Weight Loss Thread


Got something right about marriage
Have you experimented with intermittent fasting (IF). It's hands-down my preferred way to cut weight. It's essentially just skipping breakfast so you can eat more for lunch/dinner. I tend to do a light lunch (few eggs/bacon, protein shake, apple -- ~450 calories) so that way I can gorge myself for dinner (1000-1500 calories). In the morning, I've found that black coffee is a pretty strong appetite suppressant. After a few days, hunger-regulating hormones adapt to this new eating schedule and it feels natural. I, too, would consider myself a food addict. When I eat shit food (2 for $3 bacon egg and cheese biscuits!), I've noticed the same feeling I recall from nicotine/alcohol: the next day I want to continue the trend. IF is the best compromise I've found for that satisfying feeling of a large feast yet not over-eating.
You're recommending someone who is overweight and has an addiction to food to skip breakfast and ensure that his appetite will be so huge by lunch that he'll have that much more trouble keeping his portions under control? On top of that you're recommending a diuretic as an appetite suppressant?

Crone, eat breakfast. Eat a GOOD breakfast. Drink water. If you can, drink nothing else but water. Snack on healthy foods like veggies, nuts, chicken, lower sugar fruits (i.e avocados and berries, not grapes or watermelon) and eat when you feel hungry. Do not force yourself to hold off until "normal mealtimes".


Molten Core Raider
I suggested an experiment. My wife hates IF, I like it. I've seen other people of all varying sizes vouch for it. The problem with a conventional system like you suggest is that you won't really get that satisfying full feeling that some of us crave. I absolutely despise going to bed hungry and IF is the best way I've found to prevent that issue. I'm left with a comfortable buffer in the evening to where I can flex a bit and either make a larger dinner or do a 4th meal right before bed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't run/jog yet, because you are right, my knees are shot.
I do have a goal of eventually being able to jog a few miles without getting entirely winded. Right now I'm like homer simpson. Few feet in and I'm dying. I do half hour on the elliptical, and that has been working well.

For the past month or so, with some expected lapses in judgement as I like to call them, my diet has been something like a protein shake in the morning (powder + 2% milk) (I would prefer skim, but my living situation doesn't allow it), then my work has pretty regimented breaks/lunches, so 2 hours later I'm eating non-fat plain greek yogurt, lunch is chicken breast + veggies, 2 hours later, another snack of greek yogurt, sometimes with a little drizzle of honey, then dinner is chicken or fish. Salmon and tuna steaks has been a big favorite of mine with stir fried veggies, and/or brown rice. Sometimes indulge in some Thai food, but that's dangerous because the curry's all have lots of coconut milk.

Just today I stopped the protein shake, and added 20 almonds (1/4 cup, which is one serving size), and more water. I suspected the protein shake was causing me stomach issues, so I'm testing this. I've been feeling pretty good this morning. On hungry mornings, I'll get a veggie omelet. (2 eggs + peppers, spinach, mushrooms, etc).

And yep, using Myfitnesspal to track calories, and have it calculated for 2lbs a week. That's the max you can tell it anyway. I don't eat more if I excercise, but you are right, it's 2160 calories a day that it wants me to eat to lose those 2lbs per week.

One thing tracking calories has enlightened me too, is what food actually has in it. Maybe it's not super high in calories, but it has a ton of sugar, or fat. Kills it. Just knowing how much extra calories condiments add, or that slice of cheese. It's pretty mind blowing.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Sounds like Crone is doing just fine with what he's been doing, so far. Keep doing what you're doing, and continue to implement small changes into your diet and working out as your lifestyle allows. As long as you continue tracking your food and weight, you'll be able to see what works and what doesn't work and make adjustments.

As for diet, again, what you've been doing is clearly working. If you like eating breakfast, eat breakfast. If you don't like eating breakfast for some reason, skip it and move those calories to lunch. As much as people love to talk using absolutes in this thread, losing weight and getting in shape is always going to be in large part tailored to each individual.


Personally, I've found that IF works best for me. Nowadays I generally just eat a single meal every day worth around 2000 calories. My typical weekday diet consists of a 2 cups of black coffee in the morning, a 2 cups of black coffee in the afternoon, and a single large meal at 9:30 - 10:00pm. I go to bed feeling absolutely stuffed, and wake up the next morning feeling fantastic. Anyone who frequents the fast food thread knows I love to binge eat, so eating a giant meal until I'm stuffed is great for me. I'd say the only negative thing about it is the amount of coffee I drink, but meh, I enjoy the taste of black coffee.


Got something right about marriage
You should eat more for breakfast than 170 calories (1/4 cup of almonds). You should be eating the yogurt + almonds for breakfast. Try to hit at least 400 calories. Forget protein shakes, you do not need them, you aren't trying to bulk and break through plateaus. You do not need enough protein to justify supplementing your diet with protein shakes. Eat food, it's better for you.

Your diet sounds perfectly reasonable other than that.


Got something right about marriage
Sounds like Crone is doing just fine with what he's been doing, so far. Keep doing what you're doing, and continue to implement small changes into your diet and working out as your lifestyle allows. As long as you continue tracking your food and weight, you'll be able to see what works and what doesn't work and make adjustments.

As for diet, again, what you've been doing is clearly working. If you like eating breakfast, eat breakfast. If you don't like eating breakfast for some reason, skip it and move those calories to lunch. As much as people love to talk using absolutes in this thread, losing weight and getting in shape is always going to be in large part tailored to each individual.
If it works it works, can't deny that. I myself don't usually eat breakfast (because I'm too lazy to get out of bed on time to do so and it's become a bad habit). It's just that typically a person who admittedly has an overeating problem and is overweight is more likely to overeat when they wait til lunch for their first meal of the day so it's not advice I would give.

That whole "eyes were bigger than your stomach" phenomenon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People don't get fat eating watermelon, it just offers no real nutritional benefit. It's pretty much water + sugar.
It's barely any calories and certainly has nutritional value. Idk what you're talking about.

If I was a fat fuck, I'd avoid all fruit honestly, except for maybe avocados.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You should eat more for breakfast than 170 calories (1/4 cup of almonds). You should be eating the yogurt + almonds for breakfast. Try to hit at least 400 calories. Forget protein shakes, you do not need them, you aren't trying to bulk and break through plateaus. You do not need enough protein to justify supplementing your diet with protein shakes. Eat food, it's better for you.

Your diet sounds perfectly reasonable other than that.
That's a good idea, to just have my yogurt + almonds in the morning. I need to figure out more snacks. I was doing low fat cottage cheese, but I felt that had too much fat and sodium. Fruits like apples/bananas have too much sugar, and actually tend to make me hungrier.

I guess I should mention I'm Type 2 diabetic, but given my weight, that's not surprising.

So any suggestions for other healthy snacks that I can have? Like anything, gotta mix it up, and that's why I mix in the fish with the chicken. Chicken all the time can get really tiring. lol


Got something right about marriage
That's a good idea, to just have my yogurt + almonds in the morning. I need to figure out more snacks. I was doing low fat cottage cheese, but I felt that had too much fat and sodium. Fruits like apples/bananas have too much sugar, and actually tend to make me hungrier.

I guess I should mention I'm Type 2 diabetic, but given my weight, that's not surprising.

So any suggestions for other healthy snacks that I can have? Like anything, gotta mix it up, and that's why I mix in the fish with the chicken. Chicken all the time can get really tiring. lol
There is nothing wrong with fat. If you're a diabetic you should be talking to your doctor about good food choices, not the internet.

But anything can be a snack. Anything. Do you like veggies? Roast up some asparagus or brussel sprouts one night with some olive oil or something and snack on those. Avocados, berries, nuts. Snack on Fish or Chicken.

EDIT: When I say "anything" I mean anything that you're eating even during meals that is part of a healthy diet. It doesn't have to be "snack" food to be a snack. Leftovers from dinner last night make a perfect snack too.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Kale chips are my current favorite snack food. They give you that potato chip crunch and saltiness without being so bad for you. Plus you can control how much salt you put on them, if you're concerned about salt intake.


Trakanon Raider
I like raw broccoli/baby carrots and hummus, look for king harvest brand, they have all sorts of flavors. Sundried tomato, roasted pepper and chipotle are the best flavors.


Blackwing Lair Raider
1. Obese people respond differently to sugar than someone fit.
2. Fruit isn't very satiating, so you can find yourself digging into tons of fruit thinking you're being healthy but actually consuming a lot more calories than you should be.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And I agree with Khane - do not avoid dietary fat. Avocados are like my favorite food, as well as whole eggs.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Avocados are great, but they are one of those "healthy" foods that sabotage average people who are trying to get into shape. They hear all the hype about avocados being a "super food" and "healthy" so they think they can eat as much as they want. They go to subway and add several hundred extra calories on to an otherwise reasonably healthy (in terms of calories) sub.

Even though I'm not fat anymore, I'm still pretty careful with avocados and nuts because those are two things that I could literally eat over a thousand calories of them without blinking an eye.


Got something right about marriage
Avocados are great, but they are one of those "healthy" foods that sabotage average people who are trying to get into shape. They hear all the hype about avocados being a "super food" and "healthy" so they think they can eat as much as they want. They go to subway and add several hundred extra calories on to an otherwise reasonably healthy (in terms of calories) sub.

Even though I'm not fat anymore, I'm still pretty careful with avocados and nuts because those are two things that I could literally eat over a thousand calories of them without blinking an eye.
And if you did that you wouldn't be hungry for quite a while because all that fat would sate your hunger very well and for a good portion of the rest of your day. Anyone who gets sabotaged by avocados would get sabotaged by anything that isn't lettuce. Also, healthy subway sub? The bread alone at subway is terrible for you. If you think subway is healthy you've got bigger problems than worrying about eating too much avocado


Silver Knight of the Realm
Creeping into this thread, so I don't continue to derail the Marriage thread. Finally am taking weight loss seriously for probably the first time in my life. I'm 31 years old, 6'6" , and maxed out at 356lbs, and I'm now down to 321. LONG way to go. I'd love to get to 225, and see what happens from there.

I'm tracking my calories, and being more active. It's challenging, and I fully admit I'm addicted to food. I'm not sure if I'll ever break the addiction, but I hope so.
Good for you so far Crone! I lost nearly 50lbs last year, 6'1", 246lbs when I started. Myfitnesspal(which I see you're using) and walking on the treadmill for an hour a day was how I did it. To be honest willpower was much more important. It's easy to just say fuck it and have that cake or pie or gorge on random snacks. Much hard to be dedicated and strong on saying "no" to those extra calories.

My bit of advice is don't worry when you hit a plateau for a week or two. It's not going to be a straight line down from where you were to where you want to go, especially with how much weight you want to lose. It's going to take quite some time and, at least for me, it was frustrating when I didn't see a loss that week. But sticking to it, aka willpower, will keep you losing weight over the long haul.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's a good idea, to just have my yogurt + almonds in the morning. I need to figure out more snacks. I was doing low fat cottage cheese, but I felt that had too much fat and sodium. Fruits like apples/bananas have too much sugar, and actually tend to make me hungrier.

I guess I should mention I'm Type 2 diabetic, but given my weight, that's not surprising.

So any suggestions for other healthy snacks that I can have? Like anything, gotta mix it up, and that's why I mix in the fish with the chicken. Chicken all the time can get really tiring. lol
While I'm sure its processed garbage to some of these purists, besides almonds, and apples and bananas that I love, for snack I've been going through a lot of goldfish, reduced fat cheez-its, and these things called delight bites made by a company called life choice, the cinnamon are my favorite. I like those things as snacks because I find you can get your fill in a serving.

I see a lot of fruit hate in this thread also. Maybe if you're trying to get from 10% to 8% body fat that fruit will make the difference, but I've lost 70 pounds this past year just from change of diet/exercise and one of the changes in that diet is my after dinner snack/dessert is almost always some form of fruit. I guess maybe I could have lost more eating something else? But, I'd have been happy losing 20 pounds, was planning on losing 40-50, and instead lost 70. So for those of us that have a ton of weight to lose, I say don't be afraid to eat fruit.