you past the sugar craving. I never used it during the weight loss period, but it helped me stay fit before I gained all that weight. I literally ate whatever the fuck I wanted when I lost all this weight, and probably had a shitty metabolism, half my calories were alcohol, but I still lost plenty of weight. Actually got water intoxication twice from working out so hard the day after heavy drinking haha, that sucked. If you sweat during exercise for an hour a day, you'll lose weight, end of story. Couldn't have done it w/o crosstrainer or a friend at the start, going at the same time every day and catching this TV show that was always on at the same time for 2 hours also helped. Any distraction is huge.