It's stuff like that that makes me think Ossoi is just a troll. 14 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, unless you're taking GH or steroids.
Even ignoring the outlandish claims, plans like that irritate me. 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 18 weeks. Whatever. It's basically for people who want a get fit quick scheme. And there's no such thing. If you're in this for change, you're in it for the long haul.
That said, I'd like Ossoi to post his results. Measurements, pictures, lifts, everything.
How am I trolling by posting a link to a book which is marketed on someone elses results? As it's someone elses results then I don't know why my results are relevant. And I love how you guys continually bash stuff without even reading it.
What's wrong with a 12 week plan with a structured workout program, diet guide and supplement regime? You guys can read the first chapter of the 12wbp here
12 Week Body PlanThe 12wbp raison d'etre was to get someone from out of shape to covermodel condition in 12 weeks, again the collection of results I've posted already confirms this is possible.
Regardless, I've never shied away from full disclosure on this thread and here's my before/after pic, taken in Feb 2013 and end of August 2013. I wasn't ready when he took the pic (as should be obvious if you compare my hair in each picture) and I wasn't particularly tensing...that's why I uploaded a different pic taken at home a few months ago
I don't have details of lifts and stuff because my PT logged all that for me and the movements he had me doing changed every 3 weeks so that's a lot of stuff to try and recall
Best thing I can tell you is that I couldn't do one chinup on my first session and had to be lifted to the top of the movement in order to do a negative motion only and even then I could barely hold on, I can now do 12. You should also know that before I signed up I told him "I only care about getting lean, I don't care about strength and don't want to get muscular" so the first 6 months were focused on fat loss as opposed to strength/hypertrophy. It was only for the third and final program I worked with him that we switched to hypertrophy focus, and even the first 6 weeks of 12 was spent cutting down to 10%.
I've been training on my own for the last 2 weeks using the 12wbp and eating at a deficit...Once I hit 10% I started too bulk too quickly and used it as an excuse to eat rubbish food so quickly went back up to 12% body fat. I've been eating at a deficit to cut back down and using the 12wbp to kill time until the 6wbp by same author is released. I have full confidence in the author and his methods
And as for a 60kg individual putting on 6kg of muscle in 6 weeks. Do you really think it's that impossible if that individual is training constantly under the supervision of one of the best PT's in Europe, if not the World and has the funds to take every single supplement prescribed and follows the training regime and diet 100% of the way? Now factor in that 60kg individual is a lanky beanpole with probably a high metabolism who struggles to put fat on and probably dicked around in the gym before starting the plan, and who all of a sudden starts training properly with full intensity - then 6kg of muscle doesn't sound too unrealistic does it