Sorry to derail the WebMD, but what, if any, supplements do you guys use?
Right now I'm just doing around 45-60 mins of cardio a day, due to just having clavicle surgery, but once I'm cleared to start lifting again I want to to seriously get ripped. Unfortunately right now I'm 6'3" 267lbs, so I have a ways to go, but that's down from 280 with the cardio and doing some leg machines here and there.
Figured I'd give you some more info. I'm a roofer, but since my clavicle break they have had me at a desk writing up proposals and invoices. I have like 6 hours of free time every day, and when I'm not at work, I'm usually bored as fuck, so I do like going to the gym, I just really need to change my diet, and probably take a supplement to help me push through the exhaustion I feel after work, or work out before work I suppose.