Weight Loss Thread


<Gold Donor>
Ya, can't lose it all in a week and can't ruin all of your hard work that swiftly either. Enjoy it and come back ready to kill it! The alcohol on vacation always fucks me up but never too badly.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Ya, can't lose it all in a week andcan't ruin all of your hard work that swiftly either. Enjoy it and come back ready to kill it! The alcohol on vacation always fucks me up but never too badly.
Lol, I love when people say stuff like this. If you really try you can undo A LOT of hard work in a very, very short amount of time. Sure, you're not going to gain 100+ pounds or anything in a week or two, but 10 - 20 pounds (not even counting water retention and bloat weight) is easily doable in a week.


Trakanon Raider
I put on about five pounds during my last vacation and that was with trying to keep my weight gain at a minimum.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lol, I love when people say stuff like this. If you really try you can undo A LOT of hard work in a very, very short amount of time. Sure, you're not going to gain 100+ pounds or anything in a week or two, but 10 - 20 pounds (not even counting water retention and bloat weight) is easily doable in a week.
I'm not sure how you gain 20 pounds in a week. In order for me to gain 14 pounds of FAT in a week I'd need to consume 10,000 calories every day, although probably a bit more but whatever. 10,000 calories a day... unless you're drinking from sun up to sun down, most people will not hit that.


Got something right about marriage
You're talkin to the undisputed champ of binging. It's McCheese man. 20 lbs is nothing!!!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, ruining all the hard work is a bit of an exaggeration. Due to Keto, my body sucks in water like it is going out of style if I break ketosis. That coupled with 5 or more lbs. of actual fat can easily push me up 10 - 15 lbs. in a short period. I put on around that much weight in the December time frame last year but that was a whole month.

I figure I can expect around 10 lbs. of which around half should come off fairly quickly and the rest would just put me a month behind schedule. On the bright side, if I actually make it to 160 lbs. before vacation, that is right around my end goal of 6 - 8% BF. Then I just have to maintain for 12 months or so and if the internet rumors are correct my body may start taking some of the skin back.

Side question, have any former fatties like myself tried a dermaroller on their stomach? If so, has it helped stretch marks? Has it helped tighten skin? I have one coming in the mail because it was cheap. It seems to help some folks in appearance but I haven't found much on the tightening portion.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
10,000 calories a day is eazy-peezy when you're on vacation. All day drinking plus massive breakfast buffets, lunch buffets, and huge dinners with snacks in between? No problem!


Got something right about marriage
10,000 calories a day is eazy-peezy when you're on vacation. All day drinking plus massive breakfast burritos, lunch burritos, and huge burritos for dinner with dorito quesadillas in between? No problem!


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I put on about five pounds during my last vacation and that was with trying to keep my weight gain at a minimum.
I lost three pounds on a 7 day cruise. Hit the gym each day while the wife was getting ready, never woke up in time for breakfast and just got lunch/dinner in the dining rooms and avoided the buffets. Had steak/lobster/salmon every day with dessert and still came up 3 lbs lighter after.


Trakanon Raider
I lost three pounds on a 7 day cruise. Hit the gym each day while the wife was getting ready, never woke up in time for breakfast and just got lunch/dinner in the dining rooms and avoided the buffets. Had steak/lobster/salmon every day with dessert and still came up 3 lbs lighter after.
I lost 6 pounds when I went on my last cruise. It's probably because I cut my arm open playing drunk pool baseball in Mexico, and had Montezuma's revenge for the last three days. Would suggest!


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're talkin to the undisputed champ of binging. It's McCheese man. 20 lbs is nothing!!!
I'm not referring to his fat ass specifically, I just mean a man in general. He's an exception. And breakfast sucks, anyone who eats breakfast is a giant homo. That includes you McCheese.


Trakanon Raider
Breakfast is the best meal, I'll only ever eat it on weekends since I work too early but biscuits and gravy, breakfast burritos, scrambles or a big greasy breakfast sandwiches are the best way to start the day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fuck that, give me chicken or steak erry day. I should've clarified -- breakfast FOODS suck. Except waffles. Why do they taste different than pancakes?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Creeping into this thread, so I don't continue to derail the Marriage thread. Finally am taking weight loss seriously for probably the first time in my life. I'm 31 years old, 6'6" , and maxed out at 356lbs, and I'm now down to 321. LONG way to go. I'd love to get to 225, and see what happens from there.

I'm tracking my calories, and being more active. It's challenging, and I fully admit I'm addicted to food. I'm not sure if I'll ever break the addiction, but I hope so.

I go to the gym a couple times a week, and want to add on at least a third day, if not a 4th. Hard to do with work and school but it is possible. I'm doing cardio, which typically is pointless, as I know some in here will say, but it's a good start. I should just cut the cardio "cord" and go with weights 100% of the time.

For some more shaming material, a while back I was tested on one of those body fat things that you hold with both hands out in front of you, and if I remember right I was somewhere around 25%.

See ya guys around!


Same trailer, different park
I'm doing cardio, which typically is pointless, as I know some in here will say, but it's a good start. I should just cut the cardio "cord" and go with weights 100% of the time.
No. You need cardio. Not as much as a better diet, but you definitely need cardio. Don't kill yourself, but 30-45 minutes every time you work out (you said 2x's a week?) Honestly it would behoove you to get out around your neighborhood and walk/jog 4-5x's a day for 20-30 minutes if you aren't making it to the gym.

And cardio doesn't have to mean treadmill. Break it up....elliptical, bike, stairs, jump rope, whatever you can stomach.


Got something right about marriage
No. You need cardio. Not as much as a better diet, but you definitely need cardio. Don't kill yourself, but 30-45 minutes every time you work out (you said 2x's a week?) Honestly it would behoove you to get out around your neighborhood and walk/jog 4-5x's a day for 20-30 minutes if you aren't making it to the gym.

And cardio doesn't have to mean treadmill. Break it up....elliptical, bike, stairs, jump rope, whatever you can stomach.
Prepare to get crucified.


Molten Core Raider

I don't necessarily disagree with Taebin, but I'd be real worried about jogging at 6'6 321. That's a lot of force you're applying to your (likely) already beaten-up knees/shins/ankles. Plus, a running injury for someone like fifey (rolled ankle) is one thing but a large man like you rolling an ankle could be potentially devastating. I remember hikes with 100lb packs in the military and even fit guys that rolled an ankle were usually on crutches for a long while. It's up to you to gauge your risk tolerance. Devils advocate: I do see a lot of PTs at my gym putting obese people into situations like that all the time; maybe they know the odds better than I do.

I assume you've already calculated your TDEE and know your target calories per day? 2lbs fat loss weekly for you should be around 2000 calories, not counting exercise. I prefer to never count exercise and instead refine the #s using a rolling average of weight. Calculating calories burnt via exercise is a lot of guessing and I think its more practical to just work off the known #s (intake and weight delta).

Have you experimented with intermittent fasting (IF). It's hands-down my preferred way to cut weight. It's essentially just skipping breakfast so you can eat more for lunch/dinner. I tend to do a light lunch (few eggs/bacon, protein shake, apple -- ~450 calories) so that way I can gorge myself for dinner (1000-1500 calories). In the morning, I've found that black coffee is a pretty strong appetite suppressant. After a few days, hunger-regulating hormones adapt to this new eating schedule and it feels natural. I, too, would consider myself a food addict. When I eat shit food (2 for $3 bacon egg and cheese biscuits!), I've noticed the same feeling I recall from nicotine/alcohol: the next day I want to continue the trend. IF is the best compromise I've found for that satisfying feeling of a large feast yet not over-eating.