Weight Loss Thread


<Silver Donator>
I don't know, squats don't freak me out as much as dead lifts. I started really light on squats and focused on form, slowly adding weight. I still don't do much yet, around 4 sets of 6-8 in the 235-245 range is my normal- I just push to when I'm tired but not feeling like I am on the edge of failure or losing form. I see no reason to push my luck with 1RM. I think that they are a great lift for core, ass, and legs, even at that weight.

Dead lifts are another beast. The whole position just seems like it's easier to get hurt but maybe it is just my shitty form.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think it's much easier to try too much weight with deadlifts as compared to squats, because your body naturally wants to lift with your back when it encounters too much weight to pick up off the floor.


Molten Core Raider
I don't know, squats don't freak me out as much as dead lifts. I started really light on squats and focused on form, slowly adding weight. I still don't do much yet, around 4 sets of 6-8 in the 235-245 range is my normal- I just push to when I'm tired but not feeling like I am on the edge of failure or losing form. I see no reason to push my luck with 1RM. I think that they are a great lift for core, ass, and legs, even at that weight.

Dead lifts are another beast. The whole position just seems like it's easier to get hurt but maybe it is just my shitty form.
If you're referring to that post from the D1 coach I linked, you're definitely closer to his advice than how I started off. The popular beginner routines emphasize sets of 5 which is naturally more dangerous than sets of 8.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The problem with deadlifts is that most people do not understand how the posterior chain works, or the fact that deadlifts really aren't a BACK exercise. You're engaging with your glutes and hammys far more than your erector spinae, but most people believe it to be a "pull," so they PULL with their backs.

Squatting can be tricky because it requires mobility most people don't have (to do it correctly at least). However, it's easier to engage your quads than your hamstrings, and most people do high bar squats as opposed to low bar, where you really need to drive with your hips if you want to move any weight.

Either way, I wish I had a strength coach teaching me the basics when I first started.


<Silver Donator>
Well, when I started, front squats were my only option because I didn't have the shoulder flexibility to do any type of back squat. Could not comfortably hold my hands on the bars because it felt like my shoulders were going to pop out. In fact, I used the crossed arm hold because I've never felt comfortable with the catch position either, probably also due to range of motion issues.

I started doing some shoulder and chest stretches as part of my warm up routine every day, regardless of what is on the agenda that day. I also do lots of shoulder work with various presses, rows, etc. That helped me eventually get into back squats. I've started doing some wrist stretches to help with the catch position but it has not helped as much.

Also, I guess a lot of people think it is pussy but I use a manta ray for back squats and I think it is fucking awesome, pussy or not. So, I guess I'll be doing high bar so long as I am using that.


Molten Core Raider
Also, I guess a lot of people think it is pussy but I use a manta ray for back squats and I think it is fucking awesome, pussy or not. So, I guess I'll be doing high bar so long as I am using that.
Its hard for me to separate out the broscience regarding those assist devices but I have seen credible arguments that it interferes with upper back/core tightness. The bar is slightly further away from your body so its harder to "pull the bar into your back" (which is a common cue to keep your spine neutral). And completely anecdotal, the few people I see using towels or manta rays never hit proper depth.

Are you using that because the bar weight hurts your traps? I think it takes a few weeks for the body to adjust to weight distribution on the tissue.


Got something right about marriage
A friend of mine's wife posted a video of what might be the dumbest thing I've seen to date from the world of Crossfit on Facebook but I can't find the videos outside of FB to share.

Basically it's a woman doing a clean and jerk, then sitting down on the floor while still holding the bar over her head, then getting back up to do a squat all while still holding the bar over her head.

Friend's wife is a crossfit cultist stay at home mom so, exactly the type of person you'd expect to think that kind of exercise was @fierce and @awesome and @mynextgoal.

I think the name of the crossfit gym was gryphonstrength if anyone cares to find it and share it.


<Silver Donator>
Its hard for me to separate out the broscience regarding those assist devices but I have seen credible arguments that it interferes with upper back/core tightness. The bar is slightly further away from your body so its harder to "pull the bar into your back" (which is a common cue to keep your spine neutral). And completely anecdotal, the few people I see using towels or manta rays never hit proper depth.

Are you using that because the bar weight hurts your traps? I think it takes a few weeks for the body to adjust to weight distribution on the tissue.
Yeah, I just find it to be a lot more comfortable, maybe because I don't have bulging traps and it tends to push against vertebrae. I do a lot of stretching and I don't feel that it impacts depth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is a manta ray a pussy pad? If so, ditch it you fucking pussy.

If you have pain on your back from the bar, you're not tight. Like, at all. It's impossible for the bar to be pushing against vertebrae if you're pinching your shoulders back.


Molten Core Raider

BrotherWu just do this.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If anyone is in MN, the U of MN Rec Center is demoing an imaging unit that takes an avatar of your body and gets your measurements and such. I was in with my group to use the BodPod and they let us try out the other device just for fun. I think it was mainly novelty but it does give you an image you can rotate around that isn't affected by shadow / hair. Just hop in with some compression shorts on and go.

The unit is from Fit3d.http://www.fit3d.com/

I attached the little avatar it took for an example. While I find it creepy it could be useful over time for comparison.

Outside of that, I am on the home stretch. According to BodPod I am at 10.8% BF, 170 lbs, and my scale says 14.8% so I am just averaging the two for my formulas. I still think my loose skin scenario screws up the BodPod somehow as the results are what I "want" to see and it doesn't feel like reality. Perhaps that is just me being self deprecating. I did a caliper test at home and it said 10.1% so, who knows, maybe BodPod is right.

Off to St. Lucia in May for my anniverery. Will be the first vacation I am semi comfortable with my shirt off.



Golden Knight of the Realm
Aren't BodPods expensive?
Eh, not so much if you go with a group. Regular price is $100/hour and that can get around 5 folks done. I got a deal for $50/hour for 10 visits so it is only $10 for pretty much as long as I will care to use it. Only used 3 visits so far. Trying for around one per quarter.


<Gold Donor>
If anyone is in MN, the U of MN Rec Center is demoing an imaging unit that takes an avatar of your body and gets your measurements and such. I was in with my group to use the BodPod and they let us try out the other device just for fun. I think it was mainly novelty but it does give you an image you can rotate around that isn't affected by shadow / hair. Just hop in with some compression shorts on and go.

The unit is from Fit3d.http://www.fit3d.com/

I attached the little avatar it took for an example. While I find it creepy it could be useful over time for comparison.

Outside of that, I am on the home stretch. According to BodPod I am at 10.8% BF, 170 lbs, and my scale says 14.8% so I am just averaging the two for my formulas. I still think my loose skin scenario screws up the BodPod somehow as the results are what I "want" to see and it doesn't feel like reality. Perhaps that is just me being self deprecating. I did a caliper test at home and it said 10.1% so, who knows, maybe BodPod is right.

Off to St. Lucia in May for my anniverery. Will be the first vacation I am semi comfortable with my shirt off.

Nice shit, I'm heading to St Lucia in a few weeks - where ya staying?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Nice shit, I'm heading to St Lucia in a few weeks - where ya staying?
Hitting up the Sandals Halcyon Beach resort in Castries. Typical no thought all inclusive style. Will basically undo all of my hard work over a one week period, but man will it be relaxing.